Can anyone link me to a post that tells how to merge items into the sand on sandbox map? I have been looking around but I can only seem to find things on how to merge into the foundry map.
The method works on any map with immovable objects. You just need to interlock another immovable object into the first object to "push" it. If you dont know how to interlock, here's a guide.
Lock request maybe? Now it's been answered. I don't know how to request one yet, if someone could PM me as well, it would help.
There is actually one "door-like" object on sandbox. The tall stone column has geomerging ability, but not that much. I found this out when placing an upside down G-Hammer on top of one, and the objects interlocked a little. It's not much of an interlock, but it's enough.
Alot of objects "slightly interlock" actually Ramps do the most. But, you cannot geomerge with them unless you actually interlock them
Pretty sure this does not answer my question because I am trying to figure out how to put items so that they go through the sand, not through or into another item.
Depends on where you want to merge it. But try putting down a double wall on any flat surface. Then pick it up and hold it just above where you want to merge. Save and Quit. Then set up the wall you want merged on top of the flat wall, set up bracers, set the flat wall spawn time to 3 mins, and then merge like you would the box in that video. Up, down, sideways, diagnally, it all works the same.
I think where the confusion is arising on this one is with 'door' geomerging, where you simply push a door into the object you want to merge. The same principle applies, just use interlocking instead of a non-solid object that becomes solid. When you push a door into an object you are effectively interlocking it. That's generally covered by the first response but this clarifies where the confusion arises I think. I was somewhat confused at first but managed to figure it out fairly quick.
Is it really so hard to see how that method would work on a wall? Just do the same thing, but with smaller braces so you can brace the thin sides. To get it perfectly straight you can save&quit a little above the dunes perfectly straight, and then geomerge down from there, using a save&quit before you let go of every step of the merge so that the wall stays straight.