Hey guys. Is it possible to geomerge in sandbox? There aren't any doors so I dont know if I can. Geomerging made maps alot of fun. So I was wondering if there is a different way to geomerge without doors?
I can't see how this is helping his problem, I just re-read this thread and it doesn't explain how to geomerge On Sandbox.... Correct me if i'm wrong? EDIT: And i too, still haven't figured out a way to geomerge on Sandbox :/
The whole premise behind using doors to geomerge was that it automatically interlocked. Now, using that same premise, interlock a block into another block (using braces) in the direction how you like it. Once they're interlocked, double tap the object you're geomerging and it should sink in. This produces the most accurate geomerge. If geomerging in the sky bubble, you must overload the map using trip mines. Then the grid will disappear, and you can save+quit objects to geomerge them.
Wow, thanks so much, that seems like it would make sense Ill test that out tonight, cuz i have a lacrosse game right now. Thanks so much
Did noone actually consider WHY geomerging worked with doors? Honestly, if you even spend ten seconds to see that doors are interlocking you could come to the conclusion yourself that interlocking should push objects. But no, no critical thinking or asking questions of anything, just this is how it is because it is because thats how it is. Sometimes I feel like the only one who doesn't like that answer to my frequent question "why?"
What's your point? They could reach conclusions much faster by just looking at the original F101, but obviously they didn't. So someone linked it to him. If he had reached conclusions then, he would have understood that it applies to any map with immovable objects.
UGH, it's on all maps, not just sandbox! See below the first two screenshots? You obviously didn't read it, but it applies to sandbox too!!!
If you read his post, he was asking how to Geomerge without doors. Now look at what I linked....the old method of geomerging, which did not need doors. The above posts are correct, Geomerging with doors saved time because you did not need to restart the round to interlock them into the object you wanted to merge with the map geometry. The old method works on any map that has immovable objects, Sandbox included.