Sandbox Halo Wars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by CheeseJam, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Yeah, I hit the budget limit (I didn't use unlimited budget map, I have had bad experiences with them.) I also hit limits on pallets, man cannons, and gravity lifts.

    The Commander spawns with a custom powerup which gives him limited ammo (compared to unlimited for everyone else), invincibility, large radar, and camo (not like he needs it). They, of course, have a full view of each pallet. The Commander can't even see eachother, and the troops have nothing to knock the Commander down with (reason there are no Scorpions, Gauss Hogs, and Rockets).

    It is too bad I ran out of cash, I would have loved to add more cover. My main bases are ugly too, but they are mainly for functionality. They house two spawns, and have those high double walls to prevent Wraiths from bouncing too far away. I figured I would focus mainly on the territory bases, rather then add scattered cover, because that is where most of the action will occur.

    Thanks for all the kind words guys! :)
  2. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I'm glad to see this was finally released. Sorry I missed it two days ago. Every since I heard your initial ideas, I knew this would be awesome (concept alone), if you were able to pull it off. The commander system (and everything you had to do to make it work) is ingenious. I wait to play the game itself (and post a more formal review if I remember to) with a large party and witness the awesome first hand.

    The only complaints I have though (solely based off the screenshots) is that the map might be too open (in man-made cover to ascetically tie the map together - nature and fabrication), and that the bases are just isolated structures, with far and few ascetics between to tie them together. The dunes of Sandbox provide great natural cover, but the man-made structures are isolated and far apart. You should maybe include some placed cover in the dune areas between the bases as well, to sort of tie them together and make the map seem more whole. Those are minor complaints though, considering the time and rescources it must have taken to perfect the commander system.
    #42 Sotha Sil156, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  3. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    I completely understand what you are saying but couldn't unfortunately. :(

    Made in a version 2, if I make one, I can conserve my budget a bit more. Hope it meets the hype. ;)

    KAMIKAZE M16 Ancient
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    Why does everyone think you can open everything up, you have limited ammo and the wraith doesn't spawn right away. The only thing that I think could go wrong is the players (if they had the sniper) could get the weapons down. And also I think that the great height the commander is at could somewhat create FOW and would have to rely on the troops eyes and also I don't think it would matter much if they could see them because they don't have direct control over the troops and could only serve as a reconaissance sattelite.
  5. prentiscool

    prentiscool Ancient
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    My onley complant is the map is a bit open. im not saying it shuld be shortened its just because when (like halo wars) vehicles VS infantry=Vehicles. there should be a tad bit of cover for reagular ground units but other than that its just fine.
  6. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Ya, too bad I didnt' have enough budget. :/ It crossed my mind to block the Commander's view of the battlefield, but that would just be too boring. Any more suggestions guys if I make a v2?
  7. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    I saw the thread u posted for this a couple weeks back and may i say u did a flawless job. I love the idea of sniper amo as money and the bases look like they would in halo wars

    I think it would have been cool if u add some sort of leader power to the game, like maybe the commander would get a spartan laser if he buys it, or maybe if u know an enemy is hiding in a base the commander could shout a pallet that holds a bunch of fusion coils. just an idea though

    Excellent job u win my download

    ~ FSC RedNeck
  8. Orbiter6467

    Orbiter6467 Ancient
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    I have noticed a few other things..No offense. :p
    When foot soldiers are given snipers, people often shoot the other captains and the captains often shoot back. I thought that maybe you can put the captains in a sealed box made with wall slits so that they can still drop weapons and vehicles, but have a bit more cover. And if this is possible, than it would fix the issue with crouching and being unable to spawn a wraith.
  9. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    I like the visibility the Commander has when he is suspended by the Gravity Lift. The foot soldiers can't hurt the Commander, so it isn't a problem. If they want to want their time, it is their problem. I think the Commander would get a little bored if he couldn't see the battlefield. :p
  10. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    Aha, just read all teh posts on this map, and gots ideas for you.
    -Give the comanders a reason to save up money for more expensive things.
    -Have only three bases, better built up.
    -Consolidate, using the theory less is more.
    -Have the commander at the very top of the sky bubble, have the switches below him, so that only he can see and shoot the releases.
    have specialized units w/ normal ones comin out of the bases, and an idea for odst: get a column:damaged, which when a grav lift is placed on it, flys around, which can be slightly controlled and used to 'drop' odst.
    -give a reason to control the base other than points
    -give sniper units beam rifles, and use snipers as supply crates. players scavenge for 'supplies', then go through a teleporter to a slot near the leader where they switch outt for some other weapon giving the commander 'money'

    And the big one...
    -Instead of the commander just chillin in a single spot, have a sort of hub room for him to do other actions. Ie: teleporter to and from the viewing post, a place to purchase "mac blasts" which could be rockets, and buying it multiple times is equal to a super mac blast, have an area with objects blocking certain upgrades which can be purchesed for larger amounts of ammo, have a tele leading to the area above the enemy commander where a 'disruption bomb' (bubble shield) can be bought and used to prevent the enemy leader from using powers for a limited time.

    w00t. I'll prolly have more ideas later =P
  11. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Thanks for the constructive criticism, I really appreciate it! I thought I would comment on some of your suggestions...

