Ask Forgegod!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeGod117, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    I am wondering, How would somebody merge a ramp with a double box so its perfect at the top of the ramp as well as being perfectly geo merged at the bottom?...basically how would you geomerge a box at an angle to make a good ramp?

    -FSC RedNeck
  2. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    thank god im not the only one wondering, ive sent numerous help threads if anyone new how and nobody does so hopefully they can tell us how
  3. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    DeathstarsOG made a guide a while back. It is difficult, but it is very precise. I have personally just used other methods to get my ramps, but it is a tried and true method of ramp construction. Here is the link.

    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    forge help

    how do people interlock items so cleanly. they make good looking banked curves made of 50 boxes each one incredibly straight. When I put an item on top and interlock that way but there is always a little difference. Is there a good item to use.
  5. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    Generally, I find that the bottom of bridges in Foundry and the tops of large wooden bridges on Sandbox tend to be the best for lining up interlocks. Often, you just need to spend some time setting up all of your guides before you interlock. Tedious, but helpful in the long run.
  6. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Sorry on taking so long to answer. Error 500's and internet problems have held me back. I was recently faced with this challange a few days ago. I had once asked this same question and Mace had answered it. Thanks for that. I wish we could be better friends. But I can't seem to make it work.

    Start by aligning the box at the angle you want. This is very much a trial and error process. keep trying until you get it at a good angle. Use reciver teleporters and try to place them as close to the bottom as possible. Door it up, and quickly tap "A" twice. If you need to make any adustments to the teleporter then make them now before it is too late.

    After you have doored it twice readust your teleporters and add some man cannons. Also you need to get some braces underneath the map before you do anything else. Spawn a door to not spawn until 30 seconds into the round. Place a spawn point by this so you will know where it is.

    Go to another place and set a box to spawn 45 seconds into the round. Start a new round and go to the spawn point. Place a reciver node so it is interlocked neatly with the door. Stand where the double box is going to spawn and wait for it to push you under the map. Immediatly turn into forge mode and head to the teleporter. tap 'A' once and manuveur the node to the double box and save and quit it as your new brace.

    Continue merging your box into the ground until it is lined up perfectly. It may take some time, but the result is jaw dropping Hope this helped!

  7. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    Sorry Forgegod, but I believe that you are answering the wrong question. You just described how to geomerge the box into the ground to make a ramp, while I believe Redneck asked how to geomerge a double wall slightly to make a perfect ramp from ground level to a surface one box high. See the above link in my earlier post for DeathstarOG's tutorial on how to do this.
  8. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Question answered. But yeah, if you want to do a ramp with a wall death stars tutorial is by far the best technique. Thanks to Cerberus for the link!
  9. Guardion07

    Guardion07 Ancient
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    This does not seem like a forging question or too general but I will ask it anyway. How in the world do you come up with great ideas for building slayer like maps?
  10. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Well, this is quite a broad question so I may take some time with it. Slayer maps all start with good planning. You cannot just forge your map without thinking it through first. Even with the complicated sketchup and foundry designer it is best to start with a 2-D overhead view of your map. The next stage would be a model of the map.

    But how do you know if the idea is worth continueing on. Try to look for a good layout that will really captivate players as they play on it. Also it needs to flow well yet still contain lots of cover. FFA slayer ecentric maps need to be very easy to traverse, however they need lots of cover. A good technique if it is symetrical you should start with a center point and build around it. Look at assembly for inspiration. It is a perfect arena for FFA slayer. Whatever made assembly so good, Would make a forged map good.

    I am no sketchup specialist but There are many guides on the internet. Try doing a google search of it. And you can get the sandbox models here! After you have your map made in skethcup, If you did, Focus on recreating it as well as possible in forge. If your bdget supports it, and you can build it in sketchup, You can do it in forge so don't make any excuses.

    Weapons and spawns are indeed a trial and error process. Place down the spawns and weapons where you think they should go to the best of your abiity and get your map tested. Get your feedback and replay it in theater if necessary. Make any changes and get it tested again. You should be able to just repeat this until you are done. Really this is the standard design cycle for you. Hope this helps.

  11. OutcastXC007

    OutcastXC007 Ancient
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    First let me say that even though I have been an FH member for awhile I'm not a very active forum poster on the site or any site for that matter.

    Anyway back to my questions

    1. How do people make smooth circular curves or rounded areas?

    2. How do you get under a map like Foundry without being destroyed in Monitor mode because whenever I try I get killed by the Guardians?

    3. How can I align stuff to the grid on Sandbox and line other objects up at the same line along the grid?

    Take as long as you need to give me what you find to be the best answer you have.
    Thank you ;p
  12. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    I'll take these questions :).

    1. For round circular curves, like every other thing in forge you are best off using guides. The best thing to use for a guide is "Spawn Area's". Press start while in monitor (edit) mode, select "Change Gametype", and change it to Slayer, CTF, KotH, or any other gametype with spawn areas. Change the diameter of the spawn area to the diameter of the circle you want. Use this as a guide to making your circles. The more objects you use in your circle the more defined it will be, but will also leave you with less objects for other purposes, finding a balance is key.

    2. The easiest way to get under Foundry safely is to place a double box at the spot where you want to go under. Set this box to, "Spawn at Start: No" and "Respawn Time: 30" (or whatever time you need to get to the box). Start a new round, go to where you laid the box down (placing an object to remind you where the box was may help), stand in the center of where the box spawns (in player mode). Once it spawns you'll want to switch into monitor mode quickly. You are now under the map. There is a limited area where you can go while under the map without getting killed/stopped.

    3. Unfortunately there is no way to snap objects tot he grid, you will mainly have to do it by eye, but there is things you can do to make it easier. Just like in Foundry placing guide objects down is still the best way to get things lined up perfectly. As long as you are patient with lining objects up then you should be able to achieve a great looking map.
  13. OutcastXC007

    OutcastXC007 Ancient
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    Thanks I had been wondering how people made things so smooth.

    But on my second question more often than not I do that and when I go into Monitir mode and get forced under even if I dont move alot of the time I still die for some reason. Out of curiosity do you have any insight into why that is?
  14. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    The only time I have died while being under Foundry is when I move to far down. Honestly I haven't really spent much time under Foundry so I'm not a veteran at it by any means, maybe someone who's been through a lot of under Foundry stuff can shed more insight?
  15. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I haven't been under Foundry in a while, but I'm pretty sure the following things are true: if you turn into a monitor before you're entirely under, you die. If you push up against the floor (like the pipes outside), you die. If you go too far down, you die.
  16. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    Where could I go about finding the sketchup Sandbox models?
  17. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Here you go! It contains all three levels and insanely accurate textured models. Made by WhtButterflyLiz!
  18. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    Thanks ForgeGod117, quick response, excellent advice. Thanks again. I did a search and couldn't find it oddly enough.

    Also, how is it that MLG map makers go about getting such amazingly precise interlocks? Is it just the arseload of time spent interlocking then re-interlocking, or is there some general trick? (I've read most of the Forging 101 tutorials just so you know)
  19. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I have never been able to make mine so perfect. I believe that they keep redoing the interlock until it is perfect.
  20. Spartan Forge

    Spartan Forge Ancient
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    hey forgegod im a new forger here in the community and i've only read through forging 101 one time so i might have passed this up but how is it that on maps (other than sand box) people make such accurate "sky bases" i can spend like 3 hours working on one portion of a sky base and either the floor might be crooked or rotated the wrong way, walls might be uneven or different than how i remember placing them and sometimes i encounter a glitch where two items merge and i didnt even do anything to intentionally make them merge.

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