The City MAP: RIGHT HERE True Zombies (recommended): CLICK THE BLUE STUFF Wimp Zombies: YOU GO GIRL! WTF Zombies: OK, SERIOUSLY. WHAT. THE. F&%*. Get ready for an infection experience that will excite, frustrate and arouse you, all at the same time! For those of you who remember Township, this is basically the super-expansionized steroided. version of it. This is The City For those who haven't, this map is a large city aimed at testing your survival skills and teamwork. The game starts off with the humans spawning around the center building. You have no teammate waypoints, no radar, and a puny little plasma pistol. Since that obviously won't cut it, you're given 2 minutes to prepare for the impending zombie apocalypse. Scattered throughout the buildings and streets are weapons, which you'll have to scavenge for. Here's a view of some of the streets: An area of importance for scavenging is the ruined building. What was once a thriving cliche'd gun shop in the map is now merely a shell of itself. However, hidden within the rubble is some pretty nice stuff. It's time to get dirty. I asked the Dirty Jobs guy to do an episode on The City, but he said he wished to keep his brains inside his skull. Once you've got issues of weaponry sorted out, You'll now have to worry about setting up a defense. While The City DOES have less buildings than Township (8 usable buildings vs 9 usable and 3 mini ones, They are: 1. Much bigger in area than Township's and 2. 4 of them have 2 floors. So, no more worries about sharing that Sardine can with 4 buddies. However, these larger buildings also come with more ways to get in. Some entrances will allow you to waltz right in, some require crouching to get through. Some of the 2 story buildings have rooftop entrances too. While we're onthe subject, here's a few looks at the interiors of the buildings. The pictures right above and below are of one building. The pictures right above and below are of another building. So, we've now got enough weapons to supply a small army, and a nice secure building. Now it's time to test out their defenses. While you are wandering around preparing yourself for them, the zombies have spawned way up high in a box, where they can view you scurrying around like ants. After 2 minutes, the previously mentioned zombies get "released" (look up at that time for lulz) . These guys differ from Township in a couple ways. They have 90% speed instead of 75%, and have slightly lower resistance, but still retain their shields. They also have low radar, and their damage is tailored so that if they've been hurt badly, you CAN win a beatdown with them. This is assuming you're playing with True zombies. Wimp zombies is an "easier" version of true zombies. You get a pistol to start, and zombies have about 1/4 to 1/3 less health. With WTF zombies, it goes to the other direction. Zombies have about 1/4 to 1/3 MORE health. Enjoy the view! When the round gets down to the last man standing, they will get (if they aren't immediately spanked by the zombies) a 125% speed boost, and a friendly little waypoint over their head for the zombies to see. This is the portion where the zombies must corner and devour the last man. It's very frightenly, horribly, hilarious. TIME FOR ACTION SHOTS GO GO GO! Windows. Use em. Building secured. Guess who's winning? Why not? That's about it folks, hope you enjoy. If you find an issue with the map, please let me know about it. I'll leave you now with come ciritical acclaimfor this masterpiece of Forgery. "OMFG they take liek a billion shotz with my gun to kill them!!!11" -12 year old with bad aim "This sucks let's play Fat Kid instead!" - 13 year old fat kid " Dude they're way too strong you gotta make them at least instant kill" -New York Times
Wow. This is the first city map I've actually liked (no offense to township). But seriously it reminds me of left for dead some how, ykno with that zombie apacolyps feel. Great job man it's hard finding good infection maps haha.
Very cool I gota say. Great job on the map mate. Are all the buildings 2 story? If so thats hella cool. I'm a big fan of maps with buildings with many floors etc. Again great job on the map.
4 of them are, 1 has a sort of split second floor (It was made to look like a Township building) and 3 are one story. A word of advice: The one floor buildings are very good as well. They make for intense fights, assuming people know how to play.
I always loved Township. I still have it from 3 months, actually, and just played a game on it today. Does this one have barracadeable defenses? I'm asking because I havn't tried it yet. The hiding spots for this for weapons could be incredible. Also, a really good idea for you. Maybe you can make random weapon spawns (I'm sure you know how to do that) for all the weapons, so people don't do what they always do in Township: Go right for that shotgun on the roof, next to the dumpster, or the one in the armory. I've still never figured out how to get the sniper (telling me would be appreciated :])
This reminds me of my Basin City map currently in the works. I used the same lamppost idea. But my city has buildings much larger than yours, but the gameplay is much different also. Anyway, nice job on this map. Are you willing to collab a city map with me? I've made a few in my time but only posted one. Good work on this, it looks mostly clean for lacking interlocking. I'll dl and rate it and go deeper about its pros and cons in a couple hours.
Sorry if it said it in a secret spot in your post, but I couldn't find it! Where do the zombies spawn? When I saw this post, I was about to say that somebody stole your idea, but then I saw your name next to the title! Yay Something is making a remake to his awesomesauce infection map! Great job Something, this looks like a very pro map, and I hope it gets the attention it deserves. My favorite parts are the 2nd floors in the buildings and the ruined gun shop. Although some random geomerging would have looked better there, it was still a nice idea on your part!
