This is the spawn chart of the Left 4 Dead Survival mode coming out this Tuesday (April 21). It will not be easy, but it will be free! Article from Talking About Games Left 4 Dead's new Survival pack is coming next week. NEXT WEEK. And we're not just speaking in Valve terms, where "weeks" become "months", and "months" become "The year and a half delay between Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2 Episode One's release". By this time next week, you'll have the new Survival Pack DLC on both the PC and the Xbox 360. Unfortunately, Valve's going to make you pay for it in blood. In a new post on the Left 4 Dead blog, the team at Valve released this chart, which shows the math behind how the zombie spawns are determined in the new Survival mode. As you can see, the passing of every second is something makes the fight for survival that much more difficult, with the high level zombies, swarms, and tanks appearing more and more frequently as time goes on. And if the end of that blue curve, the one representing Tank spawns, has you worried? Don't sweat it. You'll probably never have to worry about that point, fourteen and a half minutes into the game, when Tanks are spawning every few seconds. If Valve's team has yet to break the nine minute mark on Survival mode, you'll be lucky to make it to eight and a half minutes.
The patch is only for 360, seeing as how it is two patches that the PC already has. Yes, I cannot wait for this and I saw that chart. Tanks every few seconds!? This is ridiculous.
Don't forget a special every second, and a horde every 15 seconds from the looks of it. This will be insane.
This sounds amazing, and will bring me back to Left 4 Dead. So many unwanted glitches will ruin this mode, hopefully Valve will do a thorough look for them, and patch any found. This'll, to me, could be the best thing to happen to Left 4 Dead, can't wait to try and get to the 14:30 mark, swarms of Tanks sound like a recipe for hilarity!
hang on, the tank curve goes to 0.00 does that mean they replace normal zombies?? that would be awesome my bad its a little above
I bet people will find glitches that allow them to survive for ever like in a wall, and that will allow them to live for like hours. They would probably fix it but I'd like to see how many zombies there are after 20 minutes let alone 1 hour.
By the looks of it, it finishes at 15 minutes. Cookie / cake for anyone who makes it, legit, with proof.
I've seen some game play footage. The walls are destructible. Living for 6:00 looks like an accomplishment.
Just tried it, freaking awesome, lots of fast paced action, but my record ATM is 6:00. Too many smokers though on the new map, and it makes it hard when you camp on the roof.
Well Valve just went back to the top of my list of developers I love espcially sense its free I mean they are truly awesome.
Damn, if I only I had the money I would get this game right now. I've wanted it forever, but now the urge is nearly uncontrollable.
Survival is pretty fun, but I've been getting matched up with nothing but bad players. I was on the lighthouse map and this guy was collecting all the gas cans from around the level, putting them in the house, and then shoving them into a corner. Then he just plants himself on top of them. And it is literally a solid sheet of gas cans he's sitting on, like that's the carpet design for the house or something, gas can carpet. The first wave of zombies show up, we're not even ten zombies into it, and he lights himself on fire, killing himself along with the guy next to him. The third guy on my team goes over to help them up, then immediately becomes engulfed by flames and dies. I want to understand the thought process that makes someone think that's a good plan. Like was he just totally shocked when his good friend Horrible Wall of Fire turned against him?