Sandbox - Not everything I hoped

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A hobo, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    Welcome to the world of trying to find a common medium Ghost 717. People can bicker forever in hopes that either party will accept their viewpoints and everybody will believe the same thing. Unfortunately, this kind of mental unity will never occur, mainly because people have different thoughts and all. Just let them fight it out, and later on they'll find something else to fight about. I personally don't like fighting, so when I feel like somebody's getting mad at me, I simply say "<3".
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I lol'd so hard at this.
  3. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    As you can see from these two screenshots [1][2], object hitboxes are not regular. See the slanted foot? That is due to the surrounding hitboxes being at a slant also. In addition, you will find that an object only has one set of hitboxes, that serves to detect collsions between players, other objects, grenades and weapons. Players bump when they walk across the gap between a double box because there is a dip in the hitboxes there. Let's do a little text picture (side view:)


    If these had been perfectly rectangular, as you suggest, they would look like this:


    In this instance, a player would not bump when crossing onto the other block.

    Due to there being only one set of hitboxes, when four blocks are stacked together like so:


    There is a gap through which grenades can pass. If you can provide evidence that the hitboxes of objects are not as I have suggested, I will gladly stand down on this argument.

    Now onto the Sky Bubble. Here is a quote from your post at the top of page 6:

    Thickness has nothing to do with it. Congratulations. 1 point to Sweeny. Which leads me to readjust my complaint. Bungie could've created a Sky Bubble grid that didn't have any gaps through which objects could pass. This would have made forging on it that much easier.

    I see you have failed to address my point about the size of the ground floor.

    Once again, you are reading too deeply into my posts. When I said they cannot make any changes, I meant that they cannot make any changes. Sandbox is released; Bungie cannot simply withdraw the map, edit it, and then re-release it.

    I understand that Bungie listens to their fans. But that serves, primarily, to earn them money. The Legendary map pack was as successful as it was because they appeased the desires of the consumer.
  4. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    And Sandbox and Foundry didn't? What facts do you have to back up your statements, because now it seems like your talking out of your ass.
  5. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Now you guys want to rape him just because of his opinions? I am just going to say, even though I made the OP, that doesn't mean I'm not satisifed at all in the work. I just had my expectations too high. But, TBH, there is no real reason why flat walls arn't reasonable. I'm happy to have forge and all, but then again, this is pretty much what half of you people are saying:

    "You have Forge, be happy with it. Don't criticize it, you're lucky you have it."

    Which could easily translate into:

    "You have Halo 3, be happy with it. Don't criticize it, you're lucky you have it."

    I paid money for Halo 3, and forge came in the package. If it's justifiable to say don't criticize forge, then it's fine to say don't criticize Halo 3 in the first place. Then that wouldn't make sense for people that have jobs like reviewing games.
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Congratulations Pork!- you are the first person to make me turn on my xbox, when I didn't originally plan too. Hell, me not planning to is something, but for then to be swayed by your idiocy... Let's just say that my mind has been blown.

    I would like to take this very special moment, this brief space in pixels, to say "I'm sorry Hobo, things weren't supposed to escalate to this. I do have to deny that I would rape this kid, seeing as I already am. I swear! It was in self defense. He tried sticking his **** in mine first, but that isn't what caused all of this. He tried to stick his **** into a brick wall, and we all know that brick walls don't have holes."

    Obscure metaphor aside, I have only one thing to show you Pork. I won't even address the comment on Skybox, you still don't get it. I'll say this, and only this: Unlike the ground in Foundry, Avalanche, even the other tiers of Sandbox; the Sky Floor doesn't actually exist (kinda like your *****, but that's between us.... I swear). Now that that's out of the way, about your little "slant" theory.

    You can stand on an "invisible" pad of air in almost any place in Halo. And look, the feet slant, slightly, but do slant. This has very little to do with the box for the geometry, and has a little more to do with hit-box of the player. But, I know you will say "But the standing foot is not slanted!" That's because the character "animation" posture is affected by something different. Though there is no way to explain this to you clearly, since you continue to disregard the necessity of these hit-boxes. It wouldn't even matter if they have those "slants" creating "holes" illustrated by your picture, because grenades ignore that.

