This site is being ruined by tht constant spam of NOOB maps on sandbox lately and its got to the stage of an annoyance. since the new map pack has been publically released the amount of new maps posted here is unbeleivable. the thing is the Forger has spent about 10 minutes building the map and posting it incorrectly. because of this the GOOD maps get hidden away in all of this SPAM! i look at the newest community maps to be annoyed so much on UNSC trainees posting incorrectly or posting a map that could be forged better on PRE-DLC maps. What can we do? Can the mods filter the map posts? Untill the map is sorted out HERE is a PERFECT example of what im talking about
People have a right to post what they wish, and your opinion does not negate the fact that they made it and someone might enjoy it. If you're looking for proven quality maps, try the featured section.
i suggest a filter, not keeping peoples maps out but actually dividing the maps posted by the ranks of the forge hub community i no at first it will be unfair but eventually it will even out because the peiple that bother to reply to others posts will. im not saying that the different ranks will not be aloud to see each others maps but just more of a filter so all of the smg ranks will have all there maps in one catagory and so on and so forth
Or when people sign up they NEED to read Forging 101 or know HOW to forge and most importantly know how to POST the map.
The same thing happened when all we had was Foundry. Forgers will always post a shitty map at first and then the more they learn the better the maps they will make and bring forward to the community. It's a pretty common cycle.
I hate it when people post incorectly. it takes away from the other maps. Even more when they make like 5 versions in two hours and submit them all. They need a way to make sure there are screenshots so people can see one part of the map. The other thing is that when one person messes up tell them what to fix instead of "This is not up to forge hub standards". When sanbox came out everyone made maps thinking they were "good" forgers when they are no more than a pile of objects. I don't care that much about interlocking but big craters do infact afect gameplay not so much bumps. Why do people complain so much about sandbox? The bugs have always been there they just now notice them and how sandbox is not what they thought it would be. Bungie told you exactly what it would be like. There should NOT be a ranked forum for higher ranks. Some of peoples best maps come right as they join. It would be unfare to everyone to make them wait to show there amazing maps.
but the fact that there were still some nooby posts and incorret posts preceeding the realease of sandbox that means something has to be dont at the very minimum what spazmonkey92 suggested, i suggest that somebody make and instructional video, and when its made have everyone on fh watch it and the cant exit it. but only for people with a certain amount of posts and new entrants. and they only have to view it once. and fair enough i see what you mean some of peoples best maps come out early well there have to be some form of changes at least
There should be a separate section that has to have a mod move it to, where all of the great maps are. This way, other maps don't spam the board and block out future feature-worthy maps
I kinda agree, but that is an elitist comment. Everyone should have a fair chance even if the map is bad.
We all predicted this wave of bad maps. Give it a month, it'll die down. Unfortunately, I finished my latest map just after Sandbox came out, so I'm waiting until all the **** unclogs itself from the map forums so my map will be more noticed. A good map post at current will definitely get your map more noticed. Also, even though I shouldn't have a negative stance towards newer members, when I see a newer member's map I expect the worst now. Just post your map well and/or give it a month. Everyone has the right to forge, this spam is the exception rather than the rule of newer members' posts.
fine then how about a better form of voting system say people vote on maps then the maps elevate higher in the board or sumtin, but obviouly the other ones wouldnt be excluded because people will still want to see whats new but then if theres nothing good they can continue to explore the higher up maps
Forcing people to read to read Forging 101 is like being forced to read the TOS when you sign up to a website or install a piece of software. You scroll through it quickly or just click the box. Thats it. Its impossible to enforce a rule like that. The only thing I can think of is to implement an auto-lock feature to the forums. Rather than being so leanient with the 24 hours to get your thread sorted out, it would better if there was a way of map posts being scannedd automatically to check for key features before allowing it to be posted. Something which would only allow a thread to be started if the thread included at least 1 , atleast one [url="] (to check that there is actaully a map link there) and perhaps a minimum number of characters. Things which are common in every thread (embedded image, link to somewhere on and if they're missing then the user cannot post the thread. Unfortunately, I'm unaware of how restricting this forum is and whether adding a feature like that would even be possible. But it still something to through on to the idea table.
I suggested this already, and yeah, people have have the right to post here. I just think maps should go through basic mod approval so that there is at least a picture, the title is correct and there is a link to the file. That would really help, and doesn't prevent anyone from posting.
I agree with this whole-heartedly. I posted a map (a decent one too, not some crap, half-ass map) and it got bumped to the third page within an hour. It's just so ridiculous how many crap maps get posted. And slightly related, with all of the maps that aren't posted right, there are too many posts of this sort. (And if you see any posts like the above, report them) People really need to post something that is HELPFUL to the person posting the map. If they didn't post the pics right, then they don't know how. Don't just tell them what they're doing wrong. Tell them how to fix what they are doing wrong. (And put it in a spoiler please) And for anyone looking at this thread who needs a guide to post pictures, you can quote me on this (credit to LIGHTSOUT225): Spoiler
AceOfSpades0707: I agree with you completely. That is why I haven't posted any maps of FH since the release of Mythic (or anytime for that matter.) However, I feel that with the spam will actually arise a Renaissance of sorts for forging. With the larger palette and unique objects on Sandbox, hopefully more unique and innovative structures will be birthed from the sand. Also, without a certain objects like doors and with the Crypt's cumbersome walls, it will actually take some skill and dedication to make anything that can be called truly awesome. Essentially, It takes some practice and some effort to geomerge now. (BTW I geomerge/interlock for gameplay purposes). I really think that some of the lesser-known and undiscovered forgers in the community are going to have opportunites to rise up and get the respect that they deserve, provided the insane percentage of half-assed maps that are being posted on Sandbox drastically reduces.
@Ace: I can't copy and paste that guide, remove the quote tags around it and we should be fine. On topic: There's many reasons this is happening, mainly Sandbox coming out, Bungie advertising the site, normal exponential growth (A friend telling 4 friends, who tells 4 more friends, etc). The best idea for this site to keep the good new forgers and still keep an open and friendly feel to this site is to just wait for the wave of new maps to stop.
Haha the Deer Hunt fiasco? Man you don't even kno how bad that annoyed me. Dude i definetely know how that is, especially since all of mine are on foundry. What map did you post? Amen man, amen. The ranking system really doesn't make much sense to me cuz it's based off of how much you post or put up threads right? I mean there can be an exterminater who hasn't posted any maps the way it is (sorry if I'm incorrect, don't blast me plz). I think it should be rated by their map's popularity or number of down loads. P.S. you have a point about the "good forgers" haha. Like I'm not saying they shouldn't post, cuz you learn from experience. I'm just saying that since it's sandbox it's way too easy to use (Crypt and Bubble) I have a whole issue about that
There's nothing you can do about it. The world would be a perfect place if it only consisted of educated and wealthy people.