Need help naming your map?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by What's A Scope?, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    hey thanks i think im going to use city of light sorry right side
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Glad you found what you need.

    More for Kibbles

    Spank the Monkey (lol?)
    Catch the Magic Dragon (lol???)

    Matter Splatter
    Road Rage
  3. Guardion07

    Guardion07 Ancient
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    I was messing around with the pit and thought of a good infection map. Currently in making but I know what it will look like when finished.

    Map Style: Zombie/ Casual
    Map Name Preferences: none
    Map quality named after: Zombie Town
    Map Name Meaning: Survival
    Map Description: Start out with only magnum, must venture out to find supplies. You start in sword room and barrier are set up. Supplies never respawn, realisticly.

    My original name for this was; The Last Stand, based on the popular flash game.
  4. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Okay. I've got another game that is defferent than most. The objective is to use your hornet to pick up your VIP and bring him to the checkpoint in the sky. The catch is there are g-hammer and plasma pistol wielding, super fast and high jumping people trying to stop you.

    Additional information:
    The VIP starts with a ghost, is really tough, but his shields decay, making is a test of time. The humans are really weak, one hit with the grav hammer KO. The strategy would be to clear a landing, than let the VIP get on. All colors, and other themes of the game are negotiable, think of something original.

    The problem i have is deciding what to call the map AND the gametype, because the 'on' screws things up. I was thinking of 'Hop on the hornet' - that uses 'on' but is super lame.

    Some of my ideas:
    Hold on - Sandtrap
    Ge on da her nit.
    Landing Zone on Sandtrap

    Early screens:
  5. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Iv got a few good names:

    Burnt Blood "note im using this one for my nxt map"
    Blood Dune
    Sands of Sorrow
    Desolated "way better than deserted lol"

    Iv got alot more lol just pm me and tell me what your map incompases and i will probably find a name you will like.
  6. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    These seem to be sorta like, competitive map names, i was thinking something more, casual and easy going. It doesn't need to be a one word name, and take into consideration that i'm naming the map and game. And i really cant expand on what i said earlier.

    I'm going to bed, i'll reply tuesday.
    #206 Seaboro Kibbles, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  7. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Seaboro Kibbles

    SkyLift on the Dunes

    I really like the gametype name, but the map could be whatever. Other possible names:

    SkyLift on the Riverbed
    SkyLift on the Valley
    SkyLift on ???
    #207 Sotha Sil156, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  8. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Sorry Scope i've turned a blind eye to this and my bad.
    heres a fresh new list of names that would be so win its not even funny...
    • Stagnant
    • Noxious
    • Particle
    • Distraught
    • Apathy
    • Abomination
    • Addle
    • Lift-gate
    • Tantalation
    Hope those make up for my absence.
  9. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Skylift.. hmm.. thats epic. Something missing...

    Hey! SkyRide! That's It! The Gametype is solved! I could name the map something random. Pooper-skooper for all I care. Nah, it would have to be something semi-serious... I wonder... Maybe a name of a dessert or something...
  10. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Any more specifics or map details?
  11. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    SkyRide on Sand Land, thats great! There really isn't much to the map that would affect the name, it has this strange way of supporting the unique VIP game, but is very unseen in gameplay. Thanks for the name!
  12. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    No problem. Post here if you decide you dislike it or want a name for something else.
  13. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    This is for a gametype, not a map.

    Map Style: I am attempting to make a super tactical, squad-based game.

    Map Name Preferences: Something that has to do with spies, or agents (Note: Agents was made months after I started working on the idea.). Here is a list of a few names I selected from I would like to hear any other names you can think up, or which from the list you prefer most.
    Map Quality Named After: Secret Agents!

    Map Description: I started working on the gametype many months ago, when Halo 3: RECON was first announced. I wanted to make an ODST-themed game. It has undergone many revisions and retries. If anyone cares to hear the whole story, read the spoiler. It's a long one.
    Over the past few months, I've been working on several different ideas for an ODST game.

    In the beginning, I made a team slayer game modeled after the front-page article about HALO 3: RECON in Game Informer, which I eventually got pretty close to the traits described. I used those traits for the ODST squad in all of my following attempts to create an Objective-based ODST game.

    My first attempt was on Sandtrap, which I actually started on a few days before I joined the group. It started out as an Assault gametype, in which the attacking team of four started out in the crashed Albatross and had to take the bomb to the defending base and plant the bomb next to the crowbar in the large structure on the opposite side of the map, picking up weapons along the way, which all had random spawns. It was rather close to the Search and Destroy game of COD: everyone had one life, it was meant to be incredibly tactical. The Attacking team was stronger than the Defending team, considering the fact that there was always going to be a 1:2 (at least) ratio between them; the Defending team's traits would be used for the non-ODST team my following attempts. This didn't work at all though, mainly do to the fact that the attacking team needed different traits and the only way to do that was with Custom Powerups, which can only last for 1.5 minutes, and the rounds were 3 minutes for the random weapon spawns.

    To fix the problems with the traits, I changed the gametype to VIP, with the VIP team as the ODST squad, and the non-VIP team as the Covenant. The VIP team had to infiltrate the base to reach the first destination (in the same spot as the bomb plant point) and make it back to their Albatross (spawn area), because the game was too short with only one destination. The game would have to be started several times though, due to the fact that colors have no effect on which team is the VIP team (it's random) and the teams were uneven, before the team of 4 spawned as the VIP team. After attempting to test it several times (none of which worked because people didn't know what to do), I was able to get 1 good test in. I thought it worked rather well, a really tactical, squad-based game where you have to stick together if you are to win, but other people didn't like the fact that you only had 1 life.

