Foundry Dodgeball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Tatarak, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. Tatarak

    Tatarak Ancient
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    Map Title: Dodgeball V3
    This map is all about grenades. Scattering the map consists of 16 frags and 16 plasma grenades on each side placed spread along the Foundry Floor. You must use these grenades, as well as your environment (i.e. walls, windows, and any other scenery), to defeat the oposing team.

    Currently there are 2 maps and 1 gametype that i am posting. Dodgeball V2 is identical to V3 except for a few minor changes, therefore I am posting them together.

    Download Dodgeball V3
    Download Dodgeball V2
    Download the Gametype

    The map is loosely based on an old CS map named he_tennis aptly for its many frags littering the ground. This is my take on a non-exact replication of the gametype, but adds a little twist on the old configuration. On the map there are 64 grenades scattered on the floor; 32 frags, 32 plasmas. As an added bonus, on top of the double box in the corner there are 2 spike grenades and 2 incendiary grenades. The map is near perfectly semetrical, and requires you to use all of your surroundings and imagination to find good ways to bounce grenades. The slightly elevated fence allows for quick frag bounces under, and the cieling allows for more accurate frags and plasma grenades to go where you want them to, but the drawback to the small cieling is the self-imposed blindness to the rest of the battlefield.

    Gametype Description:
    The gameplay is very simple and straight forward, but i will list the highlights here. Team Slayer, only Red and Blue. No starting grenades. No grenade regeneration. Swords main weap, no secondary. No shields. Friendly Fire ON. My gametype is roundbased. 3 rounds to 10 kills (based around 2v2 or 3v3 mainly). The main objective is to use your grenades you pick up to kill the oposing team. Simple. As my preference, and since it is usually a rare occurance, I like to add 1 extra point for a stick. Making the total points earned for a successful stick 2. Feel free to play around with the options and find what suits you best. I DO find that it really helps to put a 2-3 second invulnerability onto people just spawning as a spawn trait, it avoids people getting nuked by nade spammers. There are about 8-9 spawnpoints on each side spaced decently, between that and the invulnerability it makes it near impossible to spawn camp (only tested up to 4v4 on that)

    Version 3 Highlights:
    Version 3 to my knowledge is uncheatable in the fact that you CAN NOT get to some place where a.) you are unreachable and unable to be hurt, or b.) you can be on the wrong side of the court, making it easy for you to pick people off in an unfair way. If you guys notice a way to do either, plz let me know. Version 3 sports a nice "barbed wire" approach to keeping people from crossing the center fence on one anothers' heads, or with the use of the deployable cover. Anyone attempting to cross the middle fence will find themselves instantly in a killzone. The Side walls are interlocked (though im not quite pro at that :p) and are 2 levels high, impeding any attempts to again, use allies or equipment to gain an unfair advantage or take the fun away from the game.

    Version 2 Highlights:
    Version 2 is almost identical to V3, but does stand out a bit on its own. The only major difference is the ability to throw grenades slightly more parallel to the ground, due to the absence of the teleporters. It does add a small difference, but not much of one. I figured anyone who dislikes the teleporter aspect already has the map at hand, rather than needing to clear them out on your own.

    Image Section:

    Side 1​


    Side 2​


    "The Net"​


    The Cieling​


    Goodies on Top of the Double Boxes ​


    Me Realizing a fatal flaw in my project XD​


    A trip mine spawns in the corner opposite the double box.​


    Me Fixing my Fatal Flaw, lol​


    Deathpit! (where you go when you try to cheat :p)​


    My "pro" interlocking.​


    And for good measure ... 1 "action" shot.​

    I find this gametype to be extremely fun for a minigame, for practicing your grenade work, or just something to mess around in even when you're just bored. I've never had more than 8 people on this map, but it really seems to shine 3v3 or 4v4. 2v2 is doable, but can be slow at times. Although it has a very easy learning curve, it can definitely maintain your interest. I've had friends of all kinds play this gametype and just die laughing because it's just a blast.

    This is my first post on Forgehub, been a lurker for a while. I hope to get any constructive criticism i can take, and hope you guys enjoy my map!

    Thanks to all in advance,

    Links one more time:

    Download Dodgeball V3
    Download Dodgeball V2
    Download the Gametype
    #1 Tatarak, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  2. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I found this post bit humorous, not for the map, but your whole deal with the "1 action shot" and "me FIXING the flaw". You me to lawl for a second there.
    But about the map, completely unoriginal, nothing unique about it. Someone could easily grenade jump or tip-mine jump over the net. You might want to consider floating a layer of horizontal shield doors about a half-box width about "the net" The would alter gameplay hugely.
  3. Tatarak

