Jail Cell Lieutenant Duck Why: I just wanted to get this cool little interlocking trick out there to people who want to use it and were wondering how to do it properly. How To: Step 1: Create a straight line of boxes to use to line up the 'scaffolding' nice and evenly. Scaffolding support bars is what makes up the jail cell. Step 2: space them apart as desired, have 2 scaffoldings with a gap in between them and then interlock another scaffolding right in between them. Step 3: Create the surroundings to the Jail cell. Note: If requested I can get step by step pictures for you to follow. Just send me a private message. Download Link: here Some Pictures: Outside: Inside: You may download this map here to delete the surroundings and see how its done. Please rate and comment!
i dont really see the point of a map like this, cuz it really isnt hard to figure out how to do it, and people have been doing it forever
Sorry but there was not much of a point in even posting this. A majority of people know how to do this. Plus this won't be used very often in maps only if it is like cops and robbers or something along the lines of that. I actually might get some ideas for making a map around this so I'm not saying it was completely pointless but this was posted just to show how to make it, which a majority of people already know how. I'm glad you tried to help out the community some though =).
Well im glad some people somewhat appreciate it. Thanks for the 300ish views for like 20 minutes of forge time =) Your welcome to people who didn't know how to do this, and thank you spammers who posted on this just to say that its pointless.
Lol, I like the idea, this could be a really awsome jail cell for a Cops & Robbers map. I'm going to use this in one of my maps.
i just wanted to let everyone know the proper way to do this. Set up your brace for the first scaffolding. Make sure it is braced on 2 sides. When you interlock the rest of the scaffoldings, you measure the spacing between them by the width of one Stone Bridge piece. in my opinion this achieves the optimum spacing between the abrs to give the proper aesthetic, and also prevents players from being able to jump on / thru the middle bar. The bars in the pic you provided are spaced too far apart. I guess technically it could work either way as i dont know for a fact that players can get thru your bars or not. But when i first created the jail bars, I found that stone bridge was the best spacing. when it was wider i was able to jump onto the middle horizontal bar and squeeze thru the gap. Hope that helps everyone =)
its nice you want to help people but most people know very well how to interlock over here instead of making a sort of help map could you make a real map of this like (just suggesting right). a zombie in the jail make that the cops spawn in front of the jail so they see eachother then they must go out the jail or maybe just a large building and then in like 20 seconds or 30 there spawns something which the zomby can get out and kill them .
There isn't really a point to this map, since this has actually already been in alot of maps.... so it's nothing new.
i dont see the use of this you couldnt even use this as a cell in cops and robbers unless it had an opening door hmmmm.. i might be on to something [quickly runs out of room]
Guys you shlouldnt say this isnt helpful and that lots of people know how to do it. I for one didnt know how and now I do, who knows maybe someone who didnt know will use this in the map of the century. SO never tell someone not to help others, its just wrong. nice job man and thanks
very gd if u hav a step by step guide tho can i suggest posting it surely it will be easier 4 u and every1 else. Also then mayb u wouldnt get so many this is pointless comments. I will use this in my maps tho thanks