I've been working on maps for a machinima im going to make once i get all the hardware and software i need. (im not the best forger) The map i really need help on is a city im trying to make. ive tried a couple different designs for houses but i havent made anything that looks really good.o and the map im using is sandbox, but if you have suggestions for any other maps let me know. if you have any suggetions please post them. Thanks
A little more information would be better. Are you trying to use a certain theme or mood for your Machinima? Or do you need the houses for a particular reason? With that, you could determine which map to do it on and how the house looks.
Metro v2 is has a good urban theme. It is on Foundry, though. Be sure to ask and give credit to Paulie Walnuttz.
sorry about the lack of info. i was in a hurry. but anyways the houses are just there for looks. the theme/mood is like a crime filled kinda rundown place. I like the look of foundry but i would kinda like more space like in sandbox. ok thanx i will check it out