I'm in graphic arts at school (dont really care about it tbh) and I have a project I need to turn in... but I'm strapped for ideas... this is what I have so far. Any ideas? I really want to keep the white/blue contrast and dont really want to use any other colors.
whatever we want we just haveta use certain tools/things like i still haveta use a pattern brush, and some other brush (used calligraphic and art) still haveta use transparent and some other color besides solid still haveta use a shape but i just need ideas on where to take it, then i can use the tools as necessary.
You could make a snowman using some of those brushes, which would take care of the shape right? Then maybe a Kid or something... Maybe make his coat a pattern other than solid, then a a transparent snowflake.
Add some cartoony polar bears and/or penguins to the blank space. That's the first thing I see that could go there, because I'm sure what you could use to fill the blank space.
Make the sky portion larger, and pull down the mountains. That was you have less of a white space to work with.
eh im not looking to cop out... i like having it that high up...makes the expanse larger, just needta know what to fill it with. i originally had a river...but it didnt flow right (pun unintended)
use the ellipse selection tool or whatever it is and make a sun using the pattern brush so you have that out of the way.
There's no real feel of perspective, so it's hard to tell you how to fill that blank space. Maybe make the peaks extend farther down? You could add some more color to them, and make them recede a little more into the foreground. It could help the space issue, and give a little more of a concrete depth to it. Right now it looks like the background to a website, where the graphic is at the top for the title and the blank part is for actual page.
have a river come out of the moutains.. make it so it gets wider as it comes closer. and then shave few houses alongside the river. some "V"'s for the birds in the sky. add some clody effect in the sky to get some depth on the birds have some guy fishing in the river... etc..
Well his post was after mine But yeah, I like his idea a lot. Though, I think there should be at lest one penguin roaming around... I just had an idea. If you want to make it more unique, make it into an I Spy. Unless your just looking to do the bare minimum to get a good grade like I do, then ignore the I Spy thing.
Transparent clouds that look like a layer of haze just below the mountain peaks, slightly darken the land so the haze shows. You need to make the mountains larger, there is barely anything to work with.
Maybe draw another hill closer up but off to the side, to take up some more space and fill it in. Then add a cartoonish pinetree on the other side a bit closer up.
I'm not doing anything that requires more work on the mountains/sky I only have 1 hour to work on this tomorrow, and the white space needs to be somewhat filled... by redoing the mountains/sky, I cut my work time in half...at least...
trees are simple, so i could do that... and i was going to fill in the mountains with brown today, but im colourblind and couldnt pull up the extended colour-selection menu, so i decided to wait til tomorrow.
keep the blue contras.. make everthing blue even the trees... it looks cool that way... who said it has to be realistic? make it artistic (but add the yellow to the sun) hide a big sun behind the mountains.. making it look like sunset or sunrise..