BY JAKOB HUNTER video showing the map in action: HERE Story the story behind what the heck you are doing. Basicly the UNSC found this strange array of Guardian towers that where run down and not working. So with supplys sent from TRAXUS they were able to fix the towers and opperate them. They also made a wall surrounding the middle which is full of parts left over from the construction left there for now because one tower was incomplete. But before the UNSC had time to finish the whole thing they were attacked by the covenant luckily it was just a small ground troop who did no harm and where captured and put in the middle of the towers but they are trying to escape and called in a capital ship to come and pick them up in five minutes. They each had a needler and found some rockets lying around. The rockets they used to blind the towers to stay aqlive and wait for the ship to arrive. Unfortunatly a UNSC longsword bomber arrived along with a helicopter gunship. Gameplay: the gameplay goes along with the story if you are a human try and stay alive for five minutes and wait for the ship to arrive. You use rockets to blind the towers for about half a second and needlers to just play around with. After a short time more cover will spawn and the longsword will have to drop its load because of the energy from the covenant ship coming in bounds. The longswords load is a scorpion tank which is great cover but no so good to drive. Because there was only one man on duty working the towers at the time only one tower can shoot at a time, however after some time and as more humans die more men will help him opperate the towers and to give signals to fire the longsword and helicopter. After a long battle one ship captain will arive who has very strong shields and runs alot faster making him very hard to kill. And after the ship is half way there its shadow will be cast upon the field and some strange forunner shields will rise becuase of all the energy coming from the ship these give the humans more cover. Gametype: Well in the gametype the humans have i think two times overshields aand some extra health they also can run 150% faster but have 200% gravity so they dont get out. The last man standing has more extra health and three times overshield and runs 200% faster. The zombies can only jump 200% gravity like the humans so they dont accadently hit the death barrior in the longsword bomber. They also have 90% damage and are invinsable so they dont accadently kill themselves. They zombies start with spartan lazers and can find UNSC weapons and some covie weapons and sentinal beams found in the towers. PICTURES!! Where the zombies spawn at first inside the zombie tower control hub. inside the longsword and how to fire in it Longsword firing inside a guardian tower preparing to fire the guardian tower Fire!!! inside the helicopter Fire the copter Veiw from afar View from above after effects spawn and shield doors dropping off the tank more of the map Download Map HERE Download Gametype HERE A thanks to NyX for helping me alot with the map and providing me with some creative ideas for it. Thankyou for all who helped test the map and thanks to Tenacious Dalton for making the video and helping alittle with the map and Thankyou for viewing!!! More pics in my next post................
Has a good story, also has potential. But from what I see from the pictures, it almost seems impossible for the zombies to do anything? The bases etc.. look ok, It's just the 2nd pic. No one will really like the armory. It has +'s, but no DL for me today. If you make a V2, I highly recommending taking out some of the un-needed items. 3/5. Just note to your self, I wasnt ranting. Just trying to help is all.
More pictures RANDOM PICS OF THE MAP .......... and the last thing you will see when killed by the longsword And the creator of this map: JAKOB HUNTER
oh it is alright i know you were not ranting but one a few thingsto let you know: the game is where the zombies are in the towers shooting at the humans and the humans need to stay alive the zombies cant get out onto the ground second thing this is if there was no armory how would the zombies get weapons? this map is not a normal infection map just clearing those things out but thanks for the honest opinion.