Point of prowlers?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by THE SPEC1NAT0R, Apr 24, 2009.


    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    The prowler is a slow moving 4 man vehicle. What is the point of it? Not many people use it. The one advantage it has is great anti-flip handling and rides right over bumps. The turret is terrible. It does very little damage and requires lots of leading. When it has 4 people in it, it becomes a moving quadruple kill and the side people have very little cover. The driver has little cover to. Why would anyone want this vehicle?
  2. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    ...The turret does plenty of damage, you just have to get close, I've driven someone to a killing frenzy on the prowler, it's not slow either, it just feels slow. It's actually not that much slower than the warthog. It does require a lot of leading at longer ranges, but it's not meant for that either, why else do you think the bumper is so powerful?
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Also, it's practically an instant splatter if you hit someone.
  4. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Yes its excellent for splatters and its meant to be a team support vehicle. You know there is something called strategy in which teammates work together and dont just go off on their own killing sprees :/
  5. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    I could be wrong, but I also think that it is not possible to blow up a prowler with a chopper boost. In writing it seems like there are a lot of advantages to the prowler, but I never use it.....ever.
  6. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    well, lets look at the pros and cons:

    -large carrying capacity
    -un-splatterable by chopper
    -high damage with turret in close quarters
    -driver is only hittable from the sides

    -is not really fast
    -if splazered/rocketed, it can turn into an instant overkill
    -difficult to shoot when on sides
    -no cover on sides(though the warthog shares this)
    -only useful at AR range
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    It's main purpose was to replace the Specter from Halo 2, which was actually more "useless" than the Prowler. The prowler made a far better campaign vehicle than the specter, therefore they used it. Now if they did not include the prowler in multiplayer after using it in campaign, imagine how many complaints in the opposite direction there will be?
  8. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    The Prowler is kind of useless. I think Bungie made a mistake putting such a steep learning curve on a two man vehicle. Look at any given team of 6-8 players and it's unlikely that you'll find even a single person who feels comfortable using the prowler. It's even more unlikely that you'll be able to find two people capable of handling the vehicle.

    Plus you hardly ever see the Prowler. It's asking a lot of the player to spend his time, in game, experimenting with something so unintuitive when there's no real reward for their investment. Considering how rare it is in matchmaking, there's no incentive to master the thing.

    In Forge though, if you've got a map that calls for a vehicle, but a Warthog seems too powerful, the Prowler might be a good option.
    #8 BattyMan, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009
  9. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
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    Actually, I think the prowler is good because the gunner's entire body is covered by the vehicle. A tiny part of the chest + head sticks out, so its much harder to be BR'ed or sniped off. Just my two cents.
  10. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i think the prowler could be improved by making it faster, but other than that i have no isues using it to ruin my enemies day :)
    i have a few CTF maps that actualy use the prowler, because you can carry your whole team(in this game type the teams are teams of 4 as in alot of off-line games are.)
  11. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    It's actually pretty fun to no-scope off of. Ride on the side of someones prowler and you can get some nice shots. ;)
  12. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    These are all right, but the pro of only being shot by the sides as the driver is kind of a con compared to how a warthog driver can only be shot easily from the driver side seat gap. Also, a prowler driver can be headshotted from behind (easier when they play as a Spartan), and if a Prowler is stuck by a plasma nade, that's it. Instant kill. And don't think getting out'll savwe you, it takes about 2 seconds to get out of the turret ring. So Warthog>Prowler in most situations.
  13. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    You can blow it up with a chopper, but it has to be a really direct hit.
  14. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Actually I think that I've splattered a Prowler with a Chopper before, I could be mistaken, but I remember getting in one at the beginning of a game on Sandtrap, and I got a double kill splatter on a Warthog, yes, that's right, Prowlers can splatter Warthogs.
  15. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    If there is a prowler on a map I always go for it over the warthog, but of course, no-one gets in. Still good to get from A to B. And I like that the Prowler can strafe (in arcs), and it seems to have better turret maneuverability.
  16. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    I agree, when Dthen is driving me in a Prowler, I feel like I can shoot anywhere, for some reason it just feels like there is nowhere that you can't have your Prowler turret facing even though it can probably face everywhere that the Warthog turret can and nothing more, and turning, seems to be a bit faster too.
  17. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    it seems that you can turn a bit faster in the prowler turret. i use the prowler mainly for carrying my whole team(or most of it), or for the level's jumps. the prowler can "ride" on the wind it seems. the prowler's little fin things that people ride on shoot outward when you go off a big jump.

    (to test the jump thing go off the biggest dune on sand trap with one.)
  18. HaterSkater15

    HaterSkater15 Ancient
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    I've driven the prowler before, it's a pretty fun vehicle to drive. I would have to say it's better than the warthog. The highest amount of splatters I had in game with the prowler was 2-3 splatters.

    For wheel men, I think I may have had only about 4-5 whell men from the prowler, so it is a little under used. I usually just go for splatters instead of wheel men since I never have someone on the turret or I just feel like.

    I think the prowler is one of the best vehicles in halo 3.
  19. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i got a triple-kill splater on sandbox with the prowler, the enemy was in a warthog(2), then another person was trying to board the driver(1).
  20. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I don't see much difference in a prowler and the warthog. They both travel at the same speed, the prowler seems slower because of how it travels and how big it is. However a huge advantage of using the prowler, as a driver, is getting plenty of splatters. Basically the prower is a version of a chopper just with 3 extra seats, a gunner and two seats on the side. The people on the side are very vulnerable for attack. The only way to take cover is to have the driver turn to the other side or simply jumping out and running. There have been games where I have chosen the prowler over the warthog. Basically when I know that the area I will be fighting in is not too big and there are a lot of vehicles, I will chose the prowler. Mainly because of all the vehicles you can splatter and the vehicles aren't too far away so that they can not drive away from the range of the powerful turret on the back.

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