After a little absence, FullMetalJacket and II ELITE BR II present Breakdown Click on me to download it! -Prologue- First off, ELITE and I take a great deal of pride in creating a thorough and informative post, and this is no exception, so please, don't just skip to the pics- read what we have to say. First of all, say hello to 'Breakdown', ELITE and I have collaborated to create our fifth map to hit ForgeHub and it is definitely our most close-range, claustrophobic map. The map was planned to be released in a "never-to-be-released map-pack". However, with most of the so-called 'Testers' Guild' deciding not to show up, it collapsed. However, with the release of Sandbox, ELITE and I started work on a map on the sand dunes to mark our return to ForgeHub after a 6 month hiatus. However, with our Sandbox map still a few weeks away from being ready to be released. Our attentions turned back to Breakdown. A true gem of map, thoroughly tested, wasting our on our hard drives. So, here it is, our fifth map, Breakdown. High fives! -Description- A two based map designed for team games, comprising of a single route between bases, Breakdown offers a tactical map for teams. With rockets as the only power weapon on this small enclosed map, battles are won by skill and teamwork. Supportive of CTF, TS, Team Oddball, Team King, Assault and Territories. Recommended for 4-8 players. The Map Overview Blue Base Red Base Corner Fort Weapon Spawns Rockets Spawn Carbine Spawn Action Shots Takin' Off Flag Carrier DOWN! Touch of Blue Rocket Incoming! Map Details -Weapon List- Assault Rifle x2 45 Seconds Respawn 2 Spare Clips Battle Rifle x6 30 Secs Respawn 2 Spare Clips Needler x2 60 Secs Respawn 2 Spare Clips Rocket Launcher x1 180 Secs Respawn 0 Spare Clips -Equipment List- Frag Grenade x8 10 Secs Respawn Plasma Grenade x8 10 Secs Respawn Map Design FAQ Q. Why did you not continue with your usual 3 power weapons of the rockets , the sniper and the shotgun A. Simple answer really, the map is big enough to hold a sniper, a shotgun and rockets. Q. Why have you released Breakdown, instead of releasing a sandbox map? A. Because it is such a good map, also I haven't had the Mythic Maps long. ELITE has had them since Halo Wars. Q. Is this your last map on Foundry? A. It will be the last for a while, however, I couldn't rule out a map on our beloved Foundry. Just wish they got rid of that stupid crane! Q. Is your first Sandbox map nearly completed? A. The basic outline is, we're just making a few changes here and there. Download Breakdown here! -The Last Word- So, please offer us good feedback, and please don't just judge by the pics. Click the links and download it! At the moment we are really busy on the Sandbox map (making it as awesome as possible), however if there is HUGE demand we may consider a V2, but it's doubtful. Also, don't forget to scroll down to my sig and click on my other maps. Okay, I'll leave you to it, enjoy!
This map looks pretty smooth and seems like it has good interlocking. However, it looks too small for 8 players to me, and the rockets may be a little too much in my opinion (I never liked rockets and IMO they're unfair =P).
Thanks, it can take 8 players just.... Also, the rockets aren't too over powering, since you have two shots and there gone.