The Ultimate Sandbox Canvas Has Arrived!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by x DREAM 76 x, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    This canvas does not have the lasers blocked off because I wanted to keep the budget at default. If you need a blocked tower canvas, you can find several of them on the forum.
  2. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    Why does every 'canvas' map have the vehicles, weapons, lights, and spawns? they all factor back in, it's the actual objects that don't factor back into the item budget.
  3. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    No it is ONLY the spawns that count towards the final IL and the default objects are glitchy anyway, and to answer your false question, because this was made before they found that out except you were wrong about what was found out.
  4. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    the weapons factored back in for me.
  5. kollie0

    kollie0 Ancient
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    Dude I have the same problem.... :cry:
    Well, tried staring a new game after some time and same thing. Will try it again today, should work....
  6. bob sagget5

    bob sagget5 Ancient
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    is this so you have infinate money?
  7. SilverWolf

    SilverWolf Ancient
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    Great job moving all those down there, don't want to know how long that took...

    An easy way if you don't think you'll run into item limit problems is to use the griffball map for sandbox and delete all of the griffball stuff. I still think all of the deleted items take away from the total item count, but for simple maps it sure is a lot easier.

    Edit: NVM it seems that they just deleted everything...
    #47 SilverWolf, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  8. Snict

    Snict Ancient
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    Nice canvas mate this should help everyone make S.B maps.
  9. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Thanks, yeah it took me like half a day to make this canvas. I did the math on that day a while back and I came to the conclusion that all the default items, goals and spawn points do count towards the total OLN, even though people keep insisting that only the spawn points do. I have recently came to the conclusion that the best combo is to start with this canvas and then simply money glitch whatever items you need to money glitch. The combination of starting with an OLN canvas and then near the end of your map money glitcing what you need, will give you the maxium ammount of itmes.
  10. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    ok my download list is full and i want the map, so im gonna post so i dont loose the thread.

    got a problem with that???

    nice canvas BTW
  11. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    how would one money glitch???
  12. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    It would take me about ten to twenty minutes to explain to you how to do it. I can money glitch a map at any time. It can be at the start of a map or near the end. Again, there is a lot to explain.. I will one day maybe make a tutorial on how to do it. I feel that if you are making a really big map, then it has to be at least partially money glitched. Sorry I can't answer your question directly. I plan on maybe making a thread on Forge Battle in the near future.
    #52 x DREAM 76 x, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  13. misterxboxnj

    misterxboxnj Ancient
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    Does anyone know where I can get a count of the number of pieces of each kind available including the ones stack on this map.

    Example: (Not acurate counts)
    Double Wall....25
    Double Box....#
    Box Huge....#
  14. SilverWolf

    SilverWolf Ancient
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    There is a problem with this canvas- whenever I try to interlock by setting objects spawn at start no, they spawn at start anyway. I have tried with almost every type of object on the map, but I still have this problem. I then tried it on other maps and they worked fine. Help, I really need the canvas but I really need to interlock too...
  15. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    The default pieces have a problem with late spawing. Bungie and everyone else knows about this. There is not much you can do. If you wait a long time, they eventually late sapwn. I moslty just use the spawn points, goals, weapons and some items. You can delete items if you want. It's just what ever you can save, will help you spueeze out a few more pieces before you hit the OLN. Now a days, I start with this canvas and I money glitch just some pieces near the middle to end of the production of my maps.
  16. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    ok this canvas is good and all, but now i need one with the sand-level stacked+Blocked lasers+infinite budget. Actually; if you make one with stacked plus infinite money im sure i could do the lasers myself somehow...

    I would be very thankful to anyone who did these. (maybe a small reward)
    #56 Silent oo death, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  17. Cryoraptor

    Cryoraptor Ancient
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    I agree

    I agree with him. I'm starting to catch on to this stacked thing by reading from the begining. I've seen stacked maps b4 but I just didn't understand why they couldn't be both stacked and $ glitched. They had like about $100 or so left to spend. You guys really lost me on "original objects" what exactly did u mean there? I have the problem of making my maps and hitting this Max object limit, it is frustrating, ive read that saving as a new map right when u hit this barrier puts an end to this but it hasn't been working for me. Iv tried deletign unwanted things and the like but I just couldn't get it working. Your stacked map is good as long as you don't delete any of the stuff that was orginally placed? If I do on purpose or by accident is it ruined forever (stuck at max 400 instead of 600?) I played valhalla $glitched and hit this limit then saved the map as a new one, it worked, but I hit an object limit again. Once the map is saved as new do i have 2 do that over and over or just save changes? When u guys say the max limit is beaten do you mean the 600 one and all we have to worry about is the hard budget itself or the 400 one? I don't want to hit a 2nd object limit like valhalla. Won't the combo of the mg and object glitch cause massive lag and other malfunctions? Because I can mg the map as I go. If anyone else doesn't im sure you basicly raise the run time maximum of the object u want to glitch by 1 (keep in mind it costs u to do that) right?
    #57 Cryoraptor, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  18. Cryoraptor

    Cryoraptor Ancient
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    Hold on a minute.

    You say you can't delete the orignal stuff because it will mess up the max object limit, right? Isn't it passed already? Well.
    While contemplating this map, I've came across an idea. Rather then forging then mging and running the risk ofpossibly not having enough money to mg. Why not $ glitch the objects u want right away? You have $500 left to glitch or build with. I would mg until I hit zero or more so I can still pick filters. This may not be enough to glitch ALL of the things u want. So I'm saying gltich an object u know you'll want then delete one of that object so you'll still have $ to spend on none glitchables like filters and $ glitch other objects. This will give u time to build then test your filter choices. Don't bother glitching things u won't need. Who would use scopians in MLG or magnums when u can spawn with them?
  19. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I think you really need to read the whole thread again.. The idea of saving the map as a new map to bypass the OLN is a silly little rumor that some newb recently started. The OLN is the OLN, there is no way around it. Again, you can delete some of the default items if you want. Just try to use some if you can. I would recommend trying to use the spawn points. Why would you not?? They count towards the final OLN.
  20. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    ive got a budget glitch on sandbox

    ive just skimmed throught the thread and every1 was asking for 1

    (sorry if this is necro posting, saw this a while back)

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