Foundry Pill Box V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by RackemWillie77, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. RackemWillie77

    RackemWillie77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey everyone, after requests and my own want to make the map better, I bring you Pill Box V2!

    Pill Box V1

    NOTE: You still cannot get out of the map. DON'T POST UNTIL YOU'VE READ THIS!!!!!!!!

    -No pallets in defenders base
    -Bigger area for attackers spawn
    -Switched scenery

    Recommended players/team:

    -Close Quarters
















    #1 RackemWillie77, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  2. CR4ZY S1ICK

    CR4ZY S1ICK Ancient
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    Nice job at making a new one its nice neat and clean.You chose the right gameplays too.
  3. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    HEY! I see me in the testing pics! =D Great map as before man, I'm glad I was there to help test this with you, good job man... 5/5 (eventhough the changes may seem miniscule, they are extremely important, as before spawn camping was a problem!)
  4. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Just a question: Did you heighten the gravity, so it's not possible to jump out? if so, people's BR will really be shaky, as it will seem like they're ghandi-hopping is an enemy just taps the jump button.
  5. RackemWillie77

    RackemWillie77 Ancient
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    Yes, the gravity is 200%, but in testing it didn't hinder gameplay at all.
  6. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    I still love the map but, last time you posted you said you still had 200$, so why don't you add a roof, it would make it look better. And yes higher gravity like BT said would make it harder to hit people because they could spam jump up and down.
    #6 STWOW, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  7. RackemWillie77

    RackemWillie77 Ancient
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    Yeah, but I figured it would be better to use the money i had left to add on to the attackers side seeing as how spawn killing was quite easy before for the defenders, they could literally just sit in the bunker and shoot long distance.
    And besides a roof would ruin the feel of a military style outdoors map
  8. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    Yes, but the map works perfectly already (im the guy with the katana in the first picture, trust me I know) and trust me adding a roof would ruin it, it would make evrything seem claustrophobic. The map works fine as is.
  9. Bixed

    Bixed Ancient
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    Hmmm... If you took the time to redo this map, there is a way to avoid escape without a roof with 100% gravity enabled. I'm just throwing this out there, but since the entire map is elevated, can't you make the map higher up so the player boundaries prevent players from going any higher? I mean, players would still be able to jump at 100% gravity, but the invisible barrier would keep them from jumping over the walls. This way, regular gametypes would work on the map, and no roof would be needed.

    Other than that, the map looks great. I personally favor maps where the play area is closed off in a unique way. I'll give this one a DL.
  10. RackemWillie77

    RackemWillie77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well ya see, it would have ate up the budget if I had done that, and I had already pretty much ran out of every object you could think of, but good suggestion. I'll keep it in mind next time I make a map.
  11. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    I am very pleased to see that you have made a newer and more improved version. I also love the new area for the attackers that you had added on. Hopefully gameplay in this version will be so much better then v1.

    I will test this over the weekend and I will come back to you with a review of this map. So far aesthetically this is definitely a good 4.7/5. Gameplay will hopefully be around that area as well.
  12. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    I saw the first version of this map, and It looked amazing. Now it seems even better. I love the way that it looks, especially the way you used movable objects for scenery, such as the three barrels. The overall feel of it seems to be the outdoor military operation, and I love the way you've flawlessly mixed the outdoor feel to the bunker feel, with much of being roofless, but with other parts being very close-quarters. An overview shot would be nice, but not necessary.
  13. Jsten419

    Jsten419 Ancient
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    Hmm, I read what you said about not being able to get out of the map, and I really think there are a few ways, very easy ones. Honor rules would have to be pretty front and center to stop that.

    The map looks pretty nice though. Next time, try getting more of a grid in the interlocked boxes, right now they look kind of sloppy.

  14. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    why add a roof? you could just make the sides higher, i think you have enough objects for that
  15. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    I actually played this map now finally and did a forge through and honestly, it is really bad. Your forging skill is great and the map looks cool and clean but, it plays really bad. The turret in the defenders base, doesn't work that well, in that your head will sometimes pop up and get in the way of the sight. There is only 4 spawns points, and they are forward in the attackers base, so they are easily camp-able, the floor isn't that neat and there is alot of flickering. Sorry, 2/5 right now until you address these problems.
    Also the fact that it is 200% gravity does make it hard to hit someone in the head to spams jump up in down. From what I see you could make the walls higher or make a roof so you could put the gravity to normal.
    #15 STWOW, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  16. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    fail, the turret is mainly aesthetic, yes it can be used to kill people and yes the sights suck but who cares it would be overpowering if it wasnt, the floor flickering doesn't really bother you while your playing, the floor is extremely neat, besides you wouldn't know how it plays you said you only did a forgethrough... L2Research NOOB... lololol
  17. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    I posted on the ogiginal and i have to say that you took absoulutly none of my advice. Thats not ok because it is possible to jump out of the map even at 200% gravity where the wall railing is on the stairs. Nice adittion though. As i see posted above raising the whole thing to the invisible layer would not have used all your budget, you had plenty of items and a reasonible budget of about 128. So all in all a v3 is vitLe TO ANY SUCCES that this map has to offer.

    there is no easy way to say this...well yes there is...YOU FAIL. partially

    Also gameplay was preety dry on v1 i will test maybe test out v2 tonight
  18. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    "I played it and did a forge through"
    and also don't say fail, and don't make little elitist comments about your sucky map. I'm done

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