Laser Arena Created by Ipody What I have created is a Laser Tag map. Base: ___-.Foundry Supported Gametypes: Slayer Description: It works sort of like a paintball arena, but with some differences. Players spawn in a closed off room, pick up a carbine, and go through the teleporter into the main arena. After that it is a battle to see who can rack up the most kills. If you get hit, your shields do not recharge, but you can recharge them by getting the custom powerup in one of 4 recharge stations situated throughout the map. If you die, you respawn in the starting room. There are two honor rules in this gametype. One of them is that you must grab and use a carbine at all times when in the arena. The second is try to to avoid spawn camping. Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ ___ ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ ___ ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch The starting room where players pick up a carbine An overview of the arena Another overview of the arena A recharge station Another recharge station Download Laser Arena Download Laser Tag
wait, "they must use a carbine at all times"? are there other weapons on the map? EDIT: you can just change the gametype so that they start out with carbines and turn weapon pickup off
its a slayer gametype right? it should offer carbines as starting weapons. Do you think it has anything to do with it being on foundry?
I think its called Covenant Carbine on the weapons list, try that. btw, couldn't you just kill everybody that spawns in the carbine room with you at the beginning?
No, only your team spawns in the room with you. Also I checked, carbine is not in the starting weapon list. Just d/l it and give it a try. Feedback would be appreciated for a v2.
Hey Ipody, I just set the map to download to Halo 3 and the next chance I get I will be playing. Just thought I'd mention it looks great, and I really like the idea, I might run with it in the future!
You know that you can set the slayer settings so that people start with carbines right? If you didn't, now you know. I think the map has a pretty cool idea to it. There is much more that can be done with the map though. I guess you are giving it the simple feeling, but interlocking, geomerging, and originality, can make this map a whole lot better. Nice job though
I like the idea.. seems like a fun game I can play easily without people being over aggressive. Although, I think maybe some sort of objective mixed in with the game would make it more interesting. 7/10
I think this map could be much better if you made it on Sandbox and added FX to it so that it's really dark and recreates real laser tag. Otherwise, looks like a good map, I'll give it a shot.
I wanted to create it on Foundry so everyone could get a chance to play. I am actively working on more versions, and Ill take the Sandbox idea into account
Hey guys, Ive tried multiple times, but I really dont think you can make it so ppl spawn with carbines
Listen everyone. Stop spamming this kid's thread. Carbines due to a programming error are not a weapon you can start with, and not all maps have to be built on a specific map, so if you're only going to comment "Make it on Sandbox" GTFO. The map looks ok, nothing special but I can see some pretty fun agmetypes taking place in here.
Hey Ipody, so I finally got onto my xbox and interestingly enough five other people were on and wanted to try playtesting your map with me. We really liked it! However there were a few things that we didn't like. Here's what they are: 1. It's too easy to spawn camp, coming out of those teleporters and falling can be very disorientating at times. I don't know how much could be done to work around this though unfortunately. 2. Players can buddy jump up over the edge into the original Foundry hallways, walk in, and wait for people to spawn. Then kill them while they're arming up their carbines! This is a pretty simple fix, block the doors. 3. The map seems to be too busy. Although we loved the way it played. We want to build two or three other maps to work effectively with the game mode. We loved Paintball and couldn't help but fall in love with your idea. It is great! Other than that we (being a few good friends and myself) want to play around with the weapons. We think it would be cool to have a few weapon types available (IE, Carbine, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Pistol perhaps, etc) Thanks for the map, it was tons of fun and will be a great addition to our next LAN party.