Do you either of you guys try to straighten up real quick whenever someone else walks into the room? I almost always do, because I know I look stupid sitting the ways I do. Although, countless times it has led my parents to believe I'm watching porn XD
I tend to listen to more conversations than actual participate. So when I'm concentrating on listening, I totally zone out, and people notice it all the time.
I draw on things. If I don't have anything else to occupy me I just start drawing on the desks, walls, chairs etc. The teachers say it's a nice change from the graffiti but I need to stop. And I also spend a lot of time picking the skin from the sole of my foot.
I do the same, but I couldn't find a wording for it. (And I have this strange fetish for 2B pencils. I ONLY use 2B)
I hate putting my ipod in my pocket. I have to hold it anywhere I go. I also pick my nails, and the side of my nails (the actual skin). I hate long nails. I used to pick my teeth (gross, right?), but have stopped. And I've been cracking my knuckles ever since my grandma died
I zone out, I just kind of like look at something I sometimes do it for hours, especially in school, my friends think I am a stoner because sometimes it takes me a while to realize someone is talking to me.
I always play pokemon upside-down. I can play games in the most random positions, i.e. upside down on the staircase with my lags on the railings.