Hey guys. This is my second map posted and my first one on Sandbox. It's a small, symmetrical MLG map for teams of up to 3 and FFA's, as well as MLG Oddball and MLG CTF. Two identical bases face each other across the center of the map, with custom spawning directly in the center of the map. On either side of custom are two good size obstacle for some good cover. At one end of the map is the sniper tower. You can get to the top by using the ramps or the jump ups from snipe 1. At the opposite end is mauler tower (purple tower) which has 3 levels as well, although a bit shorter. This is the third version, might be making a fourth depending on the comments I get. My gamertag is now Peridoxik (no longer IVIastique), in case your wondering. Send any messages or friend requests to me there. Weapons 2x BR 4x Carbine 1x Mauler 1x Sniper 4x Frag 4x Plasma 1x Custom Blue Base Red Base Mauler/Purple Tower Sniper Tower Snipe Spawn Custom Map Overview Floating in the Background DOWNLOAD Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
This is a little bit small looking for an MLG map. Also you need more cover around the map. Good start though!
agreed the layout is good but you need a larger middle area, with more cover and maybe a more extensive middle feature. but really good start.
yeah i agree, BUT this is a good all grenades map, well maybe not so much i could use some more cover in the middle. maybe some more stones in the middle.. oh and idk about CTF cuz its a bit small game would last way too short or way too long if ppl. keep killing ppl. (you know) buy i like i will DL for sure. hope you dont mind i might do some changes, if its goon enough and i post it, ill give you more than half the credit. is that cool w/ you?? .. OH and love the MLG stone symbol in the air!
hi, i think its a little bit too open for a MLG map. i also think that its a little bit too small. the interlocing is very nice i think if you would make to map a little bit bigger it will be a good map.
Hey guys. took some of your ideas to heart and fixed up the map. i haven't yet changed the pictures and i think its a little late for that so I might need a new post. And when I say MLG i just mean that it uses only mlg weapons and settings. I made this specifically for 2v2's actually. -IVIastique