Rocko's Jump Puzzle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Rocko 1131, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. Rocko 1131

    Rocko 1131 Ancient
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    Warning: May cause frustration. Pro Jumpers Only!
    *Update: Version 1.3*
    I fixed a few exploits as best I could. I also trimmed a few obstacles to make em look "nicer," though asthetics aren't really he point.

    The edit on the gametype has been implemented. Download the new version linked below if you didn't just change the first version yourself.

    Your first challenge

    Use your momentum

    You're not just clearing the Killball

    My favorite obstacle

    Again with the momentum, only bigger

    Climb out of the Crypt!

    What? Are you serious? There's a Part 2!!!
    [​IMG] must be joking. Is that a Part 3?

    Welcome to my first Sandbox jump puzzle! The objective is to find the Yorick's skull ALLLLLL the way up in te skybubble. You start in the crypt and work your way to the main level, and from there you enter the skybubble and pick up the skull to win!

    But there are many jump-obstacles in your way, many of them not shown in my pictures. In order to win, you must familiarize yourself with the following techniques:
    Crouch Jumping - Jump and crouch to gain extra air
    Explosive Jumping - Explosions will propel you longer distances in any direction
    Edge Jumping - You can perform a "save" jump after just walking off an edge
    Ramp Jumping - Jumping off of a ramp, no matter how small, will turn your vertical momentum into horizontal momentum
    Equipment Jumping - Throwing some equipments under your feet midair will allow you to double jump right off of them

    This is a lengthy and challengeing obstacle course. You may become frustrated if your jumping abilities lack. Along the way, I've put checkpoints for this reason. If you move the obstacle to unblock the checkpoint, you can return to that point if you fall or die. Teleporters can be found right behind where you respawn in the Crypt, and on the central level.

    I've hidden 5 Flame Grenades on my map. Sure, you could find them in forge, but that's no fun! If you complete the map using the appropriate gametype, your name goes on the wall below. If you pick up any Flame Grenades along the way, I'll put a * next to your name. Try to get all 5!
    The list has been extended amongst versions 1.2 and 1.3 now. Feel free to try them both (they aren't too different). The hidden Flame Grenade locations have not been altered.

    Good luck everyone!!!
    Version 1.3
    Version 1.2


    List of Winners (1.3)

    List of Winners (1.2)
    1) Rocko 1131 - 00:13:15
    2) MagicGiblet - 00:32:48

    Send me your game film of your victory to have your name put on the list!
    #1 Rocko 1131, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
  2. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    at first I was like...
    "this looks sloppy, small, and easy..."
    then I scrolled down.
    what a puzzle. this looks great.I really couldn't imagine beating this any time soon. full que list but i'll try to remember for later.
  3. TannerRob

    TannerRob Ancient
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    Pro jumpers only when the hardest jump there is a slide jump? lol.
  4. Rocko 1131

    Rocko 1131 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To all who downloaded the map, good luck once you reach the skybubble. I came to the conclusion that the first two skybubble jumps needed adjustments.

    Download version 1.1, now linked in the first post. Thankyou for playing.
  5. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Considering myself a trick jumper, this just lured me in. I'll DL it and hopefully tell you my thoughts on it.
  6. IxUnseenxL

    IxUnseenxL Ancient
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    This looks very fun, I've qued it for DL and will try it out after work tonight. I myself am a very good jumper and making a jump course at the moment. I think i could probably beat it, mainly because I dont see any original jumps. Mostly looks like late crouch jumps, bounce jumps and radar jammer jumping. From the looks of it 4.5\5
    I look forward to seeing a sequel :)
  7. Rocko 1131

    Rocko 1131 Ancient
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    Hope you guys enjoy it!

    On that note I've made a terrible mistake!
    I was unaware that removing vehicle use would prevent the use of turrets too!
    This makes an end-game jump impossible, so...

    Everyone edit the gametype they have to allow vehicle use!
    I'll update my fileshare in due time with a new gametype.

    Thanks for playing
  8. IxUnseenxL

    IxUnseenxL Ancient
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    Getting back on my original post, this is not anything like the pictures, it's a lot harder than it looks. Also, there is some originality, like jumping off sides of obelisks and brute/radar jumping :O Wow! Very nice job I re-rate 5\5
  9. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    wow this is a map you need real patience with, me and my friend were playing it together earlier to day, took us 2 hours to get to the second checkpoint of the crypt level. This is an awe inspiring yet mentally grueling map at the same time so i warn its not for the impatient. as far as jump maps go this is the best ive seen not only on sandbox but also in halo. I reccomend this to anyoe who likes jump maps. 4 out of 5 (would be 5 out of 5 but its just so difficult that it is only really for pro's, so average gamers like me will get tired after a while)
    #9 Beefi, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  10. MagicGiblet

    MagicGiblet Ancient
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    Dude, you were NOT lying when you said this was for pro jumpers only. I consider myself a pretty damn good jumper, and this is freaking difficult. I have completed all of the jumps in the crypt so far, but just not in one sitting. I need to muster up some serious patience if I want to make a vid of this one. Thank god for checkpoints.
  11. Rocko 1131

    Rocko 1131 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thankyou guys so much for the reviews. I hope you are all having fun.

