2012:-End- V 1.1 Download- 2012:-End- V1.1 Download- Last Stand V1.1 2012: -End- Is the third map in my "2012" Series. Humans must hold zombies off from within the base for as long as possible. Zombies are trapped in their spawn area for 30 seconds, giving humans time to prepare for the inevitable. Death. This is the updated version of the map. I have made some minor adjustments to weapons, aesthetics, and so on. It must be used with "Last Stand V1.1" Infection Game Type. The updated version of "The Last Stand". So time to explain the zombies. These Guys. They look nice enough but they'll bite your head off. (Literally.) Normal Zombies have no shields, not like it matters. They have 2000% Resistance, at this point I imagine most of you push backspace and look for a different map. But normal zombies aren't resistant to head shots, so as long as you shoot for the head you should be fine. Alphas zombies are another story entirely. They have only 1000% resistance, but have a normal non-recharging shield. Unlike Normal zombies they ARE resistant to head shots. Both Alphas and normal zombies move at 150% speed and have 150% gravity. The alphas dish out 300% damage, the normal zombies only 200% damage. Oh, and they can't pick up weapons, grenades, or equipment. I couldn't screw up the humans that badly could I? Well I could, but that would kill the gametype and map. Also Both zombies have ally only motion trackers. They start here. They're trapped for a little while but the wait is worth it. BRAINS!!! At 30 seconds they can escape through here. They must make their way through the entrance tunnel to the base. Hmm... Wonder who the dead bodies are... Which leads me to the humans. Yes You! You have normal shields, but they're pretty much worthless with the damage the zombies dish out. But it'll give you a few more milliseconds of life anyway. You move at 150% speed with 100% gravity. You dish out just as much damage as the normal zombies (200% for those of you who forgot.) But you're resistance is pathetic, only 200%. As for your head shot capability when you spawn... Nothing. Unless you can mystically head shot with an Energy Sword. Thankfully there are weapons with scopes on the map. In the new version humans are given a plasma pistol to help with the stripping of Alphas' shield, so they aren't as difficult to deal with. Also the SMG has been replaced with an energy, to assist in damage output. As for the Last Man Standing. He gets a boost in strength (300%), speed (200%), and he gets Zombie Camo. I.E. He gets zombie coloring for his armor color. Which is very effective in keeping him alive longer. Since zombies have no enemy motion trackers, and last man has no indicator over his head. Unless you decide to go around shooting zombies with a gun that can't head shot. In which case that Zombie Camo. Ain't gonna do anything. You spawn in the barracks. Two to a room, a little cramped but you won't be here long, so it's not like it matters. There are several hidden weapons/equipment here, but what fun would it be if I revealed their locations. After a while of playing I discovered that people would be unsporting and hide in the barracks for the duration of the round. To prevent unfair playing like this, I have implemented a system of man cannons that will; for anyone still in the barracks; propel them into the teleporter and into the base. These appear at 45 seconds, 15 seconds after the zombies are freed. Giving you plenty of time to find the hidden weapons. I have also put in a secret teleporter in the barracks that will lead you to a secret armory filled with high ammunition weapons. So that I don't have anyone complaining about it. My hint is the teleporter is hidden on the side, opposite the teleporter. Once you leave there is no returning so you'd better grab what you want first. When you finally go to the base you are on the top floor. The stronghold. From here you have access to either the armory. This place has lots of goodies. From shotguns to needlers, and pretty much everything in between. But the most valuable weapon is the Battle rifle, since it can head shot. There are a few hidden weapons but nothing that you can't go without. I have added a few more weapons with head shot capabilities as the battle rifle and snipers, proved to be not enough. With the addition of a few new weapons, I have lowered the overall ammo, of every weapon, as to make people conserve their ammo. Instead of spamming bullets every where, and not even having to aim as many people who played on my map did. Or you can head to the Sniper Tower. 5 Snipers, with plenty of ammo for all your head shotting needs. Kill the zombies before they get in or you're screwed. Unless you happen to be that lucky soul that got the single BR on the map, or one of the other weapons with head shot capabilites. (Or can No Scope like crazy with a sniper.) Use the turrets on the map, they're your friends. Considering the mass amount of damage they crank out they can take down a zombie in a few seconds. But even then you might not make it. The tunnel has it's own defense mechanism to weaken zombies. Though it's dependent on you to activate it. (Just Shoot) If you survive for 2 1/2 minutes you get an extra set of weapons to help. (Including Turrets.) A few gameplay pics. Rocket and A Hiding Place! You have gotta be... If you Downloaded this map before April 24, 2009. You need to Re-Download it. I have fixed several problems with the map, that interfered with game play. Such as being able to get outside of the map. The new map should be clean of any such bugs. If there are any, please let me know. Thank You and Enjoy!
Seems like this might be an ok infection map, but even though it wasnt neccessary in some parts, try interlocking it maps the map look a lot better. And this map seems very open. Also i normally i hate soccer balls in a map but since it doesnt interfere with game play i think its fine. 3/5
I see you're relatively new to the site, like myself. So welcome. Your map looks interesting, there's just a couple things that I don't really get. 1. Why is there a radar jammer? If the zombies have no radar there really isn't a point is there? & 2. I think 1 minute is too long for the zombies to wait. It should probably take 30 seconds max for the humans to be ready. After the wait though I'm sure it would be pretty fun. I'll be sure to check it out.
Okay, what parts do you think i should take out? Other than ditching the soccer balls. The radar jammar is for double jumping, but there's really no reason to double jump... So I'll get rid of it. And I'll change the wait to 30 seconds. Anything else? About the interlocking. Which parts? I interlocked quite a bit of the map. Okay I've worked on the map. The wait time for the zombies has been reduced to 30 seconds. I deleted the radar jammer, and the soccer balls, and energy shields. And added some organized debris to the plain for the zombies to hide behind. What else needed changing, I couldn't find anything...
Sounds a bit like the We'll Survive on This Arena map. It sounds all right. It looks like it could work, but I don't think the idea was great to start with. Don't worry, my original ideas weren't great either.
I didn't mean for it to be like that, but I guess it kinda is. Atleast it plays well. Correction: Now that I have thought about it, how is it like This Arena?
It looks like it would play very well. But I think it could use some cleaning up, some of the walls aren't exactly in line with the other. About the armory, how many extra clips does each gun have? I would make sure there isn't too much ammo in the weapons that can headshot. One more thing. Shouldn't alphas not be so easy to kill? Why not bring resistance on them down to 1000% and give them a non-recharging shield?
I already have covered your second and third suggestions in the second versions. But just short of completely rebuilding the map, it would be difficult to fix the walls. Plus I ran out of both doubles, singles, and corners.
You do realize I could report you for being off topic, Right? Plus I don't actually believe it's the end of the world. I just needed an original name for my map.