Hey guys, i just finished making this Sub- zero sig., i know it is not that good, and will be expecting bad commentz, but in new at this sig making stuff! Sub Zero Sig. Tell me what u guys think, oh wait, forgot the stock, here it is! STOCK_ plzz tell me what u guys think! yes, im the guy who post his sigs in all of the post:lol:
Well, if you know its bad why post? But really, please quit putting your sig in all your posts its annoying.
Hopfully, one person will like it! Just pretend there is a imaginary line above the sig, then bam! no problems!
ah man, not u again! can u just plzz leave this thread so i dont get banned again and start causing more problems! Thnx Remember the (FAKE) line above the sig
Yeah Icecikle is right, you posting the signature in your posts might as well be spam. It's pretty annoying. About the signature itself in the OP, the effects or basic, there is to much open space on the right side and the text doesn't match the theme. Overall i'll give the signature 5/10
that's good for me, and i guess ill stop posting my sig. untill i get my privledge to were i have a sig section back! YES! 5/10, Best so far! thanx
Icecikle, you did not just go there. How can you insult that empty space like that. That's very rude. Obviously Frag Man took unbelievable amounts of time and effort into creating that blank space. Please, stop being so rude and insulting to fellow members. lol