wow. looks amazing, the only problem i might have is if explosions were too large and leveled too much of the playing field
I don't think the destruction mechanic is like that of mercs 2. A huge explosion may take a chunk out of a wall, they made it as real as possible. All the buildings were designed srtucturally sound with some material stronger than other. And there's no nuke, so I don't level much anything on accident will become and issue
Yeah. The reason I'm so excited about this one is some of the stuff they told at the E3 interview. The stress build-up system they incoorporated makes the destruction as real as it can be. Even when they were making it, they'd program something cooldrawn by the artist and after programming it, they would test it in game and it would just collapse on itself. I'm really interested to see how games will play out after the game's tactics and such have developed.
Explosions are large, but they are precise in the sense that they will generally only affect where you threw them. Also, the playing field could never be leveled enough, this AI is ruthless, lol.
Well judging from the reaction for the demo this looks like a definite buy. EDIT: Getting the demo(lition) now, can't wait.
Here is an awesome video detailing some of the environments you will see in the game, as well as explain EDF control and RF morale.
I know, I want to know what kind of fighting style they will bring to the gameplay. It looked like they had melee weapons
Heard they are super soldiers ultor was working on the first game, and are now running free. Also heard they can take alot of damage and use tridents.
I heard the Multiplayer Beta kinda sucked, but I'll find out for myself if it sucks or not. Although, from what I have seen of the Singleplayer, it looks like a really fun game to just blow things up and stuff lol.
I heard the opposite for the beta, and it was a beta, and there were alot of changes to multiplayer thanks to the feedback on RFG forums.
Here are some excerpts from a review of the multiplayer, plus some spectacular news that I'm sure we've all been waiting for. And now for the big news that has yet to be confirmed by Volition:
Man all rockets must be chaotic because all the buildings will be broken up like crackers. I can't wait for this game. Edit: Found the article and it says there will be a mech game type, unconfirmed by volition.
I just got finished playing the demo off of, and I have to say I was really surprised, I came into it not expecting alot. But the gameplai really refreshing and the destructible environment is amazing. I also can't wait to see what type of tactics are formed in multiplayer. A whole team rigging the enemy's base with all four of their charges would be pretty kickass. It's online is definitely gonna be a big hit. Might not grab it first day, but we'll see if I have the money or not.
Yes it is, and that time limit is a ***** :lol: Everyone, feel free to discuss the demo in this thread.