I was doing matchmaking and on the tips i saw you can get recon by completing all the vidmaster chalanges and getting all the mythic skulls!!! so im looking for a team that can do this 2 max cuz of my friend ;] ____________ ____________1 ____________ ____________2
Yep, you can from my knowledge. I already have them all so sorry, but I might help you GT= Star iz Legiit
There are 6 hidden mythic skulls including the mythic maps that will be included with ODST. Also I believe there are more vidmaster achievements coming with ODST.
To unlock one of the vid-masters, you have to get all the mythic skulls. However, 3 maps have yet to be released (Heretic, Longshore, and something with a C...). Therefore, you cannot get that last vid-master and cannot get recon. But in all seriousness, if it was so damn easy (which it will be) why don't you see hordes of people online with recon yet? Exactly.
If you must, just go on social ffa or even ranked and find people who'll help you get the achievement. This is, of course, if you don't mind boosting, which I personally don't like but nonetheless, it is a strategy.
I believe the other map is called Citadel. As stated by other members Recon will still be obtainable by pleasing Bungie in some way. Once Halo 3:ODST is released the new maps and vidmaster achievements will come with that, thus making the Recon Armor permutation obtainable to the public.
an your just know learning this how? this is old news from like back in december or something recons not worth it, its just going to be a piece of armor everybody has so its not that special. like hayabusa
Meh, this sucks. People who worked hard and did something spectacular to get their recon will just be like everyone else now. =/
They must have designed something new that will be spcial, so don't get to down if you got it before the vid-master stuff. Aslo sign me up for helping out when ODST comes out.
One obtains Ascetic with the Steppin' Razor achievement, a triple kill with a sword. What you want, my friend, is the Commando armour. When you get the overkill, you not only get the commando helmet, but the Ascetic shoulders as well, which, if I must say myself, go great with it. About the Recon Armour, I feel bad for it. It should be much harder than that to obtain. When I get it, I will only wear the shoulders, and maybe the chest piece too, but I will keep my trusty ODST helmet, like I've had it since I first obtained it right after Halo 3 came out.
only if you use an elite... which i and many dont. to me they look annoying. and i too will stick with ODST helmet and CQB shoulders. i'll probably use recon chest though.