What do yo u believe happened? I am religious but I watched a movie in science about space and alien galaxys and the big bang and it blew my mind. As I watched the girl next to me kept talking about how this goes against religious beliefs. What do you believe?
1. Empiricism cannot deliver absolute truth. 2. The existence of a deity or deities as commonly defined cannot be proved or disproved. 3. Objectivity is an impossiblility.
Debate Well, I think that's the point and enjoyment in debating. If you try to debate a subject that has a right and a wrong side, a subject that has absolute proof one way or the other, there would be no debating it at all. That is why subjects like this make for the best debates.....there can never be a winner but both sides try to illuminate and sway the other. @ luckiesnipes - I do think you should just jump on board with whatever you want to say about religion and science in the God debate that has been thoroughly established. No need to water down either one.
I believe in the Big Bang theory. I am trained in college level biology and general science. The more I learned about science and the cosmos, the less I believed in god. I have come to the conclusion that god and religion in general are just a simple minded way of quickly trying to explain things without proper investigations. Most people that are very religious, either have parents that were very religious or they simply know little about science and evolution. I am also tired of hearing people say, well I believe in the Big Bang and Evolution, but I feel that god created all that. This whole topic is really a dead end discussion. People that are really religious will never back down and will defend their beliefs to the bitter end. I myself need proof to believe something and god has no proof at all. It is an age old fairy tale that need to go away now.. It is 2009 and we have some serous issues to worry about such as our planet and the fragile state of humanity in general. More people have died in the name of religion than all the natural disaster of the world combined. I don't see how that makes any sense. It sort of like the childhood argument, my dad can beat up your dad..
I lol'd. More people have died of discrimination of all types than anything else, and most morally good religions teach not to discriminate. How is it that religions that teach to be good cause more murders than anything else? They don't. Its a common misconception. Just because someone who calls themself a Christian kills an innocent civilian doesn't mean you can blame Christianity or any religion, period, unless the religion teaches to kill. They're probably not even a real Christian anyways, so the blame is miscontrived. I'm not aware of many religions that teach to kill and slaughter. World War II was all about discrimination of some sort, and racism, and look how many deaths it caused. Almost 70 million. Its almost safe to say that all religious deaths combined caused less than that.
Would most religions include Christianity which in it's early teachings (still kept in the modern bible) refer to slave keeping, tell who can be bought/sold as slaves, teaches how to mark slaves? Would that be the same Biblical Christianity that tells Atheists, Hethens and Unruly Children should be stoned to death? In all honesty I think a great deal more religions were violent until recently, when it became socially unacceptable for religious bigotry to be held as commonplace. Until that point, we have a majority of religions that are violent and self centralized. As far as we really know Hitler was a Catholic, and firmly believed that he was performing the works of God, as he stated many times in public speeches and in his book 'Mein Kampf'. He felt he was removing the inferior, unworthy race from the earth. Essentially his religious doctrine drove his actions. Now by speculation of course it's always possible he may have done the same without religious indoctrination and dogmatism, we don't understand what his motivations really were on a psychological level, though it seemed to be a burning and passionate hatred.
Cause the morality debate has so much to do with the first cause amirite? Also, the big bang and religion have been the only two possibilities since when? If they are the only two possibilities, which religious creation story? Hindu, Olympian, Judeo-Christian, Egyptian? Which variation of the big bang theory? Bang/Crunch? Stuff from singularity? The newish universal wave theory by Stephen Hawking? This thread is just a rehash of the creationism/evolution debate, and can cover no ground unless we want to get specific.
I agree it doesn't, but the topic was brought up so I responded. amirite? Big Bang and religion have never been the only options, that is the False Dichotomy Fallacy, and is a logical failure. However the person posting the question put it as does the Big Bang contradict religion? Not, which one is right cause they're the only two options. That's misrepresenting the question and attempting to utilize the claim of fallacy, in short, the 'Strawman' argument. Evolution has nothing at all to do with the Big Bang. One is the unifying theory of Biology and biologic history, the other is a theory of Cosmology.
The big bang has everything to do with evolution. Cosmic evolution led to biologic evolution. We are all made of star dust.
Yes but in the same sense Abiogenesis lead to Evolution as well. But these are still separate theories that need to be considered under unique factors. Cosmic evolution does not function in the same way as biologic evolution.
The "Big Bang" theory is still just a theory and, at most, it is just as equally possible as God creating the universe. The "Big Bang" theory cannot be proven, just as God creating everything can't really be proven either. If our planet was created like science explains, then other planets like earth, along with living organisms, must also have been created - but there is no sign of that. I don't believe that we formed by coincidence.
1) Back in the Bible's times, they didn't hire slaves and torture them. If someone was poor and could not work for themselves, they could OFFER THEMSELVES as a slave to someone and in return would receive shelter and food. 2) If you're going to completely contradict what I believe ATLEAST post a source or verse. 3) How would you know? What graph tells us so and so deaths? None. They're all biased, just like many of the arguments here. 4) The ENORMOUS problem with atheists is that they label cynical characters as followers of some religion. You must first know what a religion teaches before you can call someone a follower of that religion. If they don't follow that religion, but they call themselves one, they're a hypocrite. Hitler can call himself a catholic all he wants but its quite apparent he was completely anti religious and very discriminatory.
hmmm this looks a lot like: and i believe my reply was: i personally dont think this thread is necessary. It's all already covered in the 'God' and 'Creation vs Evolution' threads. I mean, people are copying their same arguments from the others.
#1- im currently learning the same things in physics classes, and ive got to say, ive had the same reaction. theres so much physics has proved, and they have proved that the universe is expanding based on light frequencies, and have discovered how old our universe is based on facts of the speed of light and other things. these are truly amazing to know, but when science takes over, you sort of lose faith. dream made a great post, and i agree with him. although, i still have a small belief in religion #2- ima bout to prove the religion = death fact with a question: how many wars have ever gone on because of religion? try to compare this with how many wars there are about other things. teritory is the only other reason really. think about it.
1) Then why does Leviticus talk about marking slaves by driving a spike through their ear? 2) Leviticus. 3) We can observe however the trends of developmental religion. Regardless of death counts. 4) Wrong. I do not label Hitler as a follower of the religion because I'm an Atheist. Religion is self admittance to a belief. He believed the Catholic indoctrination, therefore was catholic. You're using the no true Scotsman fallacy.