Jaded Ruins is a big project of mine. It's my first Sandbox project, taking place in The Crypt. It was intended to be extremely flexible, and play solidly with any gametype, and go from 2v2 to 6v6 ideally; maybe even 7v7 can work well. Even multi team or free for all is supported. You can go from 5 Team Multi Team (2v2v2v2v2) VIP to 6 on 6 Flag Rally to 8 player Free-for-all swords. It doesn't matter. Its many station design makes it highly appealing for destination games such as VIP Escort or some Juggernaut games. Its setup also makes it good for territories variants with large parties, where there are 8 on the map. It would be ideal for Team Objective and many other playlists, due to its customizability and ability to work with any gametype. The full map is completed. I am testing the default map with various standard gametypes, such as Team King, Team BRs, Territories and more. I am also developing variants; both map variants such as SWAT Ruins and game variants like Jaded Race. I will likely be submitting to Atlas. Latest Update: Thursday, April 16, 2009 Added cover (Pillars etc.) to upper floor. Deleted problematic spawn by red-side tunnel. Replaced sniper rifle with turret in asymmetric gametypes. Sniper rifle remains available in symmetrical gametypes. Adjusted certain KotH hill spawns. By use of symmetry options, two VIP goto point paths created; one for symmetrical gametypes to make for direct combat and another for One-VIP to encourage cycling around the map. Planned Variants: Map: SWAT Ruins Jaded Ruins configured for all SWAT gametypes. Same symmetry options used, so defenders play on the flamethrower base in One Flag. Carbines, BRs, Magnums, and Plasma Grenades. Map: Ruins Snipers Jaded Ruins configured for Team Snipers. Beam Rifles on map, spawns moved and removed to prevent any form of camping. Gametype: Jaded Race Jaded Race is an adjustment of the Juggernaut included gametype Mad Dash. The juggernaut, in this version, gets 5 points per destination arrival, 1 point per kill as juggernaut, and 1 point per kill on the juggernaut. The juggernaut is given an overshield. First to 100. Destinations move on arrival. Map: ST Ruins Jaded Ruins configured for the Squad Tactics gametypes, with its trademark weapon set, featuring flame grenades, spike grenades, plasma rifles, battle rifles, and sniper rifles. And now some screenshots. Both action and map screenshots are on the up to date version of the map.
lose the white/black swipe thing at the top of your pictures, it detracts from my attention to the nice screenshots. the map looks good, not quite sure about the turret or flame thrower, but i wouldnt know for sure till i played it.
Yeah, I was a bit eager, seeing as I just got CS4 a couple days back. For the turret, most people don't even dare go close to it based on where it is, and how vulnerable you are. The flamethrower acts as a great close-quarters weapon, but not a lot more than that. I also chose those weapons to add diversity while matching the backstory (Not posted here, but it goes along the lines of a brute force/heavy weapons training facility).
As the other Silence said, get rid of the swipy-thing on each of your pictures. It's annoying. One thing I might add, even though I haven't played it: add another ramp up to the top of the base with the Y-intersection tube and without the colored pillars. You don't want to get trapped on the bottom.
Along with the one ramp way up from the bottom, you can also get up with one jump by using the angled wall. A lot of my maps seemed to have a problem with elevation and being too easy to get up top - I'm trying to cut down on that.
I'm not looking for a feature - if it were, that would be great, but I don't expect it. I am aiming for a successful entry into Atlas, and even more than that, creating a good custom game to play at my Sunday and Saturday weekly games.
Looks good glad to hear that it's been/being tested. when it comes out I prolly play just this map for like 6 weeks.