Im not what you would call a "master forger" or a good forger for that matter, but i accept your challenge good sir! but anyway ive already got a good idea for a map, ill start work on it tonight and see what happens.
lol i know i was just trying to make a joke but on a more serious note are we allowed to use advanced forging techniques(interlocking,Geolocking, ect.)?
I sent you this in a private message but ill post it here so everyone can see Map Game Type Ive tested this with a few mates and it works best with about 4 people, its fairly small because i did not use an area like the crypt, try it with 2-aside, There may be some problems with the spawn points because i think someone might have changed them when i was about to save it. Well thats about it tell me what you think
Wouldn't making a map with barely objects fail? Most good maps hit the OLN on Sandbox, so I am afraid of what people are going to make. (Wouldn't most people just use Block, Double?)
yes, thats why its a challenge, if you can make a map with limited objects you = winsauce understand nao?
yes... i really should update the op and make it more clear... will do later with pics! but you can donwload the entry thats already been submited, he used Column Larges (kind of unorthadox but cool)
Im gonna do an updated entry because its gonna be basically the same but im gonna add in one or two things that ive missed and ill fix the spawns, i hope its ok with you, ill hold off updating my reply untill you get back to me on whither its ok or not