    Some told me to add more scattered cover rather than build up a smaller number of bases, what do you guys think is best? There are reasons to control the bases. You get 50% shields recharge when capturing or inside of a base, which is HUGE because there is no shield recharge in the game. Plus you get some useful equipment too. The problem with Leader Powers in that people will use the weapons to drop more stuff down, instead of actually killing people. A bubble shield is a sweet idea for a disruption bomb though! :)
  12. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    Ooh have units spawn from in the base, but odst from the air/drop pods i mentioned.

    make it so only the sniper is able to release things?
  13. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    ah i meant for the commander. ie: rocket mac blast couldn't set off the switches but the sniper rifle could.

    Oh, if you would like to do a remake, I'd be glad to help. I'm pretty good at forging and have a knack for ideas as you have seen.

    GT: E10nd0r
  14. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Ok, I played the map. For about the past three hours me and my friends played this and only this. The map is awesome.

    A few suggestions: Spawn a rocket launcher or spartan laser(that doesn't respawn and has max ammo) in the same weapon holder as the commander's sniper. So it will create a leader power type of thing.

    Another suggestion. the 4 boxes that people spawn in, the ones that u have to unblock a teleporter to release, need to be moved somewhere that doesnt obstruct the commander's view.

    Countless times have i tried to snipe a person at territory 3 but couldnt because they were behind these boxes.

    Other then that it has great gameplay and pure awesome forging.
    I give you a 4/5 only because those two things i suggested are kind of serious to me

    ~FSC RedNeck
  15. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Ah yes, those boxes are a problem, but you shouldn't be sniping THAT much ;). I checked one side and it wasn't blocked, and assumed the other would be the same. Whoops! Leader powers just cannot work because they can be used ot drop down things instead of shooting people. I really appriciate the feedback! :)

    Insane, can you elaborate on what you don't like so I can learn from my mikstakes?

    Also, soemone made a group on Bungie dedicated to this map. If you want to play some matches on this map, you can join the group here.
    #55 CheeseJam, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  16. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I have now played this map, and awesomeness aside, lag is a huge problem. It's so bad that we never actually got to play a whole game.

    Every time I was leader, I dropped from my roof at the start of the game (the grav lift lagged in spawning). This, quite obviously, ruined the game for my team, and we had to end it. This is not an isolated incident. It has happened at least 5 times to me, and a few others. I'm sure many people have told you this before, but I would suggest having man cannons spawn to hold him up at the start if it's possible. It would counter out the second grav lifts take to spawn, though I doubt you would be able to do it very well without restricting the leader's view.

    Other than that, this is one of the most well thought out competitive minigames I have ever played... blah, blah, blah, ... everything everyone else has already told you. Good job.

    I hate it when someone who is ignorant of how to play the game is leader.
    #56 Sotha Sil156, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  17. Xtremegamer1996

    Xtremegamer1996 Ancient
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    This map was okay. As a stand alone territories game, its okay, with a good map and everything, but the main element, the Halo Wars element, really falls flat. Dont get me wrong, its a great idea, but its not done well. First off, they can shoot ground troops, which is not very fair or anything. Second, they barely have anything to do. 90% of the commander job is freeing your troops. Which is VERY boring. Their wasnt enough weapons/vehicles to drop in. In that fact barely any. Half the time I am freeing people and watching until they happen to die. I think giving them more things to dispense to troops would help them change the tide of battle, giving it a Halo Wars feeling. 3rd, the commanders need more room to manuver. Im sitting in one floating box shooting pallets when needed. If I had a bigger area, it would help out what I said in my 2nd statement. Finally, there are way to many shots you get, considering the things you do with them.

    Overall, it was a decent attempt at best, but it just fell flat. 4/10
  18. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    I've tried to come up with a strategy type map for Halo, and this is the best I've ever seen. It's nearly impossible to come up with how to get a strategy game to play out and how to forge the functions so easil accessible in strategy games such as deciding what people get what weapons and vehicles. It's also impossible to exactly control what your "soldiers" do. For the thinking required and the ideas behind this map, I'd give it a 10 out of 10 for creativity. But as someone who has played his share of custom games, usually you just don't get more than 8 people in a game. Also, if you do, they surely won't all know what Halo Wars is or how to play the game. Under the right conditions, this game would be amazing. But the other 90% of the time, I'd have to rate it a 6.5 out of 10.
  19. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    This map looks insane. I saw your origial post looking for ideas on how to get this to work and I'm glad you finally got it up. Im downloading it right now. Feature for sure.
  20. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    I just saw the video GOS made, and the map looks absolutely phenomenal to play. This one is defenately worth a feature! And I would love to play this with a bunch of people, but I don't have that many friends that play H3! So maybe someone else would let me join?

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