Snipe Map Help? does anyone want to help me with this? i've had trouble in games spawning right next to the other team and some people are complaining that there is not enough cover. i also need a good help making the objects smoother without wasting objects. any suggestions would be great. add me S4W04 if u want to help. i might not be on till the weekend.
Uhhhhh......You might wanna tell us what you need help with. Until then, this is considered spam. EDIT: Thanks for saying at least "I need help." EDIT 2: Show us pictures and you could tell us a bit about the map.
Spawns: Place a respawn area down the entire hallway, for every hallway, especially for a snipe map. Remember to set the bottom for the respawn area to 0.5 or greater. Adding more respawn points will also help. Frankly your map is impossible to make a perfect respawn system on, however using the respawn areas and more spawn points will make it better. As for making objects smoother try Interlocking and replacing walls with wood bridges, or block huge's/tall's. Wall's tilt after saving due to Bungie's save system. As for cover there is not much you can do on this map. You could make the center piece enclosed but that will eliminate base to base sniping. I suggest maybe adding a couple walls or wall slit's to the bases.
To make the map less open you should consider putting a big column or block or something in the very middle, that obscures the lines of sight making it harder to shoot across the entire map.