[Gametype] Extraction

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HLG FlashPoint, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Extraction is a gametype where you defend your VIP While trying to get to the extraction zone.

    Point of the game:
    You try to get your VIP to the extraction zone, The enemy tries to ambush you. You have to stay close to your VIP and advance forward.
    There are 3 goals you have to get to. The first and second are checkpoints and the 3rd is the last one.


    Score to win: 3
    Goal arrival points: 1

    VIP settings:
    Single Vip: Enabled
    Next VIP: Random
    VIP Death ends round: Enabled
    Goal Areas: Enabled
    Goal Movement: Move on arrival
    Goal Movement Order: Sequence

    VIP Traits:

    Sheilds and Health:
    Damage Resistence : 90%
    No Sheilds
    100% Sheild recharge
    50% Leech

    Weapons and Damage
    Damage modifier 110%
    Primary weapon: Magnum
    No grenades
    No weapon pickup

    100% Speed
    100% gravity
    Vehicle passenger only

    Allies only sensor
    150 meters

    Poor camo
    Wapoint visible to allies
    Forced color: Black

    VIP Proximity traits:

    Influence radius: 25 meters

    Sheilds and health:
    Damage resistence: 110%
    Sheild multipler: Normal Sheilds
    Seild recharge rate: 100%
    Sheild Vampirism: 10% leech

    Weapons and Damage:
    Damage Modifier: 125%
    Weapon Pickup: Enabled

    Speed: 110%
    Gravity: 100%
    Vehicle Use: Full Use

    Mode: Normal Mode
    Range: 25 Meters

    Wapoint: Visible to allies
    Forced Color: Black

    VIP Team Traits:

    Sheilds and Health:
    Damage Resistence: 100%
    Sheild Multiplier: Normal Sheilds
    Sheild Recharge rate: 90% Slower

    Weapons and Damage:
    Damage Modifier: 125%
    Primary weapon: SMG
    Weapon Pickup: Enabled

    Speed: 100%
    Gravity: 100%
    Vehicle Use: Full use

    Mode: Normal
    Range: 10 meters

    Waypoint: Visible to allies
    Forced color: Black

    General Settings:
    Number of Rounds: 4
    Time Limit: 15 minutes:
    Friendly Fire: Enabled

    Base player Traits:

    Sheilds and Health:
    Damage Resistence: 110%
    Sheild Multiplier: Normal Mode
    Sheild recharge rate: 110%

    Weapons and Damage:
    Damage Modifier: 125%
    Primary Weapon: SMG
    Secondary Weapon: Magnum
    Weapon Pickup: Enabled

    Speed: 125%
    Gravity: 100%

    Mode: Normal Mode
    Range: 75 Meters

    Waypoint: Visible to allies

    Respawn Settings:
    Synchronize with time: Enabled
    Respawn time growth: Enabled ( Every time you die your spawn time increases 2 seconds, everytime you kill someone it goes down 2 seconds)
    Respawn on Kills: Enabled

    Okay now on to the map details:
    I haven't made a map for this gametype yet, but I have tested it. I am in the process of making a map for this But it won't be released till summer probaly ( May 27 is the day i get out of school so somtime near there)

    How to build a map for this gametype:

    The map must have many possible ambush points as well as a lot of cover for the ddefending team, There must be at least 1 Sniper on the map ( Preferably near the attacking teams spawn) and a shotgun near the Defending teams spawn.
    The map must also be able to hold close and long range battles.
    The path must have a lot of cover so the defending team doesn't get too overwhelmed. There must be at least one place where you can look down at the map.
    There must not be any plasma grenades or fire nades, only frag and spike.
    The reason why is because fire nades are too powerful and so are plasma nades. Frag nades are good for maps with lot of turns nd the spik is good for narrow pathsor close combat situations.
    There must not be any rocket launchers because they are way to powerful. Fuel rods are exceptable because they don't do as much damage and can't blast the other team in one hit.
    Try to keep the power weapons on the defending side because it is weaker for the defending team.
    There must be 3 goals One must be close to the defending spawn, the second must be at the center and the last should be on an elevated position. Maybe a building.

    Okay well thats it, Please comment, download and rate

    Download Extraction

    W00T NO MORE WALL OF TEXT!!!!!!!
  2. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    So...are we allowed to make a map using this gametype then? I'll give you credit when I post it. Just double checking to make sure that is, in fact, the intent of this post.
  3. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    this seems pretty cool but yea im wondering the same thing. Because i could build a pretty wicked map around it and the last goal the vip and his crew get hornets =) if u survive.
  4. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hold on, for the VIP does shield leech work if you don't have shields?
  5. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't quite know actually but I would think it would give you more heealth but not more sheilds
  6. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I made a maze-type map in Foundry designed for infection but I guess it can work for this gametype too. Once I finish touching it up I will get it tested.
  7. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude, we gotta play this sometime. I missed your WoW thing so I didn't get a chance to try it out.
  8. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya but on big maps its not fun its better on smaller maps becuz of the close quarter battle

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