I don't know if this was staged or not but I thought it would have been pretty cool if you would have made a basketball hoop out of weapons and then get some cool lighting effects to make the screenshot more dramatic. Nice job though
na, i have no idea how to make a hoop with weapons. But i probably wouldnt want to spend to long on it either way. also this was just a point and shoot shot. No real planning.
tottaly accident the first time i did it then i got a few more shots of it and chose this one as the best
Ya I know what you mean. Plus it would be pretty hard to stage a position like that anyway. If you ever got this staged though and you had a hoop made out of weapons, let me know, it sounds really hard but would be really cool to see the result
this is more of an action screen shot because its not really funny as it is a hmm thats neat kind of screen shot
....Okay then. Anyway this is so cool this is going on my file share.i love how he is looking at the ball at that angle.I smell the next Micheal Jordan coming up hear. Also nice shot. Kobe Rules...
"I Can play basketball with the moon, i've got the whole world at my feet." I Feel like dying - Lil Wayne
Michael Jordan x infinity. This is both a lucky and great shot, would be so much better if you were to forge a net right beside it.