Foundry The last stand!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Turkey bag56, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    This is a map i made a long time ago a bit after heroic maps came out. i made it after playing a game on the web called The last stand! it was good but there was a lot of things bad about it so a few days ago me and my friend (Poesideon) made it beter. we added a roof so people couldnt jump out and made a new zombie start point.

    people spawn with magnums and get beter weps over time but the zombies also get stronger over time! the people get a barracade it gets biger and beter the longer thay live.

    spawn times
    for the barracade 1 = just about none 10 = lots
    start people get magnums and barracade (7)
    10 secs people get barracade (3)
    20 secs people get assault rifles and barracade (4)
    45 secs people get SMGs and barracade (4) zombies get overshields
    60 secs people get covenant carbines, firebomb grenades and barracade (3)
    90 secs people get shotguns
    120 secs people get battle rifles and barracade (7) zombies get custom powerups
    150 secs people get sniper rifles and barracade (2)
    180 secs people get sentinel beams and barracade (10) zombies get active camos

    the game goes for 5 mins (300 secs) and has 6 rounds.
    the beter the guns u get r the less that will spawn.
    custom powerups make zombies a little bit faster and gives them more health.
    the zombies get 4 of each powerup.

    powerups. with powerups as a zombie u should not pick up every one u possibly can... u can combine a overshield with a custom powerup by picking up a overshield waiting till it gives u x2 shields then pick up a custom powerup but other than that get 1 at a time.

    it can b played with any amount of players.

    anyway heres some pics!

    start point
    this is where the people spawn

    zombie start point
    this is where the zombies spawn

    start point at end
    this is what the people starting point looks like with all the stuff spawned

    zombie start point at end
    this is what the zombie start point looks like after everything has spawned

    way to the people pic 1
    this is the way from the zombie start to the people start

    way to the people pic 2

    way to the people pic 3

    this is a pic of the guns when thay all spawn

    action pic 1

    action pic 2
    watch out!

    MUST use gametype to play
    link to : Halo 3 File Details
    game : Halo 3 File Details

    Made by turkey bag56 (me) and Poesideon
    please tell me what u think!
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    did you take the map or did u start from scatch
  3. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    started from scatch a little bit after the maps came out then edited it a few days ago
  4. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh k 1 question what website do u use to upload the pictures because there smaller then photobucket
  5. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i use photobucket and when the pics r on there i just copy and past them on here
    maby i put my pics on there a smaller size befor i used it for halo pics but idk
    #5 Turkey bag56, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  6. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    this is far to easy to kill the zombies because you know exactly where they are coming from. so i dont enjoy this map at all because when you are a zombie you get easily agrivated
  7. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    ok...zombies do die fast but have powerups that help them....if u combine a overshield with a custom powerup u have 400% health and run 50% faster and 50% of then time u kill 1 or more people and 1 of them with lots of other zombies makes it super hard for the people....and zombies also get active camo and if used right u will most likely kill people so its hard for both the zombies and people also in all the games i played in this everyone liked it and even if i didnt add powerups for zombies the game would still b alot more fun than alot of other zombie games like fat man and ones where zombies die 1 hit to anything.

    edit: theres only 5 mins in each round so if u really hate being a zombie u can just wait but from testing some people liked being a zombie and y get agrivated when its just a game?

    ps: u should play a map befor raiting it like the rules say
    #7 Turkey bag56, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  8. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    when i have the pics on photobucket what do i do to get them big?
    also i kind of like smaller pics because thay loade faster and u can still see everything in the pics and because there not as big u can look at all the pics faster than if thay were big... well thats what i think anyway

    edit: would it b beter if i have biger pics in my posts?

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