    I've created a version 1.2 for download now. It fixes a possible cheating shortcut.
    I've also fixed the gametype which is available for download in the first post as well.

  12. MagicGiblet

    MagicGiblet Ancient
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    OK Rocko, I've just completed your game! It was a *****! I completed the 1.1 version you made. The end is NOT impossible. And, I may have used an exploit you may or may not have intended.

    But, considering this one took me 2.5 hours to beat almost, I might wait a minute before I attempt your 1.2, hahah.

    Anyway, if you feel like fastforwarding through this 2.5 hour video, be my guest.

    If you don't feel like watching, but you want to know how I passed the end without being able to grab a turret, let me know. Nice map man; looking forward to the next.

    How are you coming on my Challenge Map?


    Ok, I just completed your 1.2 version. This one took me exactly 1 hour to complete. I didn't use my little 'exploit' that I found in the 1.1 version to get past the turret. I did it like I was supposed to! And it took me damn near 30 minutes just to pass the turret part! Anyway, here's the link to the 1-hour video of me beating Jump Puzzle 1.2. Enjoy.

    EDIT #2:

    Ok, more satisfactory 3rd run through in 32:48. Much better than the previous two. Click here for my 32 minute runthrough vid.
    #12 MagicGiblet, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  13. MagicGiblet

    MagicGiblet Ancient
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    My review of Rocko's Jump Puzzle v1.2

    Difficult, difficult, difficult difficult! This beast took me 2.5 hours to complete on the first time. And there are some sweet jumps that I pulled off that I don't think I will EVER be able to do again. This map is not for the newbie. Rocko is not lying when he says that this map is for professional Halo jumpers only.

    I didn't think of myself of a pro jumper when I started playing this thing, but damn, after I finished it, I felt like a badass. I'm so l33t pro jumpz right now my hed asplode!

    Advice: Mega jumping skill, a great knowledge of the Halo physics engine, and a butt ton of patience will get you through this map. It is extremely long and difficult and very well thought-out. Rocko implements just about every jumping skill/tactic in the Halo arsenal. Do you have what it takes? You will feel like a million bucks IF you can complete this baby.


    -1 point for my blistered thumbs.
    +1 point for addictiveness
    #13 MagicGiblet, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  14. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    This was great! I love the beginning in the crypt, but there's one problem. I killed myself going from part one to part 2 and I lost the brute shot. :( Might wanna pix that.

    Oh and are you supposed to do a ghost jump in the beginning? I don't know what else I would do.
  15. Rocko 1131

    Rocko 1131 Ancient
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    Hmm...after you die, eventually the Brute shot should respawn where you got it from. That goes for all of the Brute shots I've placed around the map...

    And I don't know what a ghost jump is, but if it works then I say do it!

    And thankyou for your review and your game films, MagicGiblet. I've just put you in first place on the leader boards. However, it only counts when you find the hidden Firebomb grenades if you pick them up, so I cannot give you any orange stars.

    Also, you actually managed to exploit quite a lot with those radar jammers. Not saying that's cheating, but you really didn't complete the map the way I expected you to. I'm working on a new vesion that removes the infinite radar jammers, and fixes a few other things that need fixing.
  16. Rocko 1131

    Rocko 1131 Ancient
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    I've just posted my version 1.3 map. It's harder, in the sense the Radar Jammers have been removed to make room for less cheat-able equipments to use. I also straightened some things out, mostly the Turret Jump, to make it look nicer.

  17. trunksbomb

    trunksbomb Ancient
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    This is rough. I've only made it as far as the first scaffolding in the crypt. :)

    Once I did the same few jumps over and over at the beginning, I got them down pat. I like the momentum thing.. I might use it in my own jump map. I can't really give you a rating though because I've only seen the jumps up to the scaffolding in the crypt, but it looks good so far. :)
  18. X taco king X

    X taco king X Ancient
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    OK I thought it looked a bit confusing from the pictures on where to go from that high jump, but I love that you incorperated all 3 levels of skybox.
  19. Rocko 1131

    Rocko 1131 Ancient
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    That last high jump is on the ramp far down below, which will propel you to a column if you slide-jump off of it.

    And I really like that first scaffolding jump because it is an un-edited piece of scenery that you can climb. It is quite hard, which is why I didn't suspend it over mid-air AND why there is a check point immediately after.

    Good luck everyone! I hope you're having fun!
  20. The Punisher

    The Punisher Ancient
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    Well done!

    Great jumping map! I DLed and played it with my friend and we find it real hard! It's fun! Just one quick question - on the first momentum jump, how are you supposed to get up to the Scaffolding? You can't use the frame to jump up to it... or do you? Or do you momoentum jump up to the top of the Scaffolding? Thanks.
    Nice map, keep it up!

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