Hey everyone. I made these a while back and just thought I'd post them to showcase the screenshots and to give some funny sayings! lol EDIT: Community, feel free to add your own in this thread! - Title text = Times New Roman - Sub-text = Bank Gothic
lol thnx guys. I'll be sure to keep 'em comin' If you want me to make one, send me a pic and I'll come up with somethin
All of these are really nice, and Halo 3 is actually good for these demotivational posters, I like the Endurance one best I think.
Very nice and funny! 5/5 for them all! Can you messege me about what font you used and all? because ive been trying to make these. but i cant sem to get them right...
lolololol omg u r a comedic mastermind. life decides to stick you in the nuts. there was not a single pic in this thread i didnt literally rofl at.