Ghostly Tremors V2 Ghostly Tremors V2 made by D4RKDEMON NOT THE LIL TIT I2 NINJA 4U reccomended 2-4 players (4 max) Ghostly Tremors! Code: [URL=""][SIZE=5] : Halo 3 File Details[/SIZE][/URL] Ghostly tremors race rules! Code: [URL=""][SIZE=5] : Halo 3 File Details[/SIZE][/URL] D4rkdemon's latest creation feutures 2 180 degree banked turns more tremors and way more jumps Vehicles: Ghosts (ONLY) pictures overview begining [/URL] jump [/URL] tremors [/URL] final 3 jumps [/URL] last straight [/URL] Underview! [/URL] if you missed the links map : Halo 3 File Details game type : Halo 3 File Details
The track design looks cool and the forging looks pretty good but I'm not a fan of ghost racing... it should be mongoose racing becuase they take for skill lol... but I guess if you want alot of jumps ghosts are the way to go... prety good map =)
Nice map. This is a great v2 but you should straighten out the columns in the 1st and 2nd pic. I'll dl 5/5 This map plays great the part at the end is really cool I had fun playing this locally. It would be cool if could make more.
This track came pretty quick after the first we made mainly because verson 1 had alot more bugs this took 1 test and 1 fix and every thing is cheat proof and merged properly.The only thing i would teach myself to do better is the jumps landings as some of them have a little bump and can be annoying to some racers. Thanks to all the testers: Andydragoon carmine65 and others of names i cannot remember. =)
Very good map i downloaded 1 and 2. I just suggest maybe making 2 download links. Both links are the same maps, but one map has ghosts and the other has mongooses. Im not a fan of ghosts either but heck ill still race it seems cool. You will probably satisfy more people and get more downloads with both links.
well our ghost tracks cannot be used with mongooses you should try it wont happen the wonky colloms in pic 1 and 2 are suppose to be there for scenery
maybe for a 3rd version you can use diffrent things for rythem sections and make it look more "destroyed".
thanks for all of the constructive critisim you guys. You will be glad to know v3 will be in construction with in the week and plus d4rkdemon is making more infection map. This may look like a bump post but it isnt i just didnt know where else to post this reply. Thanks again and ill see you soon. peace i2 NI
Wow, looks like a fun map. What I think is that the ghosts could be good or bad. Some turns there look like it would take a speeding ghost off guard. But anyway, swell job, I'll give it a 4/5.
Ninja said some of the corners catch you off guard escpecially the 4th one right before the first tremors section. Thanks for the input v3 in coming slowly (lacking ideas) =0
we have updated the map to make it neater and cleaner and afew more asthetics. just wait for d4rkdemon to edit post