    I was fine with the non-ODST team having the same traits in all of their lives (approx. 3), but I wanted the ODST team to have only the ODST traits in their first life. So I experimented with the VIP Proximity, the downfall of the Shock (the Sandbox VIP game). I wanted the VIP team to have to be near their VIP to have the ODST traits, so I made them be (weaker) regular infantry when they are away from the VIP (meant to be when they respawned), and be ODST's when near their VIP (their first life). The problem was mainly that the addition of proximity traits made the game so complicated that it was physically impossible for other people to play it as I intended, simply do to the fact that they couldn't understand what they were doing; also, the hilly terrain of Sand Trap made it so that they had to be right next to their VIP if they were to keep their traits (The VIP's influence radius is a ring around him, not a sphere). Also, since they had multiple lives, when the VIP died after reaching the first destination, the new VIP would spawn too close to the second destination. Sand Trap also just had a bad flow for the game.

    During this time, I experimented with a territories version of the map, but for the ODST team to have different traits, there had to be giant territories covering the entire map that the defenders didn't spawn in, so the attackers could capture them at the beginning of the game and gain their new traits, just like in Valley of the Beasts. I was unable to do this very well though, and gave up on the territories idea. My friend DeathToll77, however, saw the potential in it, and after a few key changes, made an ODST-themed territories game with me in which there were a few large territories that took a long time to capture and each contained sub-bases (cover and some weapons) for the team defending them to capture the territory. This was one-sided, with each team having the same traits, save for how they respawned: the Attackers (ODST's) dropped down from high in the sky directly into the territories (like ODST's would) and the Defenders respawned on the ground, around the map itself. This game played pretty well for a beta with a huge amount of players, and the drop-in respawn mechanic led to some interesting battles, but we never finished it. (This idea is currently being remade on Valhalla.)


    A little over a week ago, I decided to try to reimagine the original idea on Ghost Town. After three hours of forging, I had made a (sloppily) map that was meant to be an even more destroyed Ghost Town with random weapons similar to the first game. The ODST team spawned in the cave and the non-ODST team in the defender's base. The first version of the gametype, which was still VIP, had multiple lives and used respawn settings to make the VIP team have the same traits as the non-VIP team when they respawned. They had to make it to the defender's base and back to the cave to win (2 destinations again), but the game was too confusing and had the same problem with the VIP respawning to cheat-reach the second destination. The second version of the gametype was Assault, which used custom powerups to give the ODST's their traits. It still had the problem of being too complicated and the fact that the custom powerups only last for half of the round.

    A couple days ago, I decided that the goal point was never going to work like I had hoped, so I took it out of gameplay, and borrowed several aspects from Time Glitch's and American10's Agents game, such as the scoring system and that it is played with even teams. I still kept most all of the teams' traits from my old versions of the game, except now the goal of the game was to kill and or protect the VIP (exact same traits as the ODST team / proximity traits of Shock). In term's of power (damage restistance / modifier), the teams are VIP Team (not in proximity) < Attackers < VIP / VIP team (in proximity). I was able to test this game yersterday, and it worked pretty well other than balance between the teams. So I need to fix the attacker team's traits to make the game more balannced. I am also developing a team slayer version of this gametype, which has yet to be tested.
  14. Ghost717

    Ghost717 Ancient
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    Map style: Aesthetic with brute-related structures
    Map Name preferences:
    Map Quality named after: spires, low buildings
    Map name meaning: strong and tough
    Map description: Brute related buildings and vehicles.
  15. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Map style: Enclosed, unique aesthetics, tunnels.... ect. Competative 2v2 to 5v5.

    Map Name preferences:

    Map Quality named after:

    Map name meaning: Mysterious, tight (like close together, not the slang use of the word haha), brutal.

    Map description: Totally enclosed map with close quarter combat and long ranges of sight. Underground, giving a somewhat hellish feel.

    Also this is my first enclosed map (and my first sandbox map) so I want to try to make people know that I can make any legit map. Therefore, the name is really important to me.
    #215 Urban Myth, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    How about "Tactical Strike"? It's not massively original I know, but it kinda fits the bill with the whole strategic, agent type theme, and also fits well as a gametype name because when you combine it with a map the whole thing in the customs lobby will read "Tactical Strike on....", and I always like gametype/map names which use the 'on' effectively.
  17. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Brute-related names...:
    Carnal, Ogreous (Ogre-ous), Savage, Bloodlust, Gruff, Pitiless, Bestial​ possibly be pared with spire-related names:
    Blade, Apex, Spear, Summit, Zenith, Point​

    I personally like:
    Carnal Blade/Spear, Ogreous Blade,​

    Savage Summit, Pitiless Point​
  18. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Yes... That might just be crazy enough to work! I also have always liked the This on That titles that go together, especially Help's on the Way, Right?. That's just brilliant. I could name all of the maps to be bases or the such. Tactical Strike on Strategic Target.
  19. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I think that gametype name will fit well.

    I suppose you will name the maps accordingly. Do you already have a map that is set up for your gametype?


    There's a few that are brute-like.
  20. Pluvialis Aquila

    Senior Member

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    Here are a few names I thought of:


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