You remade Township?! Everyone is remaking their good maps... Amazing work on this version of the map. It reminds me of an old,abandoned town in a desert oasis (mainly due to the whole sandy them of sandbox). All you need now is an aesthetic fountain (lol). Quick question though, how easily do zombies break into the buildings? In the original, the zombies broke into the buildings so quickly that humans were nearly defenseless. I hope you lowered the zombies' damage modifier, and lowered the humans' damage resistance/shields to even out the two. If not, then I would recommend updating the gametype as such, at least for Real Zombies. It's the only gametype of the two I ever played with the original, so if True Zombies is just like Real Zombies, then I would edit it.
There has always been somthing I like about urban type maps. Just love the whole feel of them. I remeber township and thought it was great so I can see this one being great. I'll be sure to download this. Great job on the map. 5/5
Very nice my friend. If I might offer a suggestion try mixing up the grid. The 3x3 block is kinda boring, but the awesome buildings make up for it. You might also want to do this out in the sandbox for better aesthetics and no impact on game play really. 4/5
Yesssss!!! You probably don't remember, but I playtested this during TGIF with you. It was great fun at the time, with minimal issues. I hope you maybe added another entrance to a building or two, but even if you didn't, it is still an awesome map. The whole "city" feel is excellently done, with great weapon placement that requires people to spread out and scour the city picking up the occasional weapon. I love the quotes, too. I remeber everyone was bitching 'cus the zombies weren't one shot.
I have an interesting idea to bring back the whole "barricade the doors, quickly" idea which was really the most recognisable feature in Township by lowering everyone's damage and damage resistance, then using pallets which one would push into place to barricade the doors. These would probably have to be backed up and supported by teleporters and weapon holders to avoid them being pushed out of the way instantly, but it would be awesome to see the zombies knocking the door down outside then all charging in with a cry of "THIS IS SPARTA!" I was going to make a map like Township with that exact twist but guess what? Ho hum, I couldn't be bothered! What a suprise. I got about two buildings in and gave up. How like me. Oh well, I'd love to see you implement this idea in perhaps a v2 of this as well as HIDEZING TEHZ WEP PWNZ! They all seem too easy to find. I also agree with previous posters about perhaps randomising the weapon spawns, however I do realise that this means there must always be a certain amount of them on the map which means that once you use up all the ammunition for a particular weapon, one can merely swap it out and force another one to spawn on the map, which you would then track down and be able to use. The way to prevent this would be to have weapons which are also randomised placed outside of the map meaning that there would be a limit to how many times a weapon could respawn before spawning there. Overall I don't like this as much as Township, Township just felt better and had those barricadable doors (see my suggestion!) which just made the game so much more "epic" and unique. I still have to give this a very high rating because it is still excellent but it just feels lacking in your weapon hiding and the lack of barricades makes Dthen sadface.
To hobo and Dthen: I can't make the weaponry randomized because I'm right up against the item limit and can't place additional weapons, and it would make it so you could get extra ammo when the other weapons spawned. The same goes for barricades. Debater, You also don't need to worry about not having barricades; A lot of the entrances require crouching, giving you that extra couple of seconds to take care of the zombie. This creates really intense moments just like with barricades/Township. Because the buildings are larger, I gave the zombies a tiny speed boost, which seemed to frustrate people in Township. I also weakened them enough to make some noticable differences. For one, one sniper shot kills all. Maulers can also 1 hit kill now (but be careful not to miss), and Br's and magnums all take 1 less shot to kill. Worst case, if this is still too hard for you, go for Wimp zombies. I won't judge you... wimp. EDIT: I also didn't interlockz nearly as much because of the nature or the objects. I did some interlocking around the edges to make sure there were no gaps, but really, the pallet of Sandbox makes the need to interlock a lot less to get a certain shape. I did geomerge some columns in the middle building though. They allow you to keep an eye on the bottom entrances while having good protection from zombies that make it in.
This map reminds me of a map called Township/scape (whatever) but a sandbox version In my own opinion i prefer the foundry version (if you where trying to recreate that map) but great job i like the fact that there is two stories buildings that's a good touch 4/5 But please remove those other pics there annoying
100% lol And c'mon Something record those games where I rape and get 50 kills with my sniper while getting a triple kill with one shot. Also people playing this if you get everyone organized you can hold most two story buildings with 3 people easily, however most people prefer to run around inside buildings, get in peoples way and contribute nothing but confusion causing everyone to die, so try not to do that. Please.
Yeah I know what you mean, the guy who made Township is so ****ing sexy. I hope I at least captured some element of Township with this humble map. Oh and while I'm at it, those who downloaded the true zombies gametype may want to re-download it. An exploit to get out of the map was discovered by an unnamed squirrel and I have changed the gametype to fix it. Every game experience will stay the same, just the slim chance of cheating has been removed.