I agree to this video for the most part. I really think these things need to change. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDkcc9CU8FQ&annotation_id=annotation_26219&feature=iv promote this anyway possible if you believe in this.
Yes. I agree with everything this videos contains and says. Youtube has hit the bottom of a pit, which still is farther below you then you think. Simply put. Youtube was for the people to upload videos, now its only for the viewers to simply watch and promote.
Rated 5/5. Thanks for showing this, I really don't want youtube turned to hulutube... cuz hulu doesn't even work in hong kong!!!! And if I lose youtube and all of it's contents... *shakes fist angrily*
The free Youtube is already dead. As soon as Google bought Youtube, it was party over. The Internet needs a new place to express free speech; Youtube cannot and will not be saved. The only truly free place, dare I say it, is /b/.
Hey, Google is a pretty good company compared to others. Sure, they're monopolistic, but they're also fairly open with their technology.