Here are the latest, tell me what you think! Fog Warrior of Dark ^The Warrior of Dark screenshot looks a tad different than looking at it on my fileshare on the xbox, but its still ok.
I think you may have added a computer effect on the second one, because i have seen that computer generated effect on the program HP image zone. Tell me if im wrong, because i would hate to make a false accusation. both of them are cool, 4/5
Nope no computer modifications what so ever. You can even check my fileshare. Im not smart enough to add computer effects to my screenshots. Lol
3 things. 1. Its not modded. 2. Your fileshare isnt reachable by that link, please repost the link. 3. Theyre ok, a bit bland.
I didn't mean modded as in an xbox term, modification simply means altering it so I meant that it wasn't changed. (If you already understood what I meant, and I'm the one who misunderstood then disregard that last sentece.) I will fix that link, thank you for pointing that out to me. I wanted to take some decent screenshots without really ellaborate effects with long processes to get the effect. Anyways is there anything you think I could work on in these? or that you would like to see different? Edit: I fixed the link to my fileshare.