Could anyone tell me some cool color combinations for my armor? It's Mark IV for head, CQB for shoulders, and Katana for torso. Please do not say white/blue. Everyone has that.
Wow Ace your armor is exactly the same as mine, except my scout is right and hayabusa is left. Anyways what about thats Yellow+Sage or Teal+Red I think that one looks really good. Well i hope you find one you like
White + Green and Steel + Green work suprisingly well. I originally had White + green (my account's name was Spirit back then) but once I signed up for XBL, and had to make a gamertag (Blackest Spirit.. Not quite awesome, but ok) I changed it to as dark as possible - without loosing the green touch. But honestly, you need to screw around with the colors a bit untill you create something you find interesting. Same goes for armor, tbh, most people just use their latest armor, or armor that show off they pwnrockburmao'd campaign, or got several achievements etc. Just go with something -you- like.
Blue and green, or something similar will look nice. Steel/silver/white and red/crimson is also nice.
The best colors for armor are the colors that people do not pick. Think of a color combination that people skim across there minds. Perhaps white and a light color?
I have white and red. Its looks fantastic to me and simple. Even better change your symbol to a duck and go all yellow.