OMG Community Montage

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sikamikanico, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    OMG Community Montage:

    Over the past 14 months, two friends of mine (Vinnie13 and A1BASE) have captured and collated 400 clips, drank shed-loads of beer, and came up with this community montage involving many members of our group, OMG.

    Now, we are not all good players, in fact, sometimes quite the opposite. We play for fun, win or lose. Please keep that in mind when you don't seen lots of BR overkills! The original montage was made into a DVD, but we've now uploaded a streaming version to show our work to "teh interwebz". All the clips were supplied from members of OMG.

    Hope you enjoy the video, unfortunately I can't seem to embed it from Veoh (700mb file FTL!), so a clicky link will have to do.

    Alternatively, you can download a 700MB AVI of the main feature from the DVD:Download via Filefront - 700mb

    We've also uploaded one of the montage extras from the DVD to youtube. The music is uber annoying, but somewhat fitting! Some of you may have seen it on the Bungie blog a few weeks back.

    Oh Stick you! anyone does want a copy of the DVD ISO, feel free to request one, and we can send you a link.

    All comments welcome,

    #1 Sikamikanico, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2009
  2. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Lol. This is a first for Forge hub (or not correct me if I'm wrong). Really great montage though.
  3. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That was pretty good. Nothing 'never-seen-before' but lots of quality sticks.
  4. Skill Caster

    Skill Caster Ancient
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    Pretty good, but the song made me want to punch a pencil sharpener.
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I saw the Oh Stick You montage when it was on the Bungie Blog and thought it was great, a good laugh which impressed even my non Halo playing friends, a good laugh all round. But I like the community montage a lot. I enjoy a good skill play montage as much as it's really possible to, and love nothing more in Halo terms than either playing or watching some serious MLG. But they tend to get a bit wearing after a while, 22 minutes of solid skill play montage would be a bit more than I'd enjoy tbh. This, however, kept me interested all the way through. Song choice was great, great tunes and they also fitted the montage's mood really well. And some of those clips were just downright hilarious, I personally loved the one where the guy jumps into top gold on Guardian, gets stuck then just stands around looking bewildered as the sticky disappears, I lol'd. It's amazing how well simple Halo sprites can pull of looking utterly confused, either that or I just love Halo that little bit too much now.. Idk.

    Nice montages though guys, looks as if the clips were a lot of fun to get and the montage was a lot of fun to make. Nice one over to the guys at OMG.
  6. Vinnie13

    Vinnie13 Ancient
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    Thanks pal, glad to see people are getting the feel of the video. It was never meant to showcase how 2OMFG1337" we are (because we are nowhere near!), but to celebrate the fact that some of us have been playing online together for 5 years, and have become good real life mates because of it.

    Thanks for the comments everyone.
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Indeed, that's a good deal of why I like it. Halo, at the end of the day, should be fun, and it looks like you guys have a good deal of fun in your travels around MM. Not only was it entertaining, but it gave a really positive impression of your group as people up to have a good time, and to be fair there were some pretty damn sweet multi's in there as well. Forgot to say last time, but your invasions of unwitting people who'd foolishly left their controllers unattended were pretty damn funny. Group teabags like that always bring a lolface to my lolface.
  8. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    You weren't the one getting bagged! :surprise:(

    (it's k, I lol'd too)
  9. BlueSkyfish

    BlueSkyfish Ancient
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    Awesometastic! For the next one I have some MORE! teabags that never saw light :surprise:
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol, good point. Not sure I'd be as good humoured as you if there was bag-to-face video documentation with me in the same position, props on seeing the funny side, I guess that's what OMG is all about.

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