    I am prepared to take it a step further though, and do it on the same exact example you provided (sorry that I am unable to embed these, Halo Screenshots is not working currently all of a sudden). : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details
    For as you can see, grenades kinda ignore those hit-boxes. Like player posture animation, grenades go off the actual object itself (for the most part). Now you will say "Ha! I got you! So the bumpy textures of sandbox do affect grenades!" I will shake my head, because they don't. Trust me, I've tested many a time. In fact, this is how I test my interlocking, I try and chuck a grenade between the two objects. I hardly interlock, so sometimes it is hard to tell if they are interlocked, or the textures are just merging. During such examinations, I decided bouncing grenades off of "dips" in the textures, and what not, to see if it really did affect the grenade. No, it didn't.

    You know how I said long ago (was it my first or second post here?) that I enjoyed such "arguments" because it was easy and fun? That is, until it became stale. Well it has become stale, and to be honest Pork, you have bested me. Don't get too excited!-that's not a compliment. I mean, I pretty much used all my harsh, satirical energy reserves with the whole paragraph about "aesthetics over gameplay". Turns out I can't even stomach my own bullshit, even if it isn't real and said for the sake of comedy. But then I completely drained myself with the Ann Coulter picture, something that appears to have gone over your head (like this whole topic and game programming in general). So please, for the sake of everyone, hate Sandbox and complain Bungie could have done better. Go ahead! Do it! Just please, for the love of God or lack there of, leave game programming to the programmers. Listening to you rant about that is almost as bad as listening to Rush Limbaugh rant about Obama...
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Wait, seriously, no one else got the pic? I just wiki'd her and immediately BWAHAHA'd.

    And I thought everyone knew that the majority of the 'bumps' you see on blocks in Sandbox is just the wonders of bumpmapping.
  8. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I know right?

    And I thought so too, or at the very least, I thought someone would at least accept a half-assed explanation of such. To be honest, this whole thread is full of "I thought..." 's.
  9. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    TBH I lol'd too.

    I must say though, my major complaint is the fact that if you want a map to be good, receive downloads, get featured, etc., it has to be about perfect. Which is a real pain in the ass to do if you don't feel like glitching stuff into walls and the like. Meh. Not like Foundry wasn't the same way.
  10. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    With forging on Sandbox being so easy, it's hard to find feature worthy maps now.
    Also, at first I didn't like it that much because it was so different, but now that I'm getting used to it, It's a lot easier.
    I think it's because we were so used to Foundry, Sandbox really threw us a curveball.
  11. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    This should have been locked directly after Sweeny's post, because he just RAPED that kid. I wish I could sig that whole thing, because it was epic.

    Just so people know, a few days ago there was another Sandbox-***** thread just like one. And being the kind, caring guy I am, I provided a link to this Sandbox-***** Thread right here and requested a lock. Looks like they followed it. :p

    This one was here first, ya know. :D
  12. CR4ZY S1ICK

    CR4ZY S1ICK Ancient
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    You guys suck sandbox is awesome it has very good walls better than foundry.:0)
  13. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    why cant u be thankful for what bungie gave its forging community. Sandbox is no worse then foundry. The boxes in foundry are just as bumpy as the blocks in sandbox.

    No madder what anybody ever gets there will be faults but u can get over them. Be thankful for what you have. other have less then we do.
  14. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Before this does get locked, let me ask one simple question. Would you rather not have sandbox (and foundry) or would you rather have them?
  15. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Aaaaaaamen to that. be greatful for what u have
  16. ewren3

    ewren3 Ancient
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    i wish that the crypt had perfectly smooth walls, no bumps, i also which that the items wernt so lumpy and horrible, it makes it hard to forge.
  17. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    This isn't a Sandbox ***** thread. TBH, you just sound like a *****. GL getting banned for that troll-starting post, that had literally no meaning at all. All in all, we probably could agree that there could be better things.

    I know all of you are thinking it, but when you don't say it and someone else does, you start being a ***** like this guy.

    Alright, now to everyone else.

    I'm satisfied in the work they've done, but it could have done better. I paid money for this, so I have the right to complain. Don't say be grateful if I bought something and it's not what I hoped it to be. There's no argument against that, unless you're communist.
  18. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Unfortunately for us, they don't quite understand that phrase, must be a foreign language to them....
  19. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    actually, you don't have the right to complain. Maybe you should have done more research and looking into before you bought the map pack.
  20. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    I hope that's a joke, because that's the most stupid sentance I've ever heard in my life.

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