Sandbox Running Water

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Silentfury45, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. Silentfury45

    Silentfury45 Ancient
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    Running Water :viral:

    Author: Silentfury45
    Supported Gametypes: Infection
    Recommended Gametypes: Infection
    Recommended Players: 3-10
    Time Taken To Complete: Around 21-26 Hours













    Spawn as a blood-thirsty zombie who lurks through sewers to feast on the humans or as a lonely human with only a shotgun who just wants to get the hell outta there!

    Spawning as a Human:
    Humans spawn with shotguns normal health inside the house they can either go pick up a trip mine and camp or can go up to the second level or where ever they think would be a good spot. They even have access to the top roof.

    Now unfortunately i wanted them to be able to pick up land mines because they are to funny when you kill someone, but you can pick up there sword that they spawn with. So either tell your friends not to pick it up or forget it and camp with sword shotgun.

    Zombie Spawn:
    The zombies have two main spawns and that's it. They do have a little under health i believe so it not easy to kill them but its not a pain to kill them, NOT FATKID.

    Zombie Spawn #1:
    You spawn in the little room that leads out into tunnels. This spawn is a very important spawn and is why i basically named the map "Running Water". They can either go through the left or right tunnel, both are the same, and it will bring you to an opening. The best view of this is picture 10 where you see the room the pipes come out of.
    At this point you have 4 choices you can make.

    Choice #1:
    Walk around to out front and flank the enemy.
    Choice #2: Go through the teleporter witch is in front of you, go straight up a grav lift and get shot out onto the first level that the humans spawned on. *Hint this is a good spot to lay a trip mine down if your a human.
    Choice #3:
    Go up the pipes on your right. The cannon man will shoot you straight up and right into the second level of the building. This is great because i know some other infection maps where people didn't but a lot of entrances i wanted that.
    Choice #4:
    Go up the pipes on your left. The cannon man will shoot
    you straight up and onto the roof. More access to the humans:)

    The Roof:
    The roof is similar to my Starrgaze roof but not exaclty the same thing. The roof offers openings in it for zombies to drop down onto the second level. It is a very cool feature that I don't see alot in other maps and was glad to put it in my Running water map.

    Zombie Spawn #2: In front of the house zombies can also spawn. They can go off the two cannon mans to the side and get launched on top of the roof where they can drop down, or can go through the center cannon man and get launched into the first level, right through the front door.

    And NO my cannon mans are not always perfect, a little flaky so if you miss the roof and fall down just walk around to the back and hop in the pipes or teleporter.

    Hope you enjoy my map and check out all the other maps I have created.

    VARIANT INCLUDED: RUNNING WATER INFECTION VARIANT (needed unless you just want to look around)

    Any questions, concerns, tips, suggestions, feedback, please post a reply or send me a email at

    My Other Maps-
    Fort Millenium

    #1 Silentfury45, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  2. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    i think this map looks pretty fun.
    it seems to me like a city. i wish youd add more pictures because it is hard to tell the layout, and spawns and weapons.
    ill give this a 3/5 right now due to the fact that there arent many pics.
    from the overals though i can tell this is a "claustrophobic" map. due to the closeness of it (duh) this could be an intense map. ill get back to you when i see more pics
  3. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    Just a tip... I dont know if you can change it now but should have put the map label as "Infection" rather than "Sandbox" because it is indeed infection-ous... Looks like a really nice map though. (Personaly I've seen enough infection maps for a while [even though I just made two] :p)
  4. Hazza412

    Hazza412 Ancient
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    Nice Map!

    The first thing I noticed was how long it must have taken you to actually make the main building, it looks very neatly done (Apart from one thing - I'll come back to it in a moment.) And I like the paths/walkways/catwalks, and, the tunnels around the sides of the building, that brings me to my first question;
    Can you walk around inside all of those tunnels, or are some of them just for show?

    And then onto my second;
    What are the zombie's and Human's stats on your gametype? Because if the zombies are to weak, they're not going to stand a chance of getting in the building.

    But, aside from that, I can only think of a few ways that you could improve this map, and they wouldn't make gameplay much better, only make the map look nicer, these are - To make the roof of the main building straighter (Because the panels look kind of off, although that may just be the pictures.) And to put the custom powerups in line with the middle of the middle of the boxes in picture 5. And finally, to maybe merge the mancannons into the boxes slightly, to make that part of the map play a little smoother.

    Overall, I'm going to give this map 4/5, and I'll give a more thorough review on the gameplay when I get back off my holiday.
    Nice work, I look forward to seeing some of your other maps.
  5. Silentfury45

    Silentfury45 Ancient
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    Thanks man ya ill defiantly make a whole game play paragraph, i uploaded all my maps pretty quickly so i didn't gave time to write about them. I will take your tips into consideration.

    And ya the tunnels are used, they will be explained in my game play paragraphs.

  6. Silentfury45

    Silentfury45 Ancient
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    Nice observation ya ill defiantly add some more pics i was sort of in a rush to get all my maps uploaded and stuff last night so ya ill add more pics today.

  7. Silentfury45

    Silentfury45 Ancient
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    Unfortunately i can't i would if i could...thanks though

    And Np Problem Hazza412

    #7 Silentfury45, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  8. Hazza412

    Hazza412 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah, Okay, Thanks for making that gameplay paragraph, it makes things Alot clearer now than it was. So thanks for that. =]

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