Taken from Bioshock.wikia.com Oh man, I'm pumped for this game and I had to post it. Sorry if it doesn't belong here, or I shouldn't have posted it in general. Again, sorry if it doesn't belong here
Yeah, it makes very little sense. It takes place ten years after the events of the first Bioshock, yet you play as the first ever Big Daddy. What were they thinking?!
The first ever model. Before the separate Roseies and Bouncers, there were both roles, but genetic mutation made them different. Besides, It's not coming out until the end of September, so they're going to change a lot of things.
The developers will not change the basic premise of the game. Also, i think playing as a big daddy just sounds cheap. The thing i loved about the first Bioshock was the story. You were just some average guy that some how had some extraordinary ties with this city. It had a great human element to the story, and now that you play as a Big Daddy, thats all gone. It seems the developer took the easy way out and just made Bioshock 2 just a "game" rather than an amazing story driven experience. And why multiplayer? What's that all about. Its not like once i was done with Bioshock's lengthy campaign i was like, "Boy, i wish i could go shoot some people online now". It sounds like they are just doing that to make more sales, while in my opinion, a game like Bioshock has no need for multiplayer. It reminds me of Resident Evil 5. Them adding the multiplayer portion as dlc was just an odd decision. I got a good 60 hours out of that game, and by no means did i feel the need for multiplayer.
EXACTLY! I played BS for the story. I turned on the subtitles and picked up every audio diary. I loved the story. For BS2... What story?
God people... BioShock 2 takes place after rapture is destroyed by lack of ADAM and EVE, because all the little sisters are gone. The Big Sister comes in and bends the entire city to her will, and you are put into the armored suit by Tennenbaum to kill her, because she is getting twice as bad as Fontaine. The Multiplayer is aimed to be more Co-op and Juggernaut style combat, where you either protect the Little Sister and kill the Defender, or chase after a Big Sister. It's not going to be CoD:5 multiplayer...
How can you criticize a game on speculation? Once you play the game, then you can decide whether or not it has a storyline. I can only imagine the developers weren't sitting around on their asses for the several years between BioShock 1 & 2 just to develop gameplay with no story built in, killing the one thing that set BioShock apart from most other games...