Hey everyone. I'm looking for some help from the fine graphics side of /fh/ As you know I run the FH:RPG and I found something that could be cool but I don't have the time for it. I want to add emoticons which are like little commands that will add a smiley over the characters head. The problem is that the ones I have are verrrry low quality and kind of suck. As you can see, all the smileys are kinda gross. What I would like is a remake of these but with the forge hub set (ex: :irritated: etc) Each square is 32x32. Each row is a full animation for the smiley. Each column is a frame for the animation. I would be cool if you make them animated a bit. mg: Like this one. It's eye could turn red then have the smoke puff out. I'll try to reward you in game somehow.
:happy: :embarassed: :cry: :frustrated: :irritated: :lol: mg: :shiver: :haha: :sick: :joker: verload: This is just to aid me. So, ignore plz
You don't actually need to animate it, you just need to put like different ones in in each bubble and then it strings them together.