Sandbox ObstacleCourse3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Letol, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. Letol

    Letol Ancient
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    Uhm.. half... thanks, I guess? I see where you're coming from, especially after looking at your jumping maps, but here's the thing. My jumping map is more of a casual jumping map I guess, your jumping maps, well, they start out somewhat easy but very quickly turn into some pretty insane looking jumps. I guess I won't know til I download them and check them out, but either way. You could compare this to different campaign difficulties in Halo 3, where as your map would be Mythic (Legendary with all skulls on by yourself) or Legendary, while my map would be Heroic or Normal.

    Also, just to let you know, I did use variation of sorts. I could've used box doubles the whole way through, but I used different objects and if you watched the video, the jumps really are somewhat different from each other, you just have to look at the map in a different way than yours. Yours, you start out with basic jumps, then add in objects that will fall and you must jump quickly, or maybe timing your jump/crouch. Mine on the other hand, is mostly just jumping, but there are different objects and there are some twists, such as the diagonal cubes, the grav lifts, the lights, the thinner walls, etc.

    Anyways, your map and my map have the same basic concept, but they really are different from each other for more reasons than you say. Also, these "day-to-day jump fans" as you call them would probably rather play my map because it's less complicated and therefore seems a little easier, but maybe once they finish it or get better, they will discover your maps and take things to the next level. As I said in my original post, I was just going for a basic idea of jumping, trying to keep things very uncomplicated, while you are trying to make things complicated to up the difficulty.

    Thanks for the criticism, but I don't really think it helps this map out too much. Maybe I'll try to make a map like yours sometime and see how it turns out.

    EDIT: I just looked, and you haven't ever played my map, or atleast you haven't played it with the gametype provided, so please don't say that it isn't challenging without trying it the way it is supposed to be played.
    #21 Letol, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  2. QS Kamiqazi

    QS Kamiqazi Ancient
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    I beat it without checkpoints i sent you the film

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    This looks like a very well put together map, considering myself a good jumper this gets a download.5/5

    Ps I like that u made a video for this.
  4. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Dude, did you steal this from my friend jj tamz? He showed me this in early April, and he even has his name on it. He told me about how he was out with Mono for 2 weeks, and made this while he was sick.

    To make this not spam, I'll give the review (already beaten it). The jumps are perfectly spaced, and this is a really good map. It was a real challenge at some parts, and I just loved the creativity of the jumps.

    JJ's file details:

    EDIT: Where's the video? No link for me. :(
    #24 Meltyourtv, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  5. Shirdel7221

    Shirdel7221 Ancient
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    This was made well past 2 weeks. I downloaded this map when it first came out, almost 2 months ago.
    Anyway, about the map, it's really cool, and in the end me & my Party had to put 50% Gravity on. XD 5/5
  6. T0rTuR3dT4c0S

    T0rTuR3dT4c0S Ancient
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    WOW!!1!1!! This is definetly the best jump map ive EVER seen and played on. I DL'd it and i had a great time playing it. you should reely make more. 5/5
  7. Letol

    Letol Ancient
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    Yeah, that was nicely done, I'd like to hear what your friend was saying when he saw that you picked up the ball lol

    Thanks, and yeah, I like the video too lol

    Yeah, I've had a few people try to claim this as they're own, but the dates say all that needs to be said. I even had one guy save the map as his own, but left my name in the sky haha. Anyways, thanks for the compliments, and I tried to download JJ's 'version' of my map, but I had no room lol. I like to see what people do to my maps when they steal them, some people do some pretty hilarious stuff lol

    And here's the video:
    Thanks for helping clear that up, and haha, a lot of the people that have tried my map got frustrated and have done the same thing. I think it kind of ruins the feeling you get when you beat it, but it's better than the feeling you get whenever you fall lol

    Haha thanks, I would make more but I've been busy with other things lately. Who knows though, maybe I'll make another soon.
  8. MagicGiblet

    MagicGiblet Ancient
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    I agree with this. When I play a jump map when more than 90% of the jumps are the exact same thing, it just gets very tedious and not very interesting to play. I don't even get angry when I miss any of the jumps on this map because I know I just made about 30 of the exact jump previously, so 1 out of 31 missed isn't so bad.

    Yes, this map IS challenging, because each section has its ONE jump that is rather difficult (mostly involving balancing on hair-thin edges), and the sheer volume of similar jumps, you're bound to screw up one of them. Personally, when I DO screw up that one jump, I find it excruciatingly boring to spend the following 60 seconds doing extremely easy jumps, just so you can make it back to the hard one (angled cube).

