(**** Zombies) The Night

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by patt06snipe, Apr 18, 2009.


Do you like the new map so far?

  1. Not Good

    2 vote(s)
  2. Ok

    4 vote(s)
  3. Great

    7 vote(s)
  4. Excellent, but doesnt' beat the original

    5 vote(s)
  1. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    'Judgement' **** Zombies "The Asylum"

    (name due to change)

    Map Status

    First Floor - 100% FORGED
    Second Floor - 100% FORGED
    Second Floor Walls and Traps - 100% FORGED
    Zombie Spawn System - 100% FORGED
    Roof of House (more like an enlarged vertical rise) - 100% FORGED
    Aesthetics inside House - 100% FORGED
    Aesthetics outside House - 100% (forging)
    Random Weapon Box - 100% FORGED




    As many people may have heard, Master Debayter along with RivalMass have created a trend in remaking COD5's addictive **** Zombies game. For many months they have been working on recreating this crazy game and map that requires team work and skill with killing nasty zombies. They have come to near completion in their map as they are now testing and fixing problems with the game/map. I have seen what they have recreated although not played it, and it looks simply amazing. Forged to near perfection the map is an eye opener that attracts even the most bored custom game player. They are hopeing to release the map soon as well as the finished gametype "Judgement" - note the thread title. Multiple things have been remade in their map like, the random weapon box, zombies climbing through walls and even the blocked off 'Help Room'. Together all of this nearly perfects **** Zombies in Halo 3 and has inspired me to continue the trend they have created.

    If you have not heard of their map here is a link to take you to it. It is really something.

    Link -- The Last Day

    What this thread is for is the extra map you can play with the "Judgement" gametype soon after the release of the Original map made by Master Debayter and RivalMass. This add on map will help continue on the trend of this awesome idea and hopefully keep the players looking for new content for "Judgement".


    The New Map - "The Asylum"

    Bottom Floor Rooms (4 different ones)


    Stairway going up to Top Floor


    Top Floor (contains Random Weapon Box)




    The Random Weapon Box (doesn't look that great--I'll come back and re-make it now that I know how to.)


    Outside Areas where the zombies teleport to from their spawn area. (had to do this because part of the map is blocked off for 2 mins by opening doors just like the new **** zombie map for COD5.)


    Map Info.

    The way the map works is simple

    Humans are split into 2 teams of 6, one team on top floor and the other on the bottom floor. About 1/4 of the map is blocked off for 2 minutes in the beginning of the map by 1 dumpster door downstairs, 1 dumpster door upstairs and 1 crate/invisibility door upstairs. At the 5 minute mark man cannons spawn and humans just run up to the dumpsters and they automatically open. The crate door is more like a defense mechanism for the humans. There is one zombie window in the blocked off area but the zombies cannot access the teleporter to it until the 5 minute mark, so everything is pretty much worked out by this time. The remaining humans at the 5 minute mark must make a last stand and fight to survive. Weapons are limited so be wise about ammo.


    first floor weapons

    1X BR
    1X Assualt Rifle
    1X Frag Grenade
    1X Mauler
    1X SMG

    second floor weapons

    1X BR
    1X Carbine

    + Random Weapon Box

    The gametype being used for the map is the well known COD5 remake of **** Zombies by MasterDebayter and RivalMass.


    Human Traits:
    - 300% Damage Resistance
    - 90% Speed
    - 110% Damage
    - No Shields
    - 110% Shield Recharge Rate
    - No Vehicle Use
    - Infinite Ammo Disabled
    - Starting Weapon Magnum
    - Vehicle Use Disabled


    Zombie/Attacker Traits:
    - 90% Damage Resistance (100% in VIP varient)
    - 110% Speed
    - 75% Damage
    - Normal Shields
    - 50% Shield Recharge Rate
    - 50% Leech
    - Full vehicle use
    - Infinite Ammo Disabled
    - Starting Weapon Plasma Pistol
    - Weapon Pickup Disabled


    Custom Powerup Traits:
    - 125% Speed
    - Forced Color Zombie
    - 500% Damage Resistance
    - No Shields
    - No shield recharge
    - 100% Leech
    - Immune to headshots disabled.


    Judgement Scoring:
    - 1 Point Awarded per Zombie Kill
    - 2 Points Awarded per Infection
    - -1 Points per Suicide

    (The above pictures are from Master Debayter and RivalMass's original map.)

    Camping Problem: FIXED







    **Map Updates will be Made every couple of days.
    #1 patt06snipe, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 10, 2009
  2. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Eh, the name is OK at most... I'll try to think of a better one for you... because seriously:

    Judgement on the Night.

    It doesn't sound right.

    Also, I have a third idea to the camping problem.

