Hmmm... A surrealist look would look cool. If you wanted to make some sort of environmental statement, you could make all the natural stuff look blue and all the man made stuff regular colors that are a little more vibrant. I think I'm reading too far into the useless possibilities at your disposal...
i wanted to keep the blue hues as i mentioned in the OP...but i think the mountains need brown (although I may color them blue anyways) if thats the case, ill color the trees blueish as well.. and no sun...the sun makes the sky look unreal...not surreal...just unreal.
Muahaha, Sarge, I believe the tables have turned! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *ahem* Try adding frosted trees and falling snow. Trees are really not that hard to do in graphics.
already mentioned. but falling snow can be cool except sarge is adding perspective.. it'll make it look weird
I agree with this, but, you could make like very colorful trees and a river, then a bunch of gray houses that are really bland, that would be a statement!
I like this idea better. It would say something bout keeping everything natural! houses made out of wood= less trees= not helping environment = the house is bland. @Frag- ok fine, you win.
ill figure out the color scheme on my own lol... i just need stuff to put into it... then if i have time i may incorporate the surrealist perspective. and you two talking about spam...quit it. Miraj: a post pointing out spam = spam itself.
Sarge, it's a very hard concept for people here to understand. Take it easy on them. Anyhow, add lumps in the snow. It's impossible to have level ground. Also put foot prints in there.
last time I did a snow picture, I did a log cabin (Smoke coming out of a chimney of course) a siberian husky, the hardest part, and a northern lights like thing in the sky. But, this was on paper...
That's like when your praying and a little kid tells on someone else because they had their eyes open... Anyways, I think if your want to add color the mountains maybe use a purplish color. Brown (unless you use the right color) would set things off balance, but a purplish blue color would blend better.
Ok, then, umm, you need something cutting through it to give it depth. Anything, even a river like most people are saying, then as it gets closer and wider, have it drift off and go out the side of the picture. From there you can do a number of things, add floating ice into the stream, have an animal near it, trees, even people skiing if you really want.
totally similar to what i had originally envisioned, but i figured it would be too hard for me to draw...i cant draw for **** by hand...let alone with a mouse. was leaning towards purplish-blue actually, as it is the color of the mountains near my house and would fit the color scheme nicely but once picking the colors...i dont need that input really...sorry if you guys are excited about that, but i just need ideas.
you have no idea... ive had days where i had shitloads of ideas...and for one reason or another, they couldnt be realized when it came to assembling them which is why im just trying to get as many as i can.
yeah, I had to get alot of help from my teacher with the husky, but the cabin and trees mountains and smoke all came out good, oh and if you do put trees, don't put them in a straight line, but some behind others to give perspective to the drawing.