    I give it a 3/5. Simply because it is very very boring.
    5/5 for difficulty and use of checkpoints.
    #28 MagicGiblet, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  9. Letol

    Letol Ancient
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    From what I've seen, you have never played the map with the gametype provided, so again, as I've stated before, please don't whine about the map without ever playing it the way it's intended to be played.

    Also, the jumps vary much more than you make them out to, no, maybe I'm not using momentum jumps, maybe I'm not jumping through the crypt hole with grav lifts, etc., but I'm using a different type of variety. I could have just said "Screw this I'm only using box doubles and walls going at straight angles forward" and that would be a map with practically no variety.

    And if you're saying each section as in the middle and skybox section and how there is only one hard jump in each, nearly everyone that has given me feedback about this map would say you're sadly mistaken. Look, first off, I made this course so that you'd have a chance but it would still be challenging, while others try to make their courses as hard as possible. You're acting like I tried to make mine as difficult as possible right now when that isn't even near what I was going for. Also, from the top of my mind I can only think of 10 objects or so that have a "hair-thin" ledge that you must balance on, and if you think that's a lot then go count every object on the map.

    Furthermore, you claim that excluding a few, all the jumps are extremely easy. Besides, from what I can see you haven't played the map on the gametype provided if you've even played it at all, so you shouldn't make a comment about that. You could ask many people that have played this map and I assure you that most would say that there are very difficult jumps before the angled cube, you have to remember, not everyone who will play this map is a "hardcore pro jumper", and that was not the audience I was aiming to please. Even so, if you are able to make every jump til the angled cube every single time, you should've finished this map a long time ago. Some of the most difficult jumps lounge in the middle part of Sandbox, I've been told this and I know this myself. Not that it has to do with anything, but I'm just saying since all the other jumps are apparently "extremely easy".

    Finally, please don't advertise other maps in my map thread, especially if you plan to insult my map in the process. There actually is a reason why doesn't allow it.
    #29 Letol, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  10. MagicGiblet

    MagicGiblet Ancient
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    Sorry for the link. That's not what it was intended to be. Nevertheless, it has been removed from my previous post.

    Anyway, despite what the stats may say, I HAVE played your map on the gametype provided, and I played it for about 1 hour. I suggest you don't go by the stats as means to disprove someone's statements, because anyone who has experience with their system knows that not all games show up (especially games that weren't completed with a carnage report at the end). So please don't feed me that BS when you say I haven't played your map and game.

    Now, with that out of the way. You obviously didn't understand my previous comment. The difficulty of the jumps is not an issue on this map. Not even the sheer volume of jumps is an issue. I LIKE to jump, and I like to jump alot. What this map needs work on is the FUN factor. In my opinion, it is too repetitious. Even if all the jumps that I claimed were 'easy' were made more difficult by spreading them out farther, it would still not increase its appeal for me because it would still be repetitious.

    I hope you understand that this is MY opinion, and I'm not trying to speak for an entire population. You DID post this to a forum. You WILL get criticism. So, are you going to take some of the criticism and maybe consider it when making your new map to make it the best you can make it, or are you going to continue to defend the absolute perfection of your map when each comment is made?
  11. Letol

    Letol Ancient
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    Thanks for removing the link, I realize that it may not have been intentionally used to advertise, but personally I feel that maps should stay in their seperate threads.

    I also realize that not all games appear on, and sorry that I was going off of that. You see, I've seen people in the past on some of my very old maps get competitive and criticize my maps without ever playing them. If you straight up accuse them, they will normally back down. I just do this whenever people criticize my maps sort of as a test, because I don't like people who try to put down a map so theirs or someone elses map will do better. Sorry again, but when you had that link in your post I got that vibe from you. Apparently I was wrong.

    I can see what you are saying about the map being repetitious, but as you mentioned further on, it is all about opinion. There is variety that changes the map around with the different objects/angles/length/etc., but it doesn't really appeal to most 'hardcore' jumpers because it is so simple in this way. I was trying to keep things simple for the people who just like to jump casually, while I wasn't really thinking about people who play a lot of jump maps. I could've added an equipment jump, momentum jump, or timing jump, but as I said I really wanted to keep this map simple. This is probably why the map doesn't appeal to you, it is so simple.

    And to be honest, I do tend to be a little bit... well, very competitive and defensive, but I do realize this. Although I probably go too far sometimes trying to defend my map's "absolute perfection" as you said, I can't really help it. I enjoy debating/arguing/defending a topic. I also realize that I can't make everyone like my map, and that also you aren't speaking for everyone, but I'm not good at taking criticism publicly. Yes, I realize this is something you need to be able to do on a forum, but when someone criticizes my map so well with great points such as you and Sarge525, I feel that it will turn people away from my map, and it tends to make me defensive. I do realize that this is just a part of posting in the forums, but that's just the way my mind works.