    Divide the humans into seperate groups. In other words, spread the spawns throughout the map and limit access to the other areas. Over time, allow the humans to regroup. This will kill off some of the humans in the beginning, and give the zombies a fair chance when all of the "first wave survivors" join up together. Also, the more humans in the game, the more seperated they will be.

    I got the idea from the new **** Zombies map BTW, and I think it'll work well in a Halo 3 setting.

    P.S. You might want to take the info about the VIP Traits out of the gametype description, because I don't know if you're making this map compatible with "the Fallen" gametype.
    #2 Master Debayter, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  3. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ha I know, the names a bit unflowing...but i did take the VIP stuff off..i meant to do that before i hit submit.

    The camping problem-

    I guess then i will mix my idea 2 and your idea together to make it all work out. For the seperation of the humans i will have to think through a lot of things to get it all right. So half humans on top and half humans on bottom. i can put in the doors i have been workn on lately to keep the humans seperated. Then the area where they join up will have to be blocked off from the zombies for a certain amount of time.

    HAHAHA i can just see everybody freakin out and yelln and stuff when they start to get over run...lol can't wait.
  4. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty good so far. I think that more pictures should be placed on this so that we can determine where weapon placement is and things like that. Otherwise this is on its way, as long as more people start supporting Judgement first!
  5. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I'm actually considering making a guide to Judgement maps, after patt is done and I make another one on Foundry.

    What I'm thinking of is kind of what AZN FTW originally did with conquest when he made the write up. Only I'll do it for Judgement.
  6. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man. Ya, I have actually gotten a lot done the past days. The random weapon box is made along with the two doors, trap/blockade, and the upstairs. Ha so basically everything but zombie spawns and all that. The random box is kinda crude so I might fix it up a bit..I don't have any walls or anything except doors and 1 fence wall and stairs and a window..so right now the box is not perfect looking. I hope to get some screens up soon to give a better idea of the map and where weapons are and stuff.

    Cool. That would be really tite if this became a contest or just somethin that people made maps for or somethin like that. I think I can get my map out in like 2 weeks if everything goes well..gotta play test, fix problems/complaints, and get some action screens of the finished version.

    NOTE the name: The Asylum IDK what you guys think..is that good? -- Judgement on The Asylum
    #6 patt06snipe, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  7. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Finally. Im happy you added more pics of the map. I was getting anxious to see how its coming. Congrats on getting most of the map done. The map is forged neatly, from the pics, and has that Judgement feel to it. only problem is the random weapon box, a little sloppy but fixable. keep going with this. cant wait to see the final version!
  8. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, the map looks MUCH BETTER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE. The random box really needs that fix though patt...
  9. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    Once I get my hands on another Halo disk I will be sure to try and fix the random weapon box. Sorry for the wait but I am busy and am trying to find a way to get the disc without buying a third copy. Yes they have all been scratched. My xbox gobbles them up... :(
  10. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Is that just for Halo 3, or all of your games?

    By the way, my Xbox comes back some time tomorrow. Maybe I can fix up the box? I repaired the box when it wasn't working for our map. The only problem may be my AP homework that needs to get done by Friday...
  11. R3pentance

    R3pentance Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol i thought the link in your forum sig was to the old thread and i had that in history so i never bothered clicking it

    yer this map looks awesome, knowing my xbox it'll break the same day as testing starts.
  12. IxUnseenxL

    IxUnseenxL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm curious on how the random box works, when you shoot the fusion coil does it cause as explosion and a weapon pops out the window?
  13. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    At least, it looks like a good infection map. At most, I could imagine 4 humans fending off 12 zombies through the chasms of this **** Zombies level in an intense resistance effort. I don't know how it will fare during most of the times played on it. So even if it usually doesn't work out I'll still give the map an 8 out of 10.
  14. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. I play tested it yesterday with about 7 people and the map worked out fairly well. There were improvements I had to make after just for the real testing and I think this weekend should be good for testing with all of you.

    Everyone who played it at my house loved it...lol lots of intense moments. I do need to fix the random weapon box, or have RivalMass re-make it for me. It works really well right now and I think I will leave it how it is for testing and then do the re-make before posting the final version of the map.

    MasterDebayter and R3pentance -- Do both of you guys have your xboxes fixed?...ready for testing.
    #14 patt06snipe, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  15. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Still waiting on the delivery of my xbox.
  16. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Either you or RivalMass should re-make the box..there aren't many items to use though.
  17. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well my xbox is back, and I'm on Live right now. I lost my 1600 microsoft points that I put in from my point card and can't download the Mythic Map Pack on my console now though.

    So I probably can't help out tonight.
  18. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Wait, why do you need Mythic? Its on Foundry...
    #18 patt06snipe, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  19. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's not the point. They jacked me of 1600 MS points and I want them back. I need to call Microsoft and complain.
  20. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    K. I guess let me know when things are workd out with them.

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