    Tatarak Ancient
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    Although the idea and most of the tactics used are unoriginal yes, i will agree. I even stated that it's pretty much based off an old Counterstike map i used to play. I know nothing forged is completely original or "wowing" either, but the entire map is made to be functional for the minigame's purpose. I haven't seen this gametype around (maybe im just way too late? idk)
    The gametype is meant to be played with no shields as well, making grenade jumping or trip-mine jumping quite impossible, not to mention the fence is raised more than just barely. Without the teleporters you can just barely make the top of the fence, with them, even if you do make it ... you're dead.

    also ... do you mean put them around the net to block certain grenade paths? I just dont fully understand what you mean I suppose. Can you possibly clarify?
    #3 Tatarak, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  4. Hazza412

    Hazza412 Ancient
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    Actually, I think he means to put a layer of shield doors inline with the net, so that when you throw grenades into it they bounce off in a different dirrection, meaning the other team will have to watch above them aswell. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

    Now, onto the map, I agree that it's not very original- I've seen loads of Dodgeball type games...However, there are a few things I havn't seen before - These are 'The Net' and The gap between the floor and the fence walls, I think that these are both good addons, as they will increase the amount of risk in the gameplay for both teams, which is really good, so well done.

    As for breaking the map, I think, you could probably buddy jump, using a tripmine, to get over those walls on either side of the court, but I don't know, as I havn't actually played it, but, all in all, it looks real good. Keep it up!
  5. Tatarak

    Tatarak Ancient
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    Well thanks for the feedback. It's much appreciated. The only real way ive considered someone can get over the net is by throwing a deployable cover and then buddy jumping from there ... easy fix though would be just removing the cover. Like i said earlier though, grenade jumping and mine jumping just result in death, at least in my gametype. And honestly if need be, i can add a 3rd level by merging boxes, but i just didnt think anyone could reach lol.

    I could see how adding the shield barriers to the fence might make it really interesting if you misthrow a grenade lol, so that might be something to look into. That or even possibly covering the cieling with the shields. Not sure. I'd considered building a platform for like a second level balcony along the back wall at one time, but wrote it off as making the person too vulnerable and doubted anyone would bother, although maybe a 3 minute timer having a balcony spawn with a sniper rifle for each team might make it interesting as well.
    #5 Tatarak, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  6. Hazza412

    Hazza412 Ancient
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    Hmmm, not sure about the sniper, but adding a timed balcony doesn't sound to bad (Maybe you could add a shield draining weapon instead?), I might have missed it, but, how long is each round/game?

    And, to go with escaping the map, there is a jump that you can use a corner for, and jst keep jumping. But, I can't remember the name of it, (And I used to be in HLG =/ ). I think you might be able to use that to get out, however, I don't think-If you had people actually wanting to play on the map, I don't think to many people will want to get out of the map that desperately, (Unless you like getting out of maps to annoy people.)(That's what I do when my friends and me go on maps I don't want to be on. xD).

    At the moment, I'm on holiday, and will be for another four days, but, if you wanted me to, I could help you patch the map a bit/help out with ideas, over Live, if you wanted me to do that. Send me a friend request if so, GT - DEVILDESH
    (Don't ask [Me and my friends decided to have a laugh.].)

    So, yeah, just reply, I don't mind whether you want to send me a PM or just post here, the only problem posting on your map about other stuff might be bordering on spam, and we don't want that. =]

    P.S I don't always post this long, lol, I just have excess finger energy today. xD
  7. Tatarak

    Tatarak Ancient
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    All of that info is in the description ... i know it's a lot to really sift through in a short span. For reference though ... 3 rounds of 10 kills. 4v4 probably wouldnt reach the 3 minute mark too often, but it might idk. The corner where you can keep jumping im pretty sure i blocked with the corner wall piece. But I'll probably send you a message, I'm very open to help lol. Only been forging for a few weeks now honestly.
  8. chesney1995

    chesney1995 Ancient
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    I LOVE HLG. Especially the time you guys escaped Grifball and broke the map, I LOLed so hard.

    Back on topic, The map is pretty good and almost uncheatable, you might want to highten the gravity maybe?
  9. Hazza412

    Hazza412 Ancient
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    Well, I'll be sure to help out with pretty much anything, (Aslong as it's not extensive geomerging. =P )And no, it probably wouldn't reach that time limit usually, but if people wanted to drag out the game so they could get on the balcony, I'm sure they could.

    And, I just noticed one more thing - In the pictures, that double box in the corner, is it possible to get imbetween the map's wall and the box itself, because if it is, it'd be quite hard to kill the other team if they were all doing that. (I say this mainly because I can help with geomerging the box into the wall if need be.)

    And, just for the record, I've been forging for quite a while, even though i've only three maps posted on forgehub. (In my sig if you want to see them.) But I have almost a full fileshare, and definately a full hardrive of my maps.

    Though, seeing as my Halo 3 disk has been playing up a bit lately, (Before I came on holiday.) I've been finding hard to get on forge, so I havn't done much forging lately, but if I can get it to work (I'm pretty sure I can.) As I said before, i'll help you with what I can. =]

    Sorry for the long post again. >.<

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