    Sorry for being so defensive about everything, but thanks for the criticism.
  12. MagicGiblet

    MagicGiblet Ancient
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    It's cool man. Honestly, I'd be hard-pressed to not to start a debate if someone said something bad about my map as well, haha. I, too, enjoy the battle of opinions. I once made a girl cry at a party when I got drunk and debated politics with her! But I digress.

    Now that I've posted on this forum 3 times, I think it's a personal rule that I defeat your map. It'll be my next accomplishment; assuming that I can get on my box again to try (I have a huge standardized test coming up that I'll spend 2 months studying for...). Anyway, I'll send you a vid if I can beat it any time soon before my impending binge study.
  13. aruigus808

    aruigus808 Ancient
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    I really like this map. Good job Letol! In my opinion is very good and is very hard. I make these maps as well and I was wondering, Why do you make these maps? I also get asked this a lot only because people can't really complete any of my maps. If you could reply that would be nice.
  14. Merrifield69

    Merrifield69 Ancient
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    noo i was soo close to the end without any checkpoints!
    I'll get there though.
    The map is very good except some repetitive jumps makes it a little boring. Like most of this wasn't repetitive, but the part with the large ramps you have to jump on is really repetitive.
    I really like the fact of hard difficulty, usually jumping maps are too hard. But this maps difficulty is just right.
    The forging could be a little straighter too.

    Overall I would rate it a 4.5/5
    Happy forging!
  15. Letol

    Letol Ancient
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    Well, I was watching Ninja Warrior one day, hence the name, and I decided to try and make a map that resembled the tv show. This was way back before the Legendary map pack, and my friends loved it, so I built a second. As I built a third, I was running out of ideas of how to use Foundry, and I just gave up. Once Sandbox came out, I knew that this would be the perfect map to make an extremely long jump map that I could experiment with. This is what I came up with. The reason why I keep on making these maps is because my friends enjoy trying to beat them, and I find it enjoyable to play them through myself. Putting this map up on forums and getting all these comments is just a bonus haha

    Yeah, if I make another Obstacle Course, I plan on making actual jumps that will help you ascend. This map was mildly rushed, I'm not very good at keeping my friends out while I forge and so when they saw the first hint of it and got excited, I rushed the map a little bit. Also, yes, I tried to make the map difficult, but not too difficult. Although most of my friends think the map is way too difficult, they don't play maps like this very often haha. And yeah, some of the forging could be a little bit straighter, though some of it was on purpose to make the map a little bit more difficult. Anyways, glad you enjoyed it, good luck, and happy forging back to you
    #35 Letol, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2009
  16. aruigus808

    aruigus808 Ancient
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    That's cool. I mostly make the maps because I enjoy playing jumping maps and one day I decided to make one myself. What turned out was a really hard jumping map that none of my friends could beat. When my friends asked me why I keep making these, the only thing i could answer was: I make these maps because I enjoy people yelling that their T.V screens when they fell really far into the map. Send me a PM if you want to see a jumping map I made. Im going to post one of the maps I made onto the forums but I still need to get the pictures so thats why I haven't posted my maps yet. So yeah..... :D
  17. trunksbomb

    trunksbomb Ancient
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    This map is pretty decent, and pretty long. I suggest mixing up the jumps a bit (as in, don't have 5 ramp-top to ramp-bottom jumps in a row. The only problem I have is jumping on the thin part of the wedges, and the controlled jumps on the wedges.

    Overall, a 4/5. You should check my map out.
  18. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    This map looks huge and long to complete, I'm gonna download this later, nice job tho keep up the good work :)
  19. Shirdel7221

    Shirdel7221 Ancient
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    Well, I managed to get to what I call the Tipple-Topples (After the long part with loads of Walls) and failed on the fourth one with normal gravity. I might just be able to do this. (With Checkpoints of course XD)
  20. Letol

    Letol Ancient
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    Haha, I plan on adding in a few more checkpoints if I make another ObstacleCourse, and also to change a few things around. I think the map makes people yell at their TV's just a little too much from personal experience lol. Anyways, hurry up and take some screenshots so you can post your map!

    Yeah, if I ever make another ObstacleCourse, there will definetly be more variety, not as in variety in objects, but variety in jumps too.

    Thanks, and good luck!

    I've tried to think over and over about what the Triple-Topples could be, but I can't really figure it out lol. Could you explain it a little bit more? Also, good luck on beating the map, you'd be the 5th person to beat it
    #40 Letol, May 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009

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