Sandbox Halo Wars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by CheeseJam, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Halo Wars

    'Halo Wars' is different than any other Halo 3 map you have played before. It combines the strategic element of Halo Wars and the action element of Halo 3, to bring you a whole new gaming experience. At first it may seem complex, but once you understand how it is played, you will love it!

    Story: In 'Halo Wars', two Rebel armies have spotted each other's bases in a desert, exiled from civilization. These Rebel armies are mean, and want nothing other than to destroy everything they see. They use anything they can buy, UNSC or Covenant technology, to destroy their enemy. They have access to similar funds, weapons, and troops, but how they use them will determine the victor. They must use their minds and their combat skill to win. The Rebel War has begun.

    How to play: 'Halo Wars' combines strategy and action to create a whole new Halo 3 experience. The explanation may sound complicated at first, but you will quickly catch on.

    Let me explain this map in an 8 vs. 8 situation, the ideal number of people to play it on (8-16 players work well). Each team has one Commander. The Commander is the brains of the battle, and chooses what troops, vehicles, and weapons go into battle. The Commander spawns trapped to a roof, with a overhead view of the entire battlefield. Everyone else spawns trapped in individual boxes. The Commander starts out with 8 Sniper shots, basically his money or funds. He can choose to: release players from their boxes to fight, gives existing players more powerful weapons, or give existing players vehicles. The Commander gets 8 more shots each minute to simulate gaining funds.

    The other players spawn in one of two types of trapped rooms. Two players spawn trapped in the base, and 5 spawn trapped in boxes above the base, ready to drop in like ODSTs. The two players in the base are trapped in separate open topped tubes. The Commander must shoot a pallet that drops a Gravity Lift down to the trapped soldiers, which they then use to escape the base, and enter the battlefield. The other five troops have blocked teleporters in their boxes. The Commander must shoot pallets to unblock the teleporters, which allows a player to drop down to fight.

    There are four vehicles accessible by each team: A Transport Hornet, a Wraith, a Mongoose, and a Warthog. The Warthog spawns at your base free of charge (like in Halo Wars), and respawns every two minutes. The other vehicles must be "purchased". At the start, the Mongoose is available for one shot; You simply shoot it once to have it drop down to players. The Wraith spawns at the one minute mark (and one minute after it is destroyed). To drop it down, you shoot a pallet holding it up. The Hornet also spawns at the one minute mark. To release it to the battlefield you shoot a fusion coil, dropping it into play.

    Each player starts with a Shotgun. The Commander, as already stated, gets a Sniper. The other players get Battle Riffles, and have unlimited ammo. There are three available weapons to drop down: A Sniper, a Brute Shot, and a Fuel Rod Cannon. Each can be dropped down by shooting them once. The Commander is always on a constantly spawning Custom Powerup that gives him invulnerability, limited ammo, and invisibility. The other players have double the health with no recharging shields and 150% speed, due to the large size of the map. The Commander has a massive radar, and the players have regular radar.

    The map itself: This map is on the middle level of Sandbox with blocked off lasers. The map contains five bases: A home base for each side, and three central bases. The home bases have one turret each, two man cannons each (for quicker travel on the HUGE map), and some cover. The main central base is the largest of the bunch. It has two turrets and a Power Drain. One of the central bases, The Sniper Tower, is a small elevated base with a Deployable Cover. The other central base, nicknamed (by chung_wii) the **** Base, is a very small close quarters base with a Bubble Shield inside.

    The gametype: The gametype is Territories. Each of the five bases have a territory with a 60 second capture time. The time limit is unlimited, and the Territories do not lock on capture. When a player is capturing or inside a captured territory, their shields recharge at a 50% rate. First team to control all five territories wins.

    Cost overview ($=number of shots):
    Player - 2$
    Sniper - 1$
    Brute Shot - 1$
    Fuel Rod Cannon - 1$
    Wraith - 2$
    Transport Hornet - 1$
    Mongoose - 1$


    The Commander spawn.

    Five of the player spawns.

    The weapons.

    Some Gravity Lifts waiting to be dropped down.

    A mongoose preparing for action.

    A Wraith getting ready for its plunge.

    A glimpse at a few of the teleporters you must unlock as a Commander to allow players to spawns into battle.

    Front view of one of the main bases.

    Top view of one of the main bases.

