Download Venom Venom is my freshman venture into Sandbox. I decided to build in the crypt because is is the most similar to Foundry so I thought it would be a somewhat familiar place to get used to the various objects and limits. The map is symmetrical with a base on either side of the crypt an a large circular dome structure in the center. Towering high above Venom are it's namesake structures: two giant snakes rising out of the floor toward each other in a face off. The snakes are hollow tunnels with man cannons inside that propel you from the floor into the snake's mouth. The mouths of the snakes can be very powerful positions especially if you have a sniper, but you'll have to watch your back for enemies coming up the snake and also from the opposite snake. The Rocket launcher spawns under the center dome on a little grassy knowle. There are platforms along each side of the map that allow you to move around the outside toward the enemy base. The sniper rifles can be found on these side walls. The bases themselves are semi covered with windows for defending and a circular wooden platform above. Gametypes: 1. Slayer 2. Capture The Flag 3. Assult 4. KOTH 5. Oddball 6. VIP 7. Territories 8. Infection Weapons: 1. 8 BR's 2. 2 Brute Shots 3. 2 Sniper Rifles 4. 1 Rocket Launcher 5. 2 Needlers Equipment: 1. 2 Power Drains 2. 2 Regenerators 3. 4 Plasma Grenades 4. 2 Bubble Shields Please enjoy Venom. Comments and feedback are appreciated. Download Venom
oh my gosh!!! This map is amazing, My favorite part is the obelisk interlock's. The blue light makes the rocket spawn look epic!!!! I give this a 10/10, amazing forging, good overall idea, GREAT interlocking and overall... just pure awesomeness. I'm DL'ing and I'll play this with some friends and see how it goes! (FIRST!)
wow i'm impressed you took snadbox architecture to the next level. Those snakes on either side are the highlight of this map, and everything else looks great. I've come to expect wonderful maps from you and this continue that streak. The cover is plentiful and the weapons balanced. nice job. But, with the snake things, is the some sort of lift to get up or is there a skilled jumping path? and the bases seem to retreat from your great ancient watever idea. Cool, but the center is very vivid and specific to the area you based it on, the bases cover with wood. Dotn get me wrong it's fine you took your tome and you got my d/l but in a V2 i wish to see more environmentally-oriented scerenry, if you unsterstand. i no, big word hurt brain. but u get cookie if u do. 9.5/10 if u fix and fix well, and trust me, i's my opinion, u dont have 2, im not forcin u (OR am I? MAKE IT! NOW!!!!!!) lol jk but if u decide to change it up a bit i will give it a 10/10 (If its good) very nice Makisupa.
Wow nice job it might be better than alot of good maps.Its neat and clean nice job with the wood though you must be patient.:0)
This looks really well done. The lighting is perfect and the aesthetics are wonderful. There is a fair amount of cover and a beautiful centerpiece. 10/10
This map is truly great. Its very rare that a map with good asthetics has good gameplay, like this one does. A really great map. Bravo!
Where's Indie? lol thats what i thought first but wow man great job i love this map, its aesthetically pleasing and looks like it plays awesome. Keep up the great work.
wow thats is one of the best maps ive seen today! i love ur interlocking, and the snake design is fantastic! ive already downloaded and rated it! look forward to playing on it Check out my map Surroco: Surroco
looks pretty good.... lol i love the snakes, but besides that it's also got some other nice asthetical structures and seems like gameplay would turn out nice. I sometimes use that window like structure with the arches also... good job
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeez, your first Forged Sandbox map is so much better than mine! The snakes are definitely different, in a good way of course. This map, if you look at it with good imagination, kind of looks like a more psychopathic version of Warlock from Halo 2 (if you don't see it, play Warlock again; the central platform is the most resembling). Absolutely 10/10! I'm looking foward to more of you maps!
Indie The snakes are hollow tunnels. You start at the bottom and are shot up through the snakes by man cannons. I hear what you are saying about keeping the look of the map consistently ancient, but I could not get the look I was going for with only stone objects. I think that's what you're saying.
That's some pretty impressive interlocking you've got there. Aesthetically, it's cool and interesting. However, the bottom level seems too bare, and the entire map looks to be way too open with little cover to move around with. I'm not suggesting you place just random objects to add cover, but it needs a few structures in between the lines of sights in the map, such that one sniper can't control the entire line. lol, and Makisupa, you and your trademark 'random circle bridges of interlox'.
Cover Thanks, Nemi. I do have a little budget left. I will take another look at it today and see if I can add a little more cover to eliminate some lines of sight. The pictures are a little deceiving though, especially the aerial shots. Once you are down in the map at ground level there really is a decent amount of cover. Are you poking fun at my beloved and signature random bridge circles? It's just not a Makisupa map without at least one...............okay, maybe I use them a bit much, but their fun to make, and very satisfying to look at. Round is better. Things that are better round than square: 1. Pizza 2. Booty 3. Bridges
OMG! DO NOT CHANGE A THING! this map is perfect! ive just played some slayer on it, and me and my mates all absolutely loved it! this is the best map out of the 6 or 7 that i have played today by far! the design is fantastic. the interlocking is spot on. the snakes dont over power the whole map like i sort of assumed they would, and the dome thing in the middle with the rockets is incredible! gameplay on this map is as gd as it could be and the weapon layouts r perfect! oh and there is plenty of cover when u are actually playing the map, i had some intense fights around the sides aswell, really reallly gooood! keep up the good forging! XD
Wow, I must have missed this one. I just saw it, it reminds me of the one I am doing now, keep your eyes pealed for the next few days I have been working one it for about two months and will be posting soon. It's a great one.
Aww I like lines of sight. Why does everyone always complain about them? Does Highground cover it's lines of sight? No, and it's awesome. Almost every default map has longer and more lines of sight than you will find in most any forged map. Don't be like everybody else. Man, this is frikkin awesome. I've always loved your style, and I think it's somehow getting better. The snakes are perfect, and surprisingly simple. The layout looks fine to me. Another win, maki.
wow, i dont think iv sen a map that has snakes on them, within a competitive, that you are able to play in, thats awsome amd i know im not the only one who thinks that too. this is a really well forge map for the first try or "freshman" as you had said. but anyway, i do love the little looking shrine where the rockets are held even giving it a glow. the wood planks together like that is pretty cool also. good job on the map, im DL.
Lines of Sight You make a good point about High Ground. I've decided to leave it the way it is. No one complains about the lines of sight on many of the Bungie maps. The truth is that all of them have large open ares for combat. Thanks for the positive comments, Predicide.
All maps by you always impress me and this one is probably your best. The aesthetics are always original and the cover is perfect the way it is. That rocket spawn is WAY awesome! I really can't wait to play this later on and check it out. Great map 5/5. Wouldn't be surprised if this got featured.