Sandbox MLG Paralex v4

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by the360assasan, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. the360assasan

    the360assasan Ancient
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    MLG Paralex v4

    Made by:​
    | HLG iTz Legit aka TheMLGAssasan |


    MLG Team Slayer
    MLG CTF Par v4 - Custom CTF Variant​

    MLG Paralex is a unique MLG Map that gives you that same competative feel. It combines a lot of aspects you've seen in other maps but does not feel like a copy. ​

    Map Includes: Battle Rifle x6 - Carbine x2 - Sniper x1 (2 Min. Res.) - Rockets x1 (3 Min. Res.) - Mauler x1 - Plasma Pistol x1 - Plasma Grenade x8 - Custom Powerup x1 (2 Min. Res.)

    MLG Paralex engieniously mixes Close - Mid - and Long Range fighting for truely competative Halo 3 play. Teamwork is ESSENTIAL. The power ups and weapons are balanced with grace. Every aspect of the map can give you an advantage or disadvantage, so be smart. Make sure to use cover. Some areas are wide open so don't rush out blindly. ​

    Slayer is tactical and CTF is strategic. This is the way MLG is to be played. I intended on mixing as much MLG love as I could. It has everything you'd expect and everything you wouldn't.​





    Gold Tower:

    P. Pistol Tunnel:

    Red Base:

    Blue Base:


    TOP MID:

    OVERVIEW (almost):


    Get a custom going and try out MLG Paralex now...​

    Download MLG Paralex v4 Map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Download MLG CTF Par v4 Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 the360assasan, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  2. the360assasan

    the360assasan Ancient
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    Look at the FIRST screenshot there is a top mid and bottom mid and there IS cover. LOTS of it.
  3. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    This looks Great! I love the layout, it looks like what would happen if Midship and Warlock had babies. The only thing I would do is add some more ground cover, and a little more cover to the side pathways to avoid spawn killing. Other than that, great work!
  4. the360assasan

    the360assasan Ancient
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    I added more screenshots, also, the map is not TOO open you need to learn to use the cover effectively.
  5. The Worker

    The Worker Ancient
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    Has anyone actually tried and played this map instead of complaining "this looks too open!!" It is not that too open, and it is not that bad either. I played this map with my friends, and it went pretty smooth for 3 vs. 3.

    This map receives 3.5/5 from my opinion, because it lacks originality. This map resembles Amplitude and Onslaught, which are already two popular maps.
  6. Midnite Haze

    Midnite Haze Ancient
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    the bases and sides look good, everything is equal and balanced. but theres too much space in the middle areas. needs more cover. 4/5
  7. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    your sniping tower could use some of the walls fliped over to see the blank side of it, and i think you need a little more cover near the center, if you run there you would probably die
  8. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Sry but your map is too open and the fact that you state that your map is the way mlg is suposed to be played is a little arogent. It's fairly good but no one is above improovments so I would stop getting so defensive and take the critisizim. 4/5 has potental to become better
  9. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    personally i really liek the center, and the walkway along the outside, theres alot of cover out there. looks like a well played out when there is comunication their positions. seems like a really well played BR map, and you would have to know when to go out in the open or not. well good job with the map. ill give it a DL
  10. the360assasan

    the360assasan Ancient
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    This is the only person who knows what theyre talking about. To CLARIFY things: I am NOT being arrogant this is LITERALLY every MLG aspect and style put into one map. It requires close-mid range BR skill, it takes sniper skill, rockets custom and P.P are BALANCED. There is no camping, communication and teamwork is critical. It plays different every time. Grenading takes skill.

    Do NOT say there isnt enough cover. And DEFINATELY do not say to add more things. I hit the OBJECT AND BUDGET limit. i even used a stacked map so i litterally cant add more, There is a TON of cover in the middle but the middle is NOT overpowered you need SKILL to control it. if you dont know what your doing you WILL die but if your smart, you can win so just stop being stupid. The middle of MLG maps are intended to be hard to control and semi hard to get to. Get your facts straight.
  11. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Pictures can be decieving. it might be open but not as much as it looks i think. map movement looks good and some pretty neet structures. hope to see more!
  12. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I love playing MLG and I love judging MLG maps. In the cases of MLG Paralex the middle is quite interesting. A four way slide jump that can give you access to the top ring of middle. An overshield and some cover. The tiered yellow tower has a nice feel to it.

    What I like:

    • Tiered yellow tower.
    • Middles riskiness.
    • Placement of Custom power up
    What I dislike:

    • Most geometry placed against the outside wall of Crypt.
    • Placement of Rockets.
    • Corners are dead ends.

    • Reduce the size of middle upper ring.
    • Move yellow tower away from the wall.
    • Move opposite tower of yellow away from the wall also.
    • Move blue and reds centerpiece forward.
    • Move rockets away from oversheild.
    MLG Paralex centers its gameplay around the center piece. The center piece blocks some line of sight. In addition, players seek the yellow and opposite tower, because there is lack of variation of the geometry. Move your structures away from the walls to add some variance to the map. While doing so you change lines of sights around the map. Thus making the space between the middle and the sides of the map more traversable to players. Yes the space between the middle and the base geometry is very open! There is no arguing this. MLG Lockdown the new oddball map can get away with a huge open center, because of the way it was constructed. MLG Paralex needs to see some more improvements.
    #12 Transactionzero, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  13. Icedogd44

    Icedogd44 Ancient
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    The map looks good and I thought it was fun to play but most of the deaths occurred in the middle because there isn't enough cover. There is something to do for v.2
  14. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
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    This map kind of reminds me of foundation in a way. I think that the layout is really nice. I guess the main reson it reminds me of foundation, is the open space in the middle with the circle structure. I have not seen many mlg maps on sandbox yet, but this has to be one of my favorites.
  15. the sbi elite

    the sbi elite Ancient
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    Ill basically clarify for everyone that yur arguing with. the direct center circle has cover, the outside box trim has cover, but in the first screen shot look at the whole big blank spots in between the outside trim and the center, you have 4 objects of cover in that blank space, that's what everyone is trying to tell you. the map looks really good, but needs more cover in some places, if a team has a perfect set up, the dominate this map, but on maps like ons and amp(popular maps) you can get the control back, where on this one you can't due to the minor lack of cover. I'm in the same situation with with the budget and item placement budget. Try to look at the least important cover obstacles in your map, take them out, and add a very important cover to the big blank space.

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