    A Mongoose bouncing into an almost smooth landing.

    The central "****" base.

    The central "Sniper Tower" base.

    Overview of the battlefield.

    The main central base.

    The weapons after they have dropped down.

    A true trooper entering battle.

    What the vehicles look like after they drop down.

    Overview of the "behind the scenes" stuff up high in the map.

    The proccess: I have made countless maps in Farcry and Farcry 2, games with actual map creators. I have forged a few map here and there, but nothing fantastic. I made a Demolition Derby and two Obstacle Cources no one could beat, but all that stuff is easy to create. Simple. 'Halo Wars' was not. Out of hundred of maps I have made in my lifetime in all sorts of games, I have never been so frustrated, pissed off, and eager to chuck my 360 off a cliff as I have been while making 'Halo Wars'. Every time I found a one problem, I found three more. Every time I found a solution, I found two more problems. Half of my solutions that should have worked, didn't. I think due the extremely complex nature of this map, it was bound to happen, but I wasn't prepared for such a workload. This map took me over 30 hours, 300 custom games, and 36 variations. If I would have known what I was doing, and exactly how to do it, I may have finished it in 10 hours. I guess this is what I get for trying to complete such an ambitious "true" first project.

    There were so many more things I wanted to add, but couldn't because their cons outweighed their pros. I wanted to add more vehicles, more diverse weapons, but couldn't because of balance and item limit issues. I had to add all sorts of extra objects to prevent cheating too. Overall I am pleased with this new type of Halo 3 map, although I wish I could have added more. I pray to god that you have more fun playing this map than I had making it! :)


    The map: Halo Wars

    The gametype: Exile (Named after a map in Halo Wars and because of how the level is in an isolated desert.)

    8-16 players recommended!

    Thanks: Thank you to A PREDAT0R, chung_wii, The Atrain11, and everyone else for ideas and helping me Forge some of the map! :)

    Final Notes: I hope everyone enjoys, basically, my first real map! I had trouble getting enough people to play test it, but tested it a TON myself. My main goal was great gameplay, and I did my best to incorporate good visuals. Let me know of any glitches you encounter. Have fun! :)
    #1 CheeseJam, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  2. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    One word: Awesome! this looks so creative its sick DLing nao! 11/10...

    one reccomendation, switch the names... so that its "Halo Wars on Exile" not "Exile on Halo Wars"
    #2 Arvas, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  3. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    does this count as a minigame excactly?
    Oh well, looks like tons of fun when you have 14-16 people
  4. Griphphin

    Griphphin Ancient
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    Map looks phenomenal, going to recommend this to my friends.
  5. The Demons Den

    The Demons Den Ancient
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    This looks AMAZING! This is the most original and inventive map I've ever seen. I'm definitely downloading. If only you could choose how many shots were in a spartan laser. If you could, you could turn it into a purchasable MAC blast with one shot. That would be crazy. Well done.
  6. sethkasketch

    sethkasketch Ancient
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    i'm gunna dl, feedback soon but it looks really good map

    EDIT: i really have no idea what to make of this map. Personally, i don't like it
    looks a lot better in the screenshots. i like some of the ideas though. Like, using the outside of sandbox and
    blocking off the gaurdians like i did in the map in my signiture.
    to be honest, it's well made, but slightly too complicated and i don't really think it plays too well
    good on you for all the effort though
    #6 sethkasketch, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  7. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
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    Every halo wars map I come across to does not fix the problem of the commander just opening everything from the start.
  8. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    I remember when I first saw this in the forums. This looks awsome, although I would suggest fixing up the bases a bit, they are a bit messy. Definitely a download for me. 5/5
    #8 Manoukian1414, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  9. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    this looks pretty sweet, although there are two minor problems. 1. The commander could just open everything up, which isnt very good. 2. With any map trying to remake a RTS, your not gonna be able to simulate the FOW (fog of war) you know, what prevents you from seeing what your enemy is doing, and stops people from shooting the entire distance of the map. But im not gonna say its bad that you didnt do that, cuz its not somethin that can be changed. Either way, i love the idea and the originalty is great.
  10. madcow015

    madcow015 Ancient
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    well there are some honor rules you have to follow but that shouldn't be a problem, i don't know why someone would download the map only to cheat on it. Other than that it looks like a very creative and fun map to play on, good work. =) DLing right now
  11. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Glad you guys like it! The Commander can't just open everything up because he gets limited money/shots. He starts with 8 shots and gets 8 more each minute.

    Madcow, what honor rules are you talking about? I don't really think there are any.
    #11 CheeseJam, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  12. dotsite

    dotsite Ancient
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    Was playing a 2v2 then a 3v3 with this earlier - loved it. Only annoying part was I was commander every time. =.=
  13. Ghost717

    Ghost717 Ancient
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    I also saw this map being discussed in the forums. It looks amazing everything is well forged and placed perfectly. I dl'd but didn't get enough people for custom games though. very creative and great forging. If only more people could play than just 16 total. 5/5
    I tested this out and the mongoose and wraith land pretty much perfectly next to the base and so does the hornet. I expect to see more amazing maps from you.
  14. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Glad you guys are enjoying it!

    I like being the Commander because then I don't have to trust someone else ;).
  15. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    hmm whered you get the idea? cuz im prrrrrrrrettttty sure i had this idea sept on foundry literaly a month ago.... maybe you stole my idea? ah well ideas are meant to be. its cool.
    anyways i think this version is pretty tight.
    sept i think the armies should be themed?
    like covent stuff on one side unsc on the other?
    i think you should have more definded classes... but thats just me.
    great job i will have to check this one outt
  16. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Can you guys read?
    How would you open up everything with only 8 shots....
  17. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    This map/mini-game is incredibly unique. I am amazed at the level of strategy and detail that goes into each game on this map. The system for the spawning of troops and delivering weapons is ingenious. 10/10, this map is great!
  18. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Wow, I am rarely impressed with an idea, but this is a great one (check my posts if you don't believe me...). While the concept is great the map does not fully utilize it, and it is a shame for it to not do so. All I can hope for is that you decide to do a second version, or perchance permit me to aid in a redux, as this game could be amazing.

    A Few Ideas (so you see what I mean)
    1. Snipers trapped in crates, that have no respawn and once blown up will force spawn one for your commander (functioning like supply crates).
    2. Areas that can be controlled (by using a basic double flip switch [one for each team]) and then allow special units to be dropped in.
    3. More buildings, especially man made causways, to add to the Halo Wars feel.
    4. A more advance purchasing system in which you set up multiple units that are suspended by stacked pallets, which represent the total cost.
    5. Changing the commanders locale to two locations, the base and the overview (skybubble platform). This would allow for the more advance purchasing system I refered to.

    And many, many more...
  19. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Go ahead and make you own version, it is fine with me. There is only so much you can do with the item limit, which is really what held me back. I didn't think of supply crates. They would be cool if they were blocked from the commander.

    I am not sure how a switch lets different units to come in, can you elaborate a bit?

    I really had just enough money for the essentials, so couldn't have added as much as I'd like. What really held me back was preventing cheating with extra objects.

    I mean all these things would be great, but only if you could pull it off. For example, I am out of pallets, so I can't add a "total" cost for something. I had so much more I wanted to do, but lots of my ideas caused way too many problems. :(

    If you think you can make a better map like this, I am all for it! :)
    #19 CheeseJam, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  20. ZeroXFallen

    ZeroXFallen Ancient
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    Beautiful. It's almost as close as you can get to the real thing (on Halo 3). I give this a 9/10, and a 4.5/5. Good forging. A question though-If you "buy" snipers for your troops, can't they use those to buy stuff themselves? Also, i (personally) would change certain things. For example, i'd make a stack with vehicles and pallets. Example : First pallet, you get a Warthog that doesn't respawn or so. On top of this would be a pallet with a Gauss Hog, so once you buy a Warthog, eventually you can upgrade to a Gauss Hog that wouldn't spawn right away. This could also be done with Hornets (Transport-->Regular), and basic weapons. (AR-->BR-->SR-->Rockets-->Lazer) Etc. IMO, if done right, this could be a cool upgrading system.

    Of course, i'm too much of an idiot to make this myself. >_< On a sidenote, you should consider making a V2: A Covies version.. >:D (Sentinel Beam = Cleansing Beam lol?)
    Two other things : You should make the supply interval two minutes, instead of one. It'd also help to have the custom powerup on instant respawn. And...the commander can snipe players, ya know. Does the powerup lower his damage to 0? if not, it should.
    #20 ZeroXFallen, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009

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