Original design or reimaginations/traces? Either way, they're great. Personally, my favourite is the first.
You are not being serious? You don't believe he made them?! Have you not seen c5c's previous works? He's done some amazing things in the past and I don't doubt that he'll continue to. I really like the vertical one that you've entered into SotW! Great job.
Can you please stop entering in the SOTW? I mean seriously, give someone else a chance. You know what, I think we should have a non-vector week...
You didn't actually think you had a chance to begin with, did you? Anyhow, the third one down looks like a Zalgo joke. Very nice vectors, top is my favorite, but the Tool Punk ones seem to be on the fail side.
Wasn't insulting you. Just asking why you would consider him giving you a chance. Which would mean you thought you had a chance. I guess I was "blunt" again, wasn't I? Well sorry about that.
I like a lot of your stuff c5c, but I don't really think it's appropriate for the SOTW. Maybe the one from the other week, even though I didn't like that one, but this week only qualified to be a tag because it was within the dimensions. There's nothing wrong with vectoring, but try to make sigs in a sig format.
why? why should i be constrained to make my art fit with anyone else's ideas or standards? i will do whatever the **** i want