Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    1) I know I can't, but I can provide enough evidence to make the chances of me NOT being a human close to 0.
    2) I shouldn't really say baseless generalization, as it is a broader term. I should have said baseless statement. In that case, all of your insults are within that category.
    3) Yup, I should have said most.
    And you shouldn't make assumptions about my life. I didn't even know about the existence of the 'god' concept until I was like between the ages of 8 and 10. If we drew our morals from religion, I would have been a completely immoral person until that day. I wasn't.
    Also, if you assume that morals are taken from religion, there would be no social animals. Animals would not be able to form packs and complex hierarchies without the help of some kind of morals. This can be applied to humans, also. We were obviously not mindless savages, constantly killing and eating each other until the day somebody created religion.
    Finally, it is your job to prove that we DO get our morals from religion, not my job to prove that we don't.
  2. Twinbird24

    Twinbird24 Ancient
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    The universe is huge beyond understanding, but that doesn't prove there are other planets and organisms like ours - so your assumption that there is life on other planets somewhere is also just a belief, because there is nothing that proves it right.
  3. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Let's say the bible is these history books. Let's say you don't know a thing about the history books; if it's factual, who wrote it, etc. How can you tell me that the author is real based on the books existence when you know nothing about who wrote it?

    You don't know that God wrote the bible, so you can't use it to say he exists.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Basic logic says leads you to believe that there is.
  5. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Someone hasn't read the logic and god thread.

    He doesn't choose the best possibility because it is the best. He chooses what he chooses because he knows what he will choose. And my point is because he does not choose to do something along his linear path he can't and the reasoning is he cannot break his own omniscience to prove his omnipotence.

    But I never said god had to be all powerful.

    Nitrous is human. Tada.

    I exist; I am imperfect. If I did not exist I could not commit the action causing me to be imperfect. How do you get away claiming the nonexistent is imperfect?
  6. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    Morals, unless drawn by religion, are subjective. I'd just like to point that out, because until a judge or right and wrong comes from outside that specific being, morals could be different from person to person.

    Most atheists [I said most] judge right and wrong by whether their actions would negatively affect another being. This is very good, if you guys didn't come up with something all the religious people would be dead by now....

    This excludes thoughts, God, should he exist, would be the audience to your thoughts. The only Gigantic huge ginormous difference between atheist and religious moral is the mind. To an atheist, the mind is personal, no one knows what you think. Lust is what I am talking about. Almost every atheist I know has a heyday with that stuff every chance they get.

    This is what Jesus was addressing with the pharisees, they acted great on the outside, but they had a dirty mind. The rules God put forth were internal and external:


    Adultery Lust
    Murder Hate

    Those are just examples.

    My point is that most atheists see moral as effects on another, not banishing "sin," if you will. They may seem moral, but what is on the inside?
  7. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Your logic is telling me that until a book is proven written it is false.
    I'm not using the Bible to state God exists, I'm using it to tell more about him.. "STILL DOESN'T COUNT" Just because you've never seen the author doesn't mean they never existed.

    Authors of the Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  8. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    read read read

    That also doesn't mean the author does exist. You think that God wrote the bible; I could go either way. If you want to describe God with the bible, that's fine and dandy, but you still haven't proved if he wrote it or if those other guys were inspired by him. Otherwise, how do you know those descriptions of God are accurate?

    Get what I'm saying?
    #1328 EonsAgo, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  9. Twinbird24

    Twinbird24 Ancient
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    Basic logic tells us that, eh? Could you provide some reasoning for your conclusion. Because as far as I know, there is absolutely no proof of other planets even remotely similar to earth, or organisms like ourselves existing somewhere else in space. We are unique, so is our planet. The creation of our planet and ourselves was planned, look around - the magnificent structures, technology, we are a complicated civilization; we are complicated. And to think all if this happened by chance - I don't think so.

    And about the Bible: I don't believe everything in it is true - most of it is Parables and stories that offer a moral lesson and help us live a humble life. It may not directly prove God's existence but it gives us hope, and gives us faith.
    #1329 Twinbird24, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  10. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    You aren't getting the point. Nobody draws their morals directly from religion. People start with morals, and then people pick and choose those morals from their holy book of choice, and ignore the bad ones. If you don't believe me, go back a bunch of pages and look at the picture I posted, with a list of immoral biblical quotes (as well as a lot of other information). Some of them may be subjective, but many of them are not ambiguous at all. (For example, to mark a slave you should drive an awe through his ear.)

    1) Here's the difference. We can say the chances of me existing are extremely high, given the points I gave before. I'll say there is a 999999999999/1000000000000 chance of me being human. God, on the other hand, is extremely unlikely- I'll say 1/10^1000, given that we have no solid proof.
    It doesn't take much faith to look at the chances and believe that I am a human, but it takes far, far more faith to believe in a god.
    2) I made a graph. I wasn't expecting any kind of outcome at all, more like a scatter of points. The fact that it shows that the religious people in my community generally believe that they are less intelligent is a logical conclusion, given the evidence.
    Seriously, stop throwing insults around, it's childish..
    3) Read my response to Prosper, above. Also, by your logic, before we had religious beliefs and fables, all of humanity were savage beasts, happy to murder, cannibalize, and rape.

    Read up on Drake's Equation. It shows that there must be some other life in the universe.
    You should also do some reading about evolution- it is not driven by chance.
    #1330 RabidZergling, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  11. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    0) A few days after I posted it, I took a bible and looked at about ten of the quotations. Only two or three were in any way ambiguous, the rest were exactly as the picture described them.
    1) Yes, some sense of the word faith has to be used- the difference is that the things you believe in require more faith than we should ever need to apply to something.
    2) I was bored.
    3) There is evidence of our ancestors living in groups.
    4) Evolution is not chance. This has already been explained before. I'm not going to do it again- just look back a bunch of pages and you will find it.
  12. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    The Center

    It has been estimated (Source) that there are 70 sextillion stars in just the universe we can see. That's 7 followed by 22 zeros. Let's see what it looks like: 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Okay now let's say that only .0000000001% of those stars have planets that harbor life. That would mean that there are 7,000,000,000,000(7 trillion planets that have life on them). Just by the sheer vastness of the universe and the unbelievable high number of stars that could be potential homes for habitable planets, it seems very probable. Plus there is a huge logic flaw in a god creating all of that useless mass in the universe. If the only point of the universe is us and our planet, why would god build a mountain on a distant moon orbiting a planet 125 billion light years away from us. Why not just create the solar system? Why not just create the Earth? It is such a self centered view to think that it is all for us, that the entire universe, every distant nebulae, every black hole, is around because god built it all for us. You know we used to think the Earth was at the center of the solar system and the universe until observation through science told us otherwise. You have apparently accepted the physical reality that the Earth is not at the center, but you are still mentally placing us, incorrectly in my opinion, in the center.
  13. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    How can you be the perfect being and not also be the perfect creator? Doesn't being the most (or only) perfect being imply everything you are and do is perfect in every way, shape, and form?
  14. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    1. When did I ever say anything relating to communism other than sharing. In Democracy, the power is in the people. Yes, there is a president, but he or she is voted in. Then we can still impeach him or her. I want to impeach God because if he is our leader, he is doing a poor job.

    2. Thank you for supporting Atheist ideas.

    3. I can do it more than God can. This post shows my existence more than God has ever done. I can show you a picture of me. You can see me. You can hear me. You can smell me. You can touch me.

    4. I said refer to my previous posts, but...

    Then he only perfect at existing, the primary role as a being as you say. You can either exist or not. Be perfect or imperfect. I exist therefore i am perfect at existing. There I am equal to God. That means he is not God. Therefore God does not exist.

    1. Like I said, we can prove our existence. Have faith that his a human. That makes more sense that saying there is a god. One god that cannot be proved (or disproved) versus the practicality of being a human to the other 6.7 Billion.


    3. That still does not prove anything. What about having slaves etc.? i will ignore that if you ignore the morals the Bible supports.

    1. If he can change what he knows and he knows all, then can't he know that he will change what he knows? Then he could already know what he would need to know. Is his knowledge unreliable?

  15. Twinbird24

    Twinbird24 Ancient
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    But there is still no proof that there actually is life on any of those planets. You believe in aliens, I believe in God. And I did not say that the earth is the center of the universe, but it is definitely unique, with a unique civilization that is not apparent anywhere else.
  16. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    But doesn't that say that there is a good chance?

    I know that El Diablo posted about Drake's Equation. Here is a video that shows Carl Sagan explaining it.
  17. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    1. I suppose. I had to read it at school last year. In theory, communism works, but we know it really does not. Marx had a good idea, but it doesn't account for corruption. Well, that's a different topic.

    The idea that I was trying to express is this. Just because a being has all of the power, I should obey? While he lets people die?

    2. Unless I had evidence, I most likely wouldn't believe it. If I did have evidence but I did not know why, I would question it. I could get an answer. God gives me know answers.

    3. Yeah I get it. But can the Bible be used as a historical document? The reason things that happen in that book happen is because they did not know that it could not happen. Jonah was not eaten by a whale.

    Let's say it did happen because I know you believe it did. Why can't an all-powerful god talk to me? I can understand that he wouldn't because I am an unimportant person. In the Bible, there are plenty of stories that claim God talking to people. Why does he not now? If he does, why do we not know? If all of those stories about visiting heaven are true, why do we right them off as liars or nuts? Perhaps, in our time, we know about mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. Back then, it may have been the same thing, except those people believed in magical gods not in medicine. Do you believe that Joan of Arc was told by God to do what she did? She was burned at the stake by Christians. Scholars today believe that Joan of Arc was schizophrenic.

    All of this makes it hard for me to believe that a god or gods exist. You believe not because of this written word, but because I am acknowledging you and others in the same time as you.

    4. Aren't those somewhat limits? You say "what you can do". Please explain.

    1. All of my life I have told God exists. I have evidence of me being a human.

    3. I totally understand what you are saying and agree. We cannot know what the world would be like without religion.
  18. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Eh, that's kind of a lot of planning if you think about the scale of the universe. Then again, he could be planning for alien expansion as well as our own. (Heh, wonder if they believe in God.)

    Hmm, but your actions make up "everything you are". God's creations are a reflection of who he is; for instance, we might signify that he is imperfect. Because if you think about it, what is everything you are?
  19. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I never left :)
    We will never know what the world would be like without religion. That is true. Saying that we don't know if morals come from religion is different than saying we don't know what the world would be like without religion. I have already shown that we don't draw morals from religion.
  20. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Good try but you don't have a firm grasp of the argument. If he changes what he knows then he didn't know what he was going to do after the change prior to the change.

    The English language is a tricky subject to master. If I say I am material, what am I? Not immaterial? No, I'm material. If I say I am immaterial, what am I? Immaterial only tells me I'm not a material but it doesn't do anything for a positive ontology. I am not a basketball player says nothing about the sport I play (though it does limit the options). You are just guessing